Gwyneth Paltrow's: The Goop Lab - JonTron

Publicado 2020-04-12

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • "Can I interest you in Gwyneth Paltrow?" "No thanks. I read in news week that she drinks human blood." -Futurama. season 3 episode 15.
  • @MrBlitzpunk
    "there's no sexual contact, other than that anything goes" Me: commits tax fraud
  • So I just found out Ana Hito, the food editor and the only one who wasn't playing along, no longer works at Goop. Real shocker there.
  • @NickMK
    "if you look at the goop team, they are all carrying enormous amounts of pain and loss.." "And that is how we hire them, we look for the most emotionally vulnerable and susceptible people. You know... like a cult"
  • @Crystalluss
    "Health and wellness group." It's a cult, Gwyneth. You started a cult.
  • @PatTheBatmanFan
    They should call that show “Gwyneth Paltrow Sends Her Underlings Out To Do Shit She Would Never Do”
  • The Goop Saga just never ends. Elise no longer works at Goop and has called the wellness culture that Goop promotes "toxic." I'm now convinced that her telling Gwyneth to "shut up" at 10:07 was 100% genuine.
  • @jaxintheboxoxo
    “It’s with heavy heart and out of sync chakra” has to be one of my new favorite quotes and i will absolutely be using it
  • @flibbittygibbitt
    Saying "Shrek" during a psychic reading is cheating. Everyone's thinking of Shrek at any given moment in time.
  • Gwyn talks like a high-schooler desperately trying to fill the required word count on their essay
  • @masp4931
    I like how the "psychic" is just doing straight up cold reading.
  • I love the fact that Elise has since left goop and apparently called them "toxic" You know it's bad when Gwyneth's right hand woman walks up and realizes "maybe this isn't good for my body" 😂😂
  • @TheRealQuinten
    “The problem with the world is that the intelligent are full of doubts, while the stupid are full of confidence” - Charles Bukowski
  • @sm173y6
    Jon: “Until further notice, the show is going to be taking place here in my basement”. doesn’t upload again until the pandemic is over and returns to the original set
  • @RyuzakiHirokai
    9:49 I love how she comments that the goop staff carry so much pain, as if the only humans who suffer are allowed to work for goop.
  • "I sense... that someone in your life has a... birthday, coming up?" Slow clap. You nailed it. Fucking detective right there.
  • “No sexual stuff” proceeds to have immense sexual tension between three dudes
  • @desertrang3r
    "Im seeing a female figure on my upper righthand screen" Bruh she got a HUD irl
  • @AnimeGirlWaifu
    I only just now took the time to read the wrongful death waiver at 3:12 that Jon's team meticulously wrote, and every instance of death and injury mentioned in the first paragraph is a reference to the Workplace Saftey video
  • I’m convinced that the reason it was silent during the push-ups is so we don’t hear Gwyneth struggling to breath