One Can of Chickpeas Could Change The Way You Think About Meatloaf

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One Can of Chickpeas Could Change The Way You Think About MEATLOAF?
This chickpea meatloaf is out of this world and contains no gluten and no soy! I love making chickpea meat using chickpeas but making this meatloaf was awesome! I had leftovers for days, used it on sandwiches, and even crumbled it up over some rice on the last day (which was awesome)

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コメント (21)
  • 2 can chickpeas (safe the aquafaba) 1 cup chopped mushrooms 1 stalk celery (chopped) 1/2 yellow onion (chopped) 4 cloves garlic (chopped) 3 carrots (peeled & chopped) (Beet chopped) Whatever vegetables you desire 1 Tbsp olive oil 1 1/2 cup oats 3 tbsp flax 1 tbsp nutritional yeast 1/2 tbsp starch 1 tsp thyme 1/2 cup aquafaba 2 tbsp ketchup 1 tbsp yeast extract 1 tbsp bbq sauce 1 tsp liquid smoke 1 tsp smoekd paprika Pinch black pepper
  • I tried a similar recipe the first time around, but found the texture a bit too mushy. The 2nd time I mixed 2 recipes and used lentils instead of chickpeas, but added some chickpea flour. Pulsed the lentils and oatmeal, then added same veggie mix, but sauteed first. Similar seasoning, just added some cumin. Turned out way better. Freezes great, slice and wrap in parchment paper. Good got or cold in a sandwich. Crumbled in a tomato sauce with pasta as well..
  • to be mentioned during a chickpea video is one of life's highest honors
  • So I just made something based on this recipe, but I put the meatlessloaf into a cupcake pan, and when I took the little round meatlessloafs out I "frosted" them with ketchup and mustard dressing, and had what I've decided to call (obviously vegetarian) "meatcakes" for lunch. Thanks!
  • @HFC786
    Chickpeas and lentils are underrated perfect for bulking up meals and nutritious
  • @TS-eo9uf
    Please post a written recipe! I'm planning to make this later today!
  • When I make beetloaf, I shred the beets and carrots, and dice everything else. Helps distribute the color and makes for less distinct "beet bites"... Definitely adding your garbanzo version into my rotation!
  • I love recipes that don’t involve meat substitutes! Whole food recipes are my favorite! Mines in the oven! Can’t wait to try it!!
  • A suggestion on the beets, they work better grated and then minced a bit. I use them in bean burgers to provide the "rare" look.
  • @onyxxxyno
    I've been making lentil/chickpea loaves since the 90s. There was this really cool website that would generate a recipe based on your selected ingredients, so you could just pick what you had on hand.
  • @oatie_
    I love making my meatloaf with pinto beans which gives the perfect color to me. I like to call it beanloaf
  • Made it and it was very delicious. Will definitely make again. Subbed black beans and rehydrated dried mushrooms for garbanzo and fresh mushrooms. Sautéed the mushrooms after rehydrating. Used 1/2 golden beet instead of red.
  • I made a loaf using this vid as a guide. I shredded most of my veggies rather than chopping 'em. I made this yesterday but it is much better today. I also added a few leftovers I had in the frig. Some home made baked beans I made and some brown rice. I also added some asian hot pepper flakes for a slight kick. Served with jasmine rice and miso & mushroom sauce and some charred asparagus and lemon. Thank You!
  • @jnova3328
    I loved your video and would appreciate it if you would please include a list of the ingredients and steps for preparing your recipe in the area below your video. Thanks😊
  • Forgot the celery forgot the garlic…. I love it! That’s just how I cook, usually the realization hits after it’s served! 😆 Your channel popped up and I had to join in! I’m an inveterate omnivore but I have vegx friends I’d be happy to serve this for at a party. Thanks! ✌️
  • It would be nice to see the recipe written down somewhere.
  • One of my FAVORITE things to do with loaf leftovers is to make a cold loaf sandwich. I loved plain old white bread, a nice slice of cold loaf, a piece of cheese and SLATHERED with Mayo. Prior to becoming vegan it was of course with meatloaf, real cheese and real mayo. I have made several loafs using lentils and/or other beans. It tasted like beans though. Put into a sandwich it was reminiscent of a meatloaf sandwich as I remembered them. The glaze really helped contribute to the nostalgia, but also the Veganaise (which is REALLY good if you ask me) and vegan cheese has gotten so much better in the vegan world. Even the Lentil or Bean loaf jogged my memory of my favorite meatloaf sandwich. I'm interested in trying this. AND...I look forward to the leftovers to make my sandwiches.
  • @lor7435
    thank you for another meat substitute video that doesn’t use vital wheat gluten!! hope you’ll do more in future 😀
  • Really appreciate the no gluten, thousands of celiac patients looking for awesome recipes. It’s exhausting cooking all your own gluten free food, so every yummy new recipe really is a blessing, thank you so much.
  • I made this tonight--it was a big hit! I had a bunch of beets; there were only 3 and they were small, so I used all of them. Minced them in the food processor first. Tossed the greens into the pot of the vegan "bone" broth (still cooling on the stove). Thank you!