The Case of Lori Erica Ruff | What Dark Secret Was She Hiding?


コメント (21)
  • Is it just me or were her in-laws slightly obsessed with trying to find dirt on her? Investigating her history while she’s alive is one thing, but doing that after she passes is a bit crazy. They went through such extreme lengths to unravel someone’s life who had been private from the start. It’s a sad case and you’re left with many questions, but I hope Lori is now at peace.
  • Never get involved with a momma's boy. It never ends well.
  • They did EXACTLY what she was afraid they’d do. They broke up her marriage and took her daughter away. That breaks my heart.
  • The theory that seems the most believable to me is that she ran away from an abusive household. The somewhat childish interests she had make me think that she was sort of healing her inner child. It seems to me that all she wanted was having the nice family life she never had. Overall kinda sad the way she spiraled after her marriage fell apart.
  • I’ve heard her story many times and each time she was vilified. You’re the first vlogger to find the humanity. Thank you.
  • My suspicion is her father was SAing her and her mother blamed her. It would explain why her mother never looked for her and explain why she didn't trust anyone to be alone with her daughter. I could be way off base but no matter what caused her to run, I think she deserves praise for going out on her own, getting her GED and putting herself through college. I understand his family's curiosity but her behavior indicated she escaped a painful event, not prison, and they should have respected her decision without having to give reason. If she thought they needed to know she would have included it in her letters. It seems to me that their wealth makes them think they are entitled to know when they really don't.
  • When you first mentioned the easy bake oven, I immediately thought she must have not had a healthy childhood. I feel so bad for her! She seemed to just want to live her life with her husband and daughter and she was judged harshly. What a tragedy.
  • I’m like 5 minutes away from finishing this and it genuinely just feels like she was traumatized and wanted to start a whole new life. It’s not like she got with Blake and showed an ugly side (that we know of) so it seems likely she was just a hurt person that wanted her own family. It hurts to think that the family thought the worst and then neither of them gave each other a chance. So sad.
  • Any parents that just lets their child just run away and doesn’t put any effort into stopping or finding her gives me major red flags that something was up in her childhood
  • The fact that she up and left 84k says so much about her relationship with her father and what may have occurred leading to her leaving and changing her identity. Never heard of this case, which is almost never a thing for me!
  • Just wanna say: @17:30 This is why I have a problem with counseling that is done without proper licensing and supervision. No actual therapist worth their weight in salt would allow a third-party to infiltrate treatment sessions like this!!!!
  • My theory has always been that her childhood home was abusive. I also firmly believe that he father was very sexually abusive to her and her mom knew. That's why she refused the inheritance and then changed her identity after that because it was so triggering for her and also that she would never get closure or justice for her abuse bc now her father was dead. I think her mom knew about the abuse that's why she never looked for her own daughter and refused to be interviewed. This poor woman suffered so much and Blake's family absolutely disgusts me! They turned their nose up at this woman and were so cold to her instead of trying to get to know her and be patient. They ruined her only happiness she has ever had, this case is not some great mystery it's a complete tragedy.
  • I feel so bad for Lori. I just hope she is at peace now. His family should be ashamed at how they treated her and how they acted. Personally I blame them for her death as well because if they had just accepted her I believe she would still be here. The amount of time, effort and money they put into trying to expose her after she had passed is just disgusting and the fact they found nothing I’d like to think makes them feel some sort of guilt as to the way they treated her but let’s be honest, they probably don’t. From what it looks like to me, it looks like she just wanted to completely disconnect from her old life and start a fresh. (Sadly, probably due to abuse I’m thinking) but regardless. She just wanted to find to find someone who she could start her own family with. Which she found, but unfortunately his family had to ruin it. I just hope that her daughter is ok and that whatever she wrote in that letter was at least somewhat comforting to her. I hope Blake feels some sort of guilt as well but again I won’t hold my breath.
  • For her to run away this thoroughly as a teen, and then refuse the 84k her dad left her.. It really feels like there was some sort of abuse involved.
  • @WTF34720
    My heart bleeds for this lady. So so sad. Why do people have to prod at others wounds to justify their own curiosity and morbid need to vilify them. It’s so strange. She finally found what she always craved so deeply, just to be torn apart and hurt all over again. RIP 🕊
  • The mother wouldn't speak to the press 'cause most probably she failed her. The pastor she had confided to in her teens could shed more light. She seemed like someone who was reliving an "ideal" childhood after getting married. This is quite a sad one. Incredible storytelling, Bella!
  • As someone who was SA as a child (not by my father) and then went on to marry a religious man who cheated and ended up in divorce I can 100% understand her mentality. My ex husbands behaviour sent me spiralling for months to the point where he constantly called me crazy and was fearful of me?! Despite being the one who gaslit and manipulated situations to be the cause of my traumatised reactions. My husband would go quiet whenever anyone offered to intervene also! This poor woman thought she had found her happily ever after and instead found a spineless husband who would rather run that sort their shit out. And if it was my father who abused me and my mother did nothing about it then I would run and change my name so I had nothing to ever do with them too
  • At first, I thought witness protection. Then, just getting away from her abusive family. I do feel for her though. Her motives with marriage and having a child seem so pure.
  • This case is honestly just so sad, obviously none of us knew her as a person so we can’t fully judge Blake’s family but I can’t help but wonder if things would’ve been different had they accepted her more. Her daughter lost a mother, just heart breaking 💔
  • That family was horrifying. Just weird, rude and cruel. Had they just not cared so damn much she wouldn’t have done this. Poor thing. She just wanted to have a nice family. Note: if your in laws are crappy, don’t try to win them over.