Published 2022-02-27

All Comments (21)
  • This is my hometown, my mum was friends with the girls and almost went to the party and says it could have been her. It changed everything and we drive past the memorial most days. always hits so close to home. Thanks for being so kind and respectful <3
  • The brother in this case breaks my literal soul when he talks about his sister and feels so responsible for what happened to them. I pray for him every night 🙏 R.I.P Sweet Angels
  • @kelsimills1763
    I can feel the hurt through the screen. You're using your platform the best you can by shedding light on the injustices of any legal system, not just Australia. Im sure the victim's family are extremely grateful for you, THANK YOU!
  • As an Australian woman that is currently experiencing the injustice regarding sexual assault laws in Australia, thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️
  • @Tracylyn42
    Wow those statistics are terrible. I didn’t even realize violence against women in Australia was as bad as these statistics. I’m glad you are shedding some light into these dark corners. Great job
  • @sallyd
    I’m from Bega, I went to high school there just like the girls did. I’m family friends with Garret and he is such an amazing man, but his heart will always be broken. He is so quiet now. This case broke our whole communities hearts. The memorial they have set up is always filled with flags and lots of flowers. Never thought Bella would make a video that hit so close to home.
  • @shedaydreaming
    I can’t believe the police let them go after abducting and abusing a 19 year-old girl, like couldn’t they have taken her to a hospital to check for abuse signs to confirm that she was telling the truth? And wouldn’t they get in trouble for selling drugs? With everything they’ve done, it’s truly horrifying how they got away with all of it for so long.
  • @babybluecheeks
    Jesus christ, these little girls deaths, beyond horrific. Their poor parents find out what happened to their girls my god, ugh this just makes me so sad I actually feel sick.
  • @savagemeee430
    It broke my heart when Bella said "what they suffered during last 12 hours of their life". Such a heartbreaking case.
  • @hellsbelle7533
    Anyone else sick and tired of the system favoring criminals rather than the victims law abiding decent people? Creating a false victim out of a criminal is not only ridiculous, it hurts people. It needs to STOP! I don’t feel that ANYONE gets to use the abuse card to explain away terrible things. Nope. It’s sad. It sucks. And, we grow up and handle it so we aren’t crappy human beings like those slimes that hurt us. That’s that. People have proven again and again that we can survive horrific things and still be great people later on. We have choices as adults.
  • @shiarrapitt5965
    Not many cases really get to me anymore after studying them ever since I was a little girl but this one rocked me to my core.. the absolute sheer terror these two girls would’ve felt over those 12 hours hurts me to think about. And the pain the families have gone through.. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. They had their whole lives ahead of them. It scares me to think about how someone could even think about doing this to another human
  • @leledeed90
    Wait police found the clothing of one girl, but didn’t think it was evidence at the time and gave it back to parents? Not concurring that a girl is missing and her clothing is found? Right.
  • @aka_slendy
    one of my friends is from NZ & apparently her little sister was gang-r*ped when she was very little but the boys were teens. nothing happened to the teens that did it because they were under the age of 18. in fact, they're records were sealed and expunged, they got to move to Australia for a "new chance at life". meanwhile my friends little sister has tried to kill herself and still has a lot of other issues to this day. my friend nearly beat one one to death and to be honest, times like that i think vigilante justice is the right way to go.
  • @gram5963
    I have only seen one other channel covering this case. It is horrendous and terrifying. Everyone who loves these girls (especially the brother) just breaks my heart. It’s SO SAD. Also, this tragedy was PREVENTABLE. How many more people have to die for a change to happen?!
  • The way this story really made me feel sick with what they did to those poor girls…when I heard over 148 convictions I immediately thought “why tf are they out then??” The justice system always fails
  • @Anabelle_Brown
    The way his foot stopped swinging the moment they brought up the pink tv
  • @summerjacobs26
    I love the elegant way you speak and the natural beauty you possess. You tell the stories thoroughly and vividly. I'm very impressed.
  • My brother Epifanio Colon from NY Long Island, is missing 🥺 since May 7th, 2021 I’ve been watching your channel since years I’ve always been into the unsolved cases or solved ones too.. & it’s so sad to say that My family & I are going thru it. Never in a million years would I ever think something like this would happened. To watch the solved cases you talk about brings little faith in me, hoping that we will find out what happened. It’s the worst thing ever. To not know is painful. To not know what happened to them is so sad… We’re praying that we find him soon🥺 I honestly think that, because he’s a man, it plays a big role when it comes to missing people.. because if it were a female, it would be much different. 🥺 Epifanio Colon From Long Island, Brentwood, New York 30years old 5’9 brown eyes around 175 pounds scar under his left eye His skin tone is tan Caucasian Hispanic male
  • @Abi-uj8yg
    That's so heart breaking. These parents did everything right to protect their children while also giving them a full teen experience.
  • @samih5916
    I've heard about the Bega SchoolGirls case before and I'm really angry and disgusted at the fact that not only Lauren and Nicole had gone through this horrific tragedy caused by those idiots Camilleri and Beckett, but also the justice system decided to give those two thugs bail while knowing about their criminal history. Also, the fact that Camilleri yawned after being told about his sentence in court shows that he's disgusting and he doesn't care about how much trouble he's caused. I hope both him and Beckett never get released from prison.