Real Reason Fentanyl Is So Deadly

Drug overdose has always been a danger as long as drugs have existed, but as technology has advanced and new drugs have come onto the market, overdose deaths have increased. Overdoses and poisonings are the third leading cause of death in children and adolescents 19 years old and younger. There is one particular opioid that is deadlier than the rest, with a lethal dose of only 2mg: Fentanyl. Fentanyl is 100 times more potent than morphine, and the slightest miscalculation in the measurement of its dosage can be fatal.


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コメント (21)
  • Was addict to fentanyl for 5 years after being prescribed it for many many years. Eventually began injecting. Clean since 2019. I’m blessed to be alive.
  • @ucan1
    I am leaving this comment here so that after some hours, days, weeks, months or years when someone likes or comment on it, I will be reminded to watch this video again
  • A buddy of mine smoked Fentanyl daily, went to jail for about 5 months, got released, his dad picked him up at the gate, took him to the connect for his first fix,, his dad found him in the back seat of his van Dead, just 1-2 hours after getting released from Jail..
  • @DonnHowes
    I started doing drugs years ago as a teenage, got addicted to fentanyl. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Was actually diagnosed with cptsd. Fentanyl addiction actually destroyed my life. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 3 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.
  • @amanda021174
    I am DEATHLY allergic to Fentanyl. First learned this when I was using Fentanyl patches before I had a hysterectomy. My mom found me in the floor in full Aphletic shock, convulsing, by the time the EMS got there, I was in full blown heart & choking on my own vomit. Miraculously, i survived. In 2017, I had to get a hernia removed. I told everyone at the hospital I was deathly allergic to Fentanyl but everyone just laughed at me. (Granted back then, no one even knew it was possible to be allergic to Fentanyl. I was given Fentanyl anyway & went into a deadly reaction there on the table. They pumped me full of Benedril to stop the reaction, but it took so much that it dried my insides out. Another fun fact - It takes about $0.20 worth of Fentanyl to put a 250 lb. under for 3 hours, yet anesthesiologist charge up to $1500 just for 1 administration.
  • @bmxbum123
    Drugs are no joke. I have a friend who’s company owner semi-recently overdosed on fentanyl laced Xanax after a night partying. Up until this point, he carved out a very nice life and successful company. Thankfully he didn’t die, but due to lack of oxygen killed like 99% of his hippocampus, which is responsible for memory. It’s pure insanity, you’ll have a normal conversation with him for about 30 seconds which he’ll basically factory resets where he’ll be like “oh hey! Nice to see you man!”. He has perfect memory up until Nov 2022, which is the time zone he’s stuck in. He essentially will live out the rest of his life in 30s-1m loops. He went from successful business man, to living under his parents care forever. Lost it all. Over the past several months he’s very slowly come to terms-sorta with what happened. But the loops never end and most likely never will. Careful out there guys
  • Fentanyl killed my boyfriend, the father of my 1 year old son last year in September. Fentanyl also killed my boyfriend’s father a couple years ago. Fentanyl has basically ruined my life.
  • @ShowoffSwagga
    Please don't do this yall!!!! My mom literally just died from this a few days ago. MY MOTHER!!!! Not a young homie in the party scene. Im so lost losing her. I dont want your family members and loved ones to feel the emptiness im feeling. It can happen to ANYONE!! Please be safe out there. 🙏
  • It's a shame "The War on Drugs" seems to be more about punishing users rather than getting them the help they deserve. As a result, people are afraid to report ODs and there is a public perception that making Narcan/Naloxone and clean needles available is supporting drug habits, when in reality it's saving lives.
  • @anteup75
    I work at a rehab and it’s very humbling. Tranq is a new beast
  • @ryanboyer3926
    My brother passed two years ago ,from a fentanyl overdose. Only 36😢
  • In 1998 my husband was prescribed a fentanyl patch for back pain. When I found out about the potency of fentanyl and how little it takes to OD my first thought was that when fentanyl inevitably hits the streets its going to be a crisis of epic proportions! A prediction I wish I was wrong about!
  • @Wardemonxi
    Its a shame that fentanyl got so popular on the streets and our justice system, media, and others are so ignorant in how they handle it. The drug itself is an amazing tool for chronic pain sufferers. When prescribed the patch it was so effective and convenient and tolerance didnt seem to increase very fast if at all. You could just put a patch on at perscribed times 2 times a day and your pain was handled and quality of life improved dramatically. Now chronic pain suffers had to go back to inferior medicines.
  • @dfdemt
    I absolutely hate videos like this, but not for the reason you might think. As a medical professional, I have seen the demonization of fentanyl scare doctors enough to the point that even people that are in excruciating pain such as cancer patients can’t get a prescription for it to alleviate their suffering. And the doctors aren’t scared of people who actually need the medication overdosing, they’re scared of being arrested and put in jail. So because of this demonization of fentanyl in the United States, more and more people are suffering needlessly.
  • I went to the ER one day in the absolute worst pain imaginable. My eardrum has extreme pressure build up but would not rupture. The pain from the pressure was so bad that I was going into severe shock and when admitted to the ER, I couldn’t see or speak and was cold and was shaking from pain. When I got in (which was instant) they put me on laughing gas, fentanyl and I later asked for more painkillers because it was so bad so they gave me morphine as well. I can say right now I was high as a kite and it was the absolute weirdest feeling. Felt like I could look back in on myself and my hands and legs didn’t feel like they were mine. I never had any symptoms of withdrawal from any of the drugs which I found weird. I never want to take any of those drugs ever again because I hated the feeling of not being in my body and it’s just not worth it, I would never wish that pain against my worst enemy nor the experience in the hospital either. Thanks for reading, just wanted to share my story with it.
  • @TalkToMe711
    Nobody can stop you at the end of the day. But please just know that if somehow you end up on a bad path, it's never too late to change things for the better. You're worth it.
  • @b8s77dtr8
    Fentanyl got me moving like a claymation figure