We Need to Talk About Ring Fit Adventure...

Publicado 2022-05-13
Ok so, Ring Fit Adventure. A game that you may have forgotten even existed. Now there is one teeny tiny thing about the game that I just need to talk about and so in this video I will be talking about Ring Fit Adventure.

Around 2 days ago, Nintendo released its latest financial report that showed off that sales figures for the Nintendo Switch and a bunch of first party Nintendo Switch games.

Now the games at the top of the list aren’t a surprise, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is at the top with 45.3 million copies, then New Horizons is in second with 38.6 million copies, so no surprises there.

But at the bottom of the list was a very, very big surprise, well it was a surprise for me at least, I don’t know if it surprised everyone else, but Ring Fit Adventure sat at the bottom of the list. Ring Fit Adventure has sold over 14 million copies.

Among a list of Mario and Pokémon games, Ring Fit Adventure, a franchise with one single game that is about fitness, sits at the bottom of the list. Now 14 million copies might not seem like a lot compared to other games on the best selling list, but Ring Fit Adventure has more than quadrupled the sales of Metroid Dread, and you know Eldin Ring, the game everyone has been talking about, yeah well Ring Fit Adventure has sold Eldin Ring by 1 million copies, and yes I know Ring Fit Adventure released in 2019, but it’s frickin Ring Fit Adventure.

You can’t deny that these numbers are absolutely insane, but what does it mean for the Ring Fit Adventure series? if you can even call it a series. If you look at the nine other games on the top ten list, all of them have either received sequels or have other games in their series that re on the switch, or they have paid DLC.

So I 100% believe that Ring Fit Adventure is going to get a sequel, this title is just too popular for Nintendo to not capitalise on. Similar to how on the Wii, Wii Fit got a sequel titled Wii Fit Plus. Nintendo saw how successful the game was, and made a sequel to it.

On top of this, depending on how well Nintendo Switch Sports sells, I definitely think the Switch is going to see more fitness or sport games that come with some “gimmicky” piece of plastic.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @PK_Starfire
    Are y'all surprised by how well Ring Fit Adventure is selling??
  • @rylansparks3782
    I honestly play this game alot. I have alarms set on my switch to play every week day. It's actually helped me loose 80 pounds. Although I regained 30 because I became lazy I started playing again. It's a very fun game in my opinion and I hope when I beat it, they release a sequel or dlc
  • Pandemic. That is the answer. It totally sold out when no one could go to the gym. Plus; it's genuinely good, like a really effective and varied home workout, with a lot of possible customisation that (so far) hasn't got boring. Beats the shit out of Wii Fit, too.
  • @MagikGimp
    It needs a sequel if only to justify the accessory. But also that people are going to get bored of doing the same routines over and over.
  • I would like Ring Fit Adventure to have an DLC about the Relationship between Draco and Quadria or Dracos origins
  • @RDR2Jammy1337
    Considering the fact how you are only able to get Ring Fit Adventure with a physical kit and not through digital storefronts (Meaning it lacks accessibility compared more than other games) and the fact it Is not a franchise with a reputation like Pokémon and Mario, those sales figures are super impressive and well-deserved.
  • @Masterminds29291
    "Your having a heart attack STOP playing and take breath imeditly
  • @9a3eedi
    Ring Fit adventure was a savior for people during the covid pandemic. I remember looking for the game thinking it would be a great thing to play during lockdown but it was sold out everywhere and people were scalping it hard.
  • @sleepyashu
    I once forgot I set the alarm and I would hear it every evening with no idea what it was, it took me a literal year to realize what it was
  • @PeterGargan
    Got it for Christmas last year and it's been my go-to for working out ever since, I still it get advertised a lot compared to other Switch games from my experience.
  • @enrd12
    I just find the creepypasta about a heart attack funny
  • @bunnythebunny5827
    I think its because the game is really good, like it didn't really have much marketing and i would consider it more fun than a lot of nintedo games.
  • @Tiftofer
    If people think they can get in shape without leaving their own living room then it usually does well, I’m surprised it’s as high as that, but not too surprised!
  • @Mystdragon
    I absolutely love this game. Got it during the pandemic but didn't get to regularly play it till the daycare kids were back in school. I've lost a few lbs so far along with inches. I'm a true Virgo 🤣. I broke Dragaux from the spell and now going from Beginninga writing down level name, number, how many minutes, color skill needed and what is found for ingredients 🤣🤣
  • @Cats4nelson
    Yeah this game is fun and people are getting fit AMAZING 💪🏼PLEASE NINTENDO make a sequel!!! Thanks for reminding me of the sports game too ❤
  • @BKDDY
    I sold most of my Switch games. Only kept 2 of them. One of them is ring fit adventure.
  • @suchka_tupaya
    It seems to me that this game is most famous for this fake screen where they say that you are having a heart attack
  • @LeftyPencil
    Maybe we'll see two followups as we had Wii Fit, Wii Fit Plus, and Wii Fit U. Idk if it's Nintendo or not, but Fitness Boxing got a sequel.
  • @7deadlyartest
    I hope they make a second game cuzz if you finish everything redoing everything again will probably not be as fun considering the story only goes till the world 40