GRIZZLYFLUTE // Piccolo excerpt (Mov.4: 'Vivo') of Scheherazade, by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.

Published 2019-04-23
Piccolo excerpt from the Vivo section of the 4th movement of Scheherazade (The Festival at Baghdad. The Sea.), opus 35 by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.

Hands down one of my favourite orchestral works! It was definitely my dads favourite, I know that much! He did have great taste 😂 This excerpt still puts a stroke of fear into me to this day however! It's such an interesting one, because I find that if you practice the second half of this passage too much in one go as written, it actually gets steadily worse and worse haha. I tend to practice it a little bit and work on it, leave it, then come back and do a bit more when I'm recovered, and it gets steadily better. Good for your stamina and muscle memory too. But if it's done too frequently I find there's diminishing returns and also your mind just gives up. I think it's easy to fatigue yourself on this bit. I suggest working on it sparingly til you're comfortable, then more until you can just pick it up and play it. I also find practicing the base articulation, doing lots of other double tonguing exercises in general, and also occasionally practicing it an octave lower helps. Do the work, but save your energy for the performance! 🎶

I felt very fortunate this easter to have all the family around. It was lovely going to the cinema with my mum and sis, then the day after to my brothers for a BBQ, and then the day after that to my sisters for a Sunday roast. I actually never consumed any chocolate at all over the whole thing! Crazy I know!! I'm trying to be good with my sugar intake as of late! 😂

As you can tell I've been doing mostly piccolo today, so I've given it a couple of hours for my lips to recouperate, and I'm gonna sneak in some flute playing before the day ends! I'll be about to chat though, so I'll speak to you all soon! Happy practicing! 🎼🎶💕

#classical #scheherazade #piccolo

All Comments (21)
  • @RedRooster0912
    Man, how did you get your double tonguing so clean?? This sounds great!
  • @efrenescuredo
    Very sharp and clear staccato. Nice playing!!!!! I've played Sheherezade many times, and this machine-gun piccolo is what it's mend to be played in that part. Beautiful!!!!!
  • @tatormellow
    Are you triple tonguing or double or both? I love hearing your excerpts, thank you!! ☺️
  • @baptiste667
    Clearly, when you play Scheherazade, you are feeling yourself alive 😂
  • See I was listening to the Scheherazade and heard the piccolos convinced there's no way, apparently there is
  • Brilliant, it takes me back to when I played in the Nottingham County youth orchestra, I was on picc and practised that bit for hours, how about a video of you playing the pics solo in the pizz scherzo Tchaikovsky 4?
  • @leonardonotes
    Man I have to play that in my orchestra in about 6 months, I want to sound like you, you're a great inspiration :)
  • @jenrob57
    Amazing speed and double tongue! 👏