Is God telling you to quit your job?

Quitting our job can be scary, especially when you believe that it is your only source of income but here are four signs to confirm that this may be the direction God is leading you in.

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コメント (21)
  • I felt as if you were speaking directly to me! I told a friend that I was 90% sure that I was going to quit, this video is the other 10%!
  • When your soul leaves the job take your body with you 🙏💯
  • @itzsjojo
    when i worked at my hospital job, i think God knew it wasn’t fulfilling me. i was always told i was good at my job, never got complaints but didn’t quit because we needed the money so God made it where i got fired. i was upset initially but a HUGE WEIGHT was lifted and i believe that was God. i just have to trust what he has in store for me, he KNOWS and the devil will try to keep those things from happening but i need to have faith in our Father and trust him and surrender to his timing. 🙏🏽
  • I quit a few days ago too. I won't say God told me to quit, but after working there over a year I started to become VIOLENTLY ill at the thought of clocking in, being gaslighted & slandered, and mistreated by my Supervisor who made sure to repeatedly tell me she was a Unbeliever. Mind you, I never had any fight or was ever disrespectful. She often bragged on my work & work ethic (Irony 🙄). She didn't like me and persecuted me bc her demons hated the Holy Spirit inside of me. Finally last week, I was again so sick and hating the thought of clocking in and I heard in my Spirit "Would you continue to go home to an Abusive relationship or situation?". 😳... Shocked, I thought to myself "No". I would NEVER allow a Romantic partner, Friend, or Family member to treat me the way I was on that job. I literally just decided to not clock back in from Lunch. I'm trusting God for better and have 2 job interviews next week. God is Faithful. I trust Him with my Life and Employment. He's never let me down and always supplies every need. God bless 🙏🏽
  • Grace has lifted. My boss makes up false accusations against me. I really thinks she’s insane. The other manager is equally miserable and has critiqued me me pointing out ridiculous things as weaknesses that are stupid. God help me to trust you.
  • The Lord has been putting it on my spirit to quit my job for the past 2 years. Today i finally turned in my letter of resignation. I have been feeling spiritually stagnant and also backsliding in the past 2-3 years and im ready to give my full attention and sumbission to Christ. The job i had required too much of my time or should i say "God's time". Im ready to start anew and take this journey to where God wants me to be.
  • When I quit my job, I’m not even slave anymore. The chains are broken and god set me free now Jesus loves me
  • @nicoletiana
    im having this moment right now.. i can feel myself getting weary at this day job that im at.... and idk, im real nervous about ACTUALLY doing it... please god give me another sign............ im literally crying rn.....
  • This was on point. I burned out a few years ago and that Grace definitely lifted. I started a business and its been going okay but also bc I can create my own schedule now with my business, I was spending more time with him and found my purpose. BUT thru that whole time, I was sick. Its like the enemy knew that I was moving away from his purpose for me to Gods purpose. This video fits perfectly.
  • Wow! I submitted my resignation letter on Monday after 13 years of being with this company. I come on YouTube and this is in my suggested videos #confirmation! I am a happy and positive person, some changes in leadership came with spirits I just can’t vibe with. Time to let go! Signed, sealed and delivered, this is the most peaceful I have felt in months. I believe God is shifting me out of here. The God I serve is not a God of confusion, emptiness, frustration nor would he allow me to be working with someone who treats staff like they’re nothing. God showed me this video and I am taking this as a sign from me to go ahead and take this leap of faith. He’s got me and anyone else in this position. May God move us to greatness and peace 🙏🏾
  • This video popped on my feed out of nowhere because God is hitting me upside the head like “I’m telling you to leave!!” I decided to leave and will put in notice after I pay off my debt and save $ to then bounce. (5-6 month timeline). Excited what God has for me— I have no job lined up but he will provide:) 😇🙌🏾🙏🏾
  • I've been struggling with this for over a year. Meaningless job after job knowing full well what I am called to do. This is the most specific and helpful video there is for those who find themselves called to something else. The doubts, fears etc are so right on! I didn't see need a whole lot of confirmation because God has made my mission clear but be it helps me even more knowing the enemy is trying to stop me.
  • WOW! THANK YOU sister for this encouraging message! I NEEEEEDED THIS! I am working in a job where I could feel the "grace" leaving me especially this last month. I do not have the strength to do even one more task in my current job!!! I am depleted, drained, empty and miserable. I am battling with those "oh, people would beg to have this job" or "God gave you this job and now you're unthankful?" Everything you explained I am going through right now and I have been praying really hard for God to show me if I should leave. I have been in this job for 10 months and I feel like my job has been done. I already went for an interview at a new job this week and should hear sometime next week. (I really just want a week off to recuperate!). Thank you again and may our Heavenly Father bless you! AMEN!!!
  • @taybaesworld
    Girl I JUST started this job in DEC and I felt Grace leave my first day! My first day I was not happy. I find myself on n off with liking it. The people are very nice but God and I both know this was only a filler job for the bills until I find my creative job
  • @doll2400
    I've been at my current job for about 3 years now. I left last year but came back because I was financially depleted and my boss kept asking me to come back. I also didn't leave on good terms and I felt this was God's way of saying "right your wrongs." Coincidentally, one of the old coworkers who I didn't get along with left and came back as well, so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to get on a better foot with them. It's been six months since I've been back and the grace has definitely left me. I can't even complete all my assigned hours without looking for an excuse to leave early. The tension in our small circle is increasing tenfold, and the coworker who I wanted to get along with was cool for a while, but now there's more animosity between us. I hardly want to get up for work anymore. It's not all bad though, as I have recently started to look into more holistic practices as a result and am looking to start my own business. A couple of my coworkers are also now like family to me and would support me at the drop of a hat if need be. Whatever the next move God wants me to make is, I want to be completely dependent and trusting of Him. (Sorry for my ramble y'all, God bless you.)
  • @NellyA_M
    Hi thank you for the video, you were sent by God indeed. I made a prayer 2 or 3 years ago that I no longer want to work at a call centre when I'm 35 I want to do what God called me for fast forward I have been medically boarded since September last year and I was 34 I turned 35 in May still medically boarded and God reminded me of a prayer I made so I took this opportunity to resign and move into what I was born for. Thank you for allowing God to use you. I will come back to testify.
  • God is calling me to leave my job. It’s sad cause the devil using my mother to bring doubt into me on not leaving my job. How can you respectfully tell your mom that she is being a vessel to bring discouragement into my life and that I need healthy boundaries and space while I transition into the new job that God has called me to go into.
  • @tonyp9313
    God told me to quit Construction. I did within a week. I was scared that I wouldn't find another job. God told me not to worry because he'll get me a job at Amazon. Sure enough he did, I've been working there ever since.
  • @Tam712
    In this season of my life, I am definitely waiting on the Lord and unsure about what He wants me to do. This advice I needed to hear - thank you.