Was Your Wedding Night Awkward As A Virgin?

Published 2018-06-07

All Comments (21)
  • @emwilss
    Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel for more videos like this here!: bit.ly/2rx7crK Join me on Instagram! instagram.com/emwilss Watch PART 2 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHkqfnSXV5Q For those who are confused as to how I can say there is a difference between the two if I have not myself experienced both - in the video I am speaking to a factual difference, which is objective. I did not say, "Sex with a boyfriend is LIKE this...", I stated that when you have sex with your husband, you are having sex with someone who has stated vows to you, and when you have sex with your boyfriend, you are having sex with someone who has not stated vows to you. Whatever you believe about vows, this is an objective, concrete, indisputable fact that anyone can speak to. This is obviously very personal for me to share but you all know I ALWAYS want what is best for you and hope this helps those of you who have questions like "Nadia." I don't think there's such thing as a "perfect" wedding night, but mine was "perfect" in the sense that I shared in it with my husband, a man who I knew loved me for exactly who I am and who God created me to be. There's nothing I would ever change about that. Thanks for watching and feel free to share with any friend who may need to hear this. <3
  • WOW I needed to hear this. I am a 26 year old virgin and I just got engaged. I am getting married in november
  • @winkmsm
    As a guy, and saving myself till I was married. What I was told about the wedding night was not all true. After the wedding me and my wife where so tired physically from planning the ceremony that we got to the hotel and crashed, no sex, talking or nothing just so physically burnt out we walked in the hotel room and crashed. But the next couple days of the honeymoon where fantastic.
  • Yes! Why would it be an awful night if you are spending it with the one you trust? Also, sex should not hurt. If it does, then stop and figure out why (most commonly: lack of lubrication), but it shouldn't be uncomfortable nor should it leave you injured. I am so done with people saying it is normal for sex to hurt, because that is just poor education, and you all deserve better.
  • @gabs0149
    I am saving myself for marriage. I’m 21 and going to be married in December. I cannot tell you HOW MANY girls in high school came at me with the same line of “you should just get it out of the way because it’s gonna be super awkward and painful on your wedding night it’s gonna suck”. They would laugh and taunt me and call me “Betty Crocker the virgin with her hymen still intact”... yeah. It was bad. And I used to be so angry that anyone would try to look down on my decision for waiting because I used to be insecure and seriously considered taking their advice, to this day I thank GOD that I stayed true to who I am because I am ecstatic to share that beautiful moment with a man who truly loves me and we are vowing our lives to each other. Those same girls I’ve seen suffer heart break and pain from casual encounters and even though they mistreated me, I wish them the best. Because waiting for marriage is such a beautiful thing. God blesses those who walk in his will. Xoxo
  • I have sooooo much respect for the women in the comment section. Who had waited and are currently waiting for marriage. Especially considering that we are living in the most hyper sexualized culture of any time before now. I just want to congratulate you and for what it's worth? Tell you that I'm proud of all of you ladies and gentlemen who waited. Bravo everyone, bravo!!
  • @LittleBugBeauty
    So true! I was a virgin on my wedding night. Lots of people told me it would be weird and awkward. It wasn’t. This is the man that I love and the person I am closest to. Not awkward at all. Everything I was afraid of wasn’t even an issue.
  • @VihanDamaris
    Wow I just love how break down certain misconceptions real hard, real fast, before even going into the details of the topic!
  • @TiffanyDawn
    This is a FANTASTIC video. I couldn't agree more!! My husband and I were both virgins on our wedding night, and it was one of the most beautiful and special nights of my life! My husband and I are actually releasing a 10-part video series called "The Wedding Night Talks" in July! It's all about what to know before your wedding night - what to talk about, how to prepare, and what you can do to make sex beautiful instead of painful on your wedding night - and it's specifically created for engaged couples who are saving sex for marriage! We are so excited about it! Anyway, LOVED this video. Thank you!
  • As someone who waited as did my husband I would never call it awkward either. But my husband and I talked so much before that night about it all he knew what to do when he noticed me getting nervous. The sweet man he stopped what we were doing and prayed with me and for us. Sex was and is so beautiful with my husband.
  • I love this video and I needed this. I am nearly 30 and a virgin (I haven’t met the right person yet). I’m saving it for marriage. Sometimes I feel lame or weird for not having sex yet, but after seeing this video I feel better. Thankyou ❤️
  • As a college Christian girl going through the same situation this video was so much encouragement! Thank you!
  • @tarynp.1900
    Thank you. This video honestly helped me a lot. Even though I’m 17, I’m always thinking about the future and recently, this has been one of the things that’s been concerning me. I have promised myself and God to wait till I am married. I love all your videos, Emily, thank you!❤️
  • @skybishop5596
    This is beautiful! As a 17 year old waiting myself, this makes me so much more excited about my choice to wait.
  • @caejay2012
    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been scolded by my “friends” for still being a virgin in college. It had gotten to the point where I had to remember that God had designed for sex to occur between a husband and wife, not some close friend or committed boyfriend of a long time. My honoring God, wanting to be faithful to him and putting my trust in him, is what keeps me in check. He’s a Faithful God, and everything happens in HIS timing! Through all the questions and opposing opinions from others of things that he has instructed for us to abide by, I will continue to follow him! He never leads me wrong. Thank you for sharing your message! This is such an important topic and I believe everyone needs to here this!! I needed to here this too lol
  • @camirose3802
    "Its a good and beautiful thing in the right context" so so so true
  • Thank you so much for this Emily! I’m 25 and am saving sex for marriage. I’ve never been in a relationship before and sometimes I feel that pressure that I’m missing out, I’m not experienced compared to others my age. But after listening to you, I would rather miss out right now so that, if I get married, I am able to experience the immense love and freedom that comes from having sex for the first time with your spouse. Thank you so much, I think people don’t talk about this because they think it’s awkward, but these are the stories single people need to hear! ❤️
  • @gracedenson6270
    I absolutely love that you talk about relationships, contraception, and sex so openly and with so much love. It upsets me that more adults aren't open to talking about sex. In my confirmation class, we only did one class period about this and it was just a video. None of the adults really answered our questions or talked honestly.
  • @chrissmarie455
    I didn’t wait till marriage and my first time which luckily was with my hubby DID NOT hurt AT ALL nor did I even bleed! I think that depends on how delicate the man treats you