Signs You're Settling in a Relationship

Published 2017-07-24
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Emily Wilson.

All Comments (21)
  • @TheSuefriend
    My mom used to say "don't ever continue to make a mistake just because you spent so much time making it". That really stuck with me, and actually helped me end a relationship I stayed in way too long. The truth is, I didn't want to leave because I had just "invested" so much into the relationship, I didn't want to let go. But a bad relationship is a bad relationship, and you have to have the courage to say this is bad for me, and walk away! No matter how much time or energy you have invested into it.
  • @emwilss
    TO ADD : This also applies to those "I-don't-know-if-we-are-in-an-official-relationship-but-we-act-like-we-are", wishy-washy back and forth pseudo kind-of-but-not-really relationships, too. Those are a waste of your precious time and precious life.
  • @graceweaver6906
    My friend was in a unhealthy relationship a few months ago with her first boyfriend ever. He had repeatedly lied, and had abused her trust, yet she still went back to him. One night, I was sitting on her porch, and I opened up my laptop and showed her your videos. She had related to your videos in such a profound way, that she broke up with her boyfriend that night. Her love for Jesus has never been as big as it is now, and I wanted to thank you because through God, you have touched my dear friends life. I am so thankful.
  • @bookworm4174
    I think some of this works the other direction too. If you can't love the guy for who he is but instead wish you could change lots of things about him, then you have settled. He needs someone who will cherish him too, not someone who wants to remake him. This was a signal in a relationship I was in with a great guy, but I kept wishing he was something else other than what he was. It wasn't fair to him or myself to continue a relationship I knew had no future.
  • Date with the intention of marriage. Hang out and become friends before dating. You will learn so much about him by doing this.
  • @alexlg9521
    God is definitely working through you Emily Wilson. I can see the Holy Spirit in you. Keep it up my sister.
  • @-Solange-
    It's true what you say that every woman knows deeply in her heart if her relationship is good for her or not. But women tend to ignore that feeling because they think the connections between them and their partners are too strong to let them go. That's called lying to yourself and condemning yourself to the life with a wrong person.
  • @Nikki-ks6wi
    they need to share these points in health class because the psychological part of a healthy relationship and how to choose to start/or leave a relationship is rarely talked about
  • Thanks so much! I just got out of a relationship about 6 months ago where the guy started ignoring me and I felt very insignificant and unwanted. And sometimes I still miss him because he was such a great guy. But videos like this just remind me that I'm better off on my own and I don't need him anymore so thank you!
  • I am a married 20-something, and I can say from experience the dawn does come. I agree 100% with you, Emily. It gets better. It's so much better to be joined to a man that serves God and supports your walk. In the hard times in life, and they will come, that love and support from a man of faith is priceless. For the girls and women who are in these type of relationships, God has something else for you, that's better for you. Don't settle for something that isn't right for you. Pray for the best for the other guy, that they find what God wants for them. But don't force your will, submit to God's will, It's so much better I promise.
  • Watching this a couple of weeks after breaking up with a good man (which maybe makes it harder). Thank you, it's so hard to be assured of my decision but I know in my heart that I made the right decision and it helps to be reminded of that truth ❤️
  • @sk8rgrlteen
    I’ve never had a boyfriend and I starting seeing this guy around this time last year and I was using all of my resources every step of the way. Prayer discernment my mentors, and came to the conclusion to end it after just 3 dates. Family members and friends were getting all excited for me that I finally had someone. When I ended it people were...bummed for me but understood my reasoning. But most notable of all, people told me that I was brave for walking away on discernment alone. It’s not easy to do but it can be empowering
  • @sweetlyjenn
    I totally needed to hear this. I've been in a 6 year relationship but deep down I know he isn't "the one" because he isn't a believer. Yet, I can't find it in me to let him go because he is a true gentleman and treats me so well and I love him with all my heart. It's so hard to take that leap of faith, but your pep talk surely helped!!!!
  • @sarah-bj2zq
    It is so undeniably crazy how God works. Throughout the past week, I have been realizing that the relationship I have been in for the past two years is not healthy for me. I kept denying breaking it off because of the length of our time together, yet you touched on that exactly. I am settling! Thank you for being in tune with the Holy Spirit and helping young girls like me understand the importance of finding a strong Christian man who loves God way more than he loves us. I am so happy that I have found your channel, Emily. God bless!!
  • @juikarve9406
    I don't know why, this video just made me cry. Even though I have a serious 2 year long relationship, and I love him, and we're happy, I'm not these days. I feel it's giving me more pain than happiness. I hope I'm wrong.
  • I broke up with my 3 year boyfriend a week ago today, and I knew I had to break it off for months. This gives me such validation and excitement for the endless joy that the Lord is going to provide as I move closer to him knowing I made the right decision. Your videos have impacted my life so much. Don't ever stop encouraging.❤️
  • @Are.Baires
    Just got out of one of those and I felt like a free bird the day after!! Sad days come from time to time but the more I enjoy my life without it the more I realize that I made the best choice I could have :)
  • Just so you know, I have watched this video 3 times! I've been in a relationship that has been making unhappy for quite a while now. It's taken a lot of courage but we finally broke it off and every time I saw this video since it's been posted, it has been helping me build up the courage to take that step. Every time I see the part where you say that holding on is wasting time, it really hits home with me. I was in this relationship for 2 1/2 years and even at the end I still felt like it was going no where and I was unhappy. Bravery and courage can be very hard to cultivate, and Im still struggling with wanting to go back into the relationship, but I know I'll eventually be so much happier! I just need that reminder. Thank you for helping realize that and know I'm not the only one!
  • @Olivia-xn9nn
    If you feel uncomfortable because Emily was talking directly at you & your situation,...but you're making excuses for why you can't leave **this is your wake up call**! When you know in your heart that it's not right you can leave! The Lord is with you! There are resources and people who can support you in leaving a toxic or unhealthy relationship (romantic or otherwise) Speaking from experience, you do not want to re-watch this video three years later and wish you left earlier. You don't want to ignore this wake up call, and stay in a situation that will get worse! Don't stay where you are because leaving seems to scary. As Emily said, be brave!
  • You have no idea just how much I relate and needed your words. I'm in an abusive relationship, feel stuck and horrible about life. I'm trying to get out, making an "escape plan" , and praying to God He helps me get out. You're doing something really important here. Much love sister 💗