Former Client Testimonial… what is it like to work with Dr. Corinne?

Publicado 2022-08-16
A former patient talks about her experience working with Dr. Corinne. She’s graduating from therapy, and agreed to speak candidly about her healing process, and what it’s like to work together! As a former yoga teacher, a life-time yoga enthusiast, Johanna was trying to heal… but yoga was not helping.
And in fact, I helped her understand the WAY she was doing yoga was part of the problem!
She completed my 3 moth process, and stayed on as a client 1x week for a year… and now she is ready to fly!
Here she talks about the process… it is not just body. It is Body/Brain/Mind.
Healing from the inside out, and a message of empowerment for YOU! If you have pain/anxiety/depression… you’r not broken! You just might be stuck, and I can help!
I hope you enjoy this video!

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