Loneliness is crucial for evolving

Published 2024-04-28
Using your alone time wisely will lead to the most fulfilling relationship this life has to offer, which is the relationship with yourself and your source your highest self is connected to. Do not look at loneliness as a threat to your ego.

00:00 intro
00:46 your environment is holding you back
02:56 why loneliness is crucial
04:19 start by meditating
06:47 do things alone
08:20 start journaling
11:07 your relationship with source
12:13 creativity will become easier
15:46 you’re more creative than you think

#selfcare #selflovejourney #selfimprovement #selfdevelopment #spirituality #spiritualjourney #loneliness #selflove

All Comments (14)
  • @SydneyyMichelle
    When or where do you guys feel the most alone? For me, it’s at night and at certain social functions
  • @delicate1
    This is so true. I went shopping with my mother once and it was a program that did request not to bring guests and i understood why after the appointment. My mother kept trying to persuade me to get a coat i didn't like. Long story short i got the one i liked and i lie to you not all winter i got compliments on the coat. At the supermarket, dentist office, walking up the street, every where i went i got a compliment. I am a recovering people pleaser starting with bring raised by my mother. She's very overbearing and controlling so this was a huge step for me. I'm glad I am changing i love me and my coat.
  • @Zeeeeeeeex
    All facts. I spend a lot of time alone. Takes me a while to recalibrate when speaking to others.
  • @joedro97
    Great message with a lot of meaning that is very true!
  • I’m glad I found this video. Being in small college in my last year, I am done with seeing all the people who hurt and wronged me. I feel like I have a lot of trust issues with the world around me but more than that, I am becoming more disconnected to myself. Your words helped me realize that and remember that the focus is me and Source, not me and my grades, not ppl around me, not me and my career. I need to have peace with myself. It’s not gonna come easy and I am honestly scared to sit with myself and my thoughts (dw therapy is being secured) but yeah it’s refreshing to have a non-religious spiritual perspective on this.❤
  • @petalsm9937
    This video was soothing, beautiful very informative. Thank you reflection ❤
  • @bara1559
    You persuaded me to go and get a notebook so that I can start journaling. Thanks for making me feel better about myself!
  • v profound, and you seemed to say all of it from the heart so I can tell this is how you truelly live, p cool !!
  • @jessie4481
    How do you meditate? I feel as if that’s a common sense question but I genuinely don’t know to . Can you give me some advice please