If We Laugh, We Rip a Pokémon Card ft. JimmyHere


コメント (21)
  • @DocaYT
    Cliffe is the type of guy to rip a pokemon card, tape it back together, and call it mint condition
  • @Blazerr__
    8:33 the way Jimmy said "I hate children" was priceless and funny af out of context.💀
  • @CamKoudo
    That entire evolution line from Ralts to Gardevoir is just so wholesome! The artist did an incredible job and thank goodness it didn't get ripped!!
  • @_-Gangle-_
    Yes, this was real. Season 2, episode 33.
    (He doesn't really say "bussy" in the original, it was slightly edited.)
  • @xrathyes
    When Jimmy, and PurpleCliffe are in a video, they always make it funnier.

    When they are in the same video, it’s just TO MUCH POWER!
  • @KonroMan
    Jimmy pulled the ultimate trap card in the end, truly an ending I didn’t expect.
  • Ah PurpleCliffe. The man who can never win a try not to laugh. That paired with Jimmy’s friendly fire commentary that makes them both crack up makes it a good day for charity
  • @gimmeyamoney.
    I love how much of a special bond jimmy and purplecliffe have
  • @gwalon2089
    Jimmy has just way more skill in close combat than Purplecliffe. Like, he just walks into the room with an axe, while Purplecliffe can´t even use a knive properly. Huge skill issue!