Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities 1x01 - "Lot 36" Dottie's Scene

Published 2022-10-26

All Comments (21)
  • How can someone be so stupid? I mean you see something like that in the floor and don't even hesitate?
  • Not all episodes were top notch, but the designs were absolutely amazing. Love Del Toro's work.
  • I am sorry but I love and I mean love the design of the monster. Finally a demon that isn't depicted as a red or black humanoid with thorns on its head and black wings. Just a monstrosity that brings shivers in my spine
  • People calling this typical horror movie stupidity are missing the entire narrative thread. When Eddie initially tries to tell Nick that something is happening with that particular unit, he asks, "Aren't you curious?" "No. Maybe that's why I'm still alive." But he is killed because he simply does not care to look further. Past oddities, past people, as soon as he encounters something he doesn't like, he actively defies it. Nick crossed county lines when he was told not to. Nick disregarded Eddie's insight into the unit when he was asked to look closer. Nick disrespected Amelia he was pleaded with, quite nicely, to be allowed to see what remnants of her family she could salvage. Nick dismisses Roland's spiritual insight as creepy hooey that he should "shut the fck up" about right up until tangible consequences finally, FINALLY appeared. And by then, of course, it was too late. Supernatural elements aside, this is exactly how people wind up dead in the real world.
  • @Jamie_Pritchard
    I honestly think Guillermo del Toro is the only man alive who could bring a truly convincing Lovecraft film to the big screen.
  • press f to pay respects. well he don't need an f for being rude.
  • @hera7884
    The demon needed a sacrifice, thatโ€™s why the book didnโ€™t burst into flames until Dottie had consumed her first mortal soul. Seance cannot manifest Demons, either, only Witches can do that.
  • @stellasol5265
    I'm trying to stop clicking vids out of morbid curiosity, but I can say I was impressed with this one. I still facepalm that Nick didn't just GO AROUND the circle, there was room! I suppose it was further evidence he has no respect for anything outside himself. I wonder what happened to Dottie after she ate Nick, did the Demon leave the human plane now that the owner of the place was devoured or is it just shuffling around the storage unit now? Amelia still can't get her stuff, sheesh!
  • Well Nick, there goes your $300k check. If there is another main character who is better than Nick and more concerned about poor Dottie than about the money, he and Roland should somehow exorcise the demon first BEFORE getting the book so he could sell it to someone trustworthy enough to keep it locked away somewhere along with the other three books so that no one will ever use them again.
  • If he wasn't a prick to that old woman he could have escaped. Another lesson i got was: Respect everyone. That same person you were a asshole to, you MIGHT need....