Banger Game Reviews - Freelancer

Bienvenido everyone to Banger Game Reviews episode 19! This week were throwin it back to a sci-fi space sim classic called Freelancer. In this game you take the role of Edison Trent who finds himself thrust into the center of a galaxy wide conflict filled with action, deception, and a plot that threatens all of humanity! Can you survive it!

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コメント (21)
  • I had fun working on the music for this game... quite hard to believe it's been twenty years since then!
  • @shaunj2144
    Easily one of my all-time favorite games. I played this for many hours 20 years ago when it came out. Every space sim to ever come out since, I've measured against it, and has not held up to it, in my opinion of course. The awesome and beautiful atmosphere and music has just never been replicated. Some fun tips from an old player: before approaching large groups, you can fly straight up (compared to the horizontal plane of the system) before encountering packs of enemies, then fly at them, sometimes this will break up the packs a bit. Countermeasures work best when you burst 3-5 out real fast, not just one. In a first encounter with a group, you inevitably pass by them, drop mines right before you pass them. Torpedoes are slow, dumb, and expensive but do massive damage to unshielded bases, weapons/missile structures, and large ships. Last tip: before you run out of boost, turn off your engine and just coast! Most people don't know about that feature (z ore x button I think?) but the physics actually work. When you boost and turn them off, you'll coast at that speed and same direction and can rotate around and even face backwards and fire! It's a really fun maneuver :)
  • @LameMule
    My top favorite game as a kid right next to the old Thief games. Freelancer has so much atmosphere, it set the ground for my love of space sims.
  • @tojiroh
    I remember way back when, the very eerie places you could get to... And immediately die. You weren't supposed to get there without a better ship and weapons (i.e. levelling up). Way before dark Souls... And the Discovery mod server... Fantastic!
  • @Dianaranda123
    I would really recommend playing this game with the Crossfire 2.0 mod. Which expands the singleplayer missions quite alot.
  • @savmass
    Great Review. I'm recommending Space Bourne 2 to all fellow Freelancer lovers. It's in still in EA and made by a single developer so there is some "jank", but feels like a modern take on it.
  • freelancer was released after microsoft bought the dev company and fired roberts for his incompetence in handling the game. developement under him was 2 years behind and if he was kept around the game might not have come out till years later if at all. which is why nobody who knows about this has much hope for star citizen as long as hes leading the developement. maybe star citizen will actualy be finished befor 2030 if microsoft buys robets´s new company and fires him from that as well.
  • I got this game as a gift from my parents, even now the disc is in perfect shape so i reinstalled it and applied Freelancer HD Edition Mod.🙂
  • @Tenacitybrit
    One thing that has bugged me playing this game is that you can't over level yourself, which means you can't use end game equipment in the main story. Its only when you finish the story that you even get access to ships that can mount class 7 or higher equipment. I REALLY wish they had been a new game+ mode to let us do that!
  • @Sichko021
    One of the best game. Excellent gameplay and excellent story.
  • This game was so awesome for it's time. I've never played anything like it. After finishing it a couple of times I remember playing it online with Battlestar Galactica mod. I only hope that Starfield will have space combat as close as Freelancer. This game really needs a remaster or a remake.
  • when i judge space games like Starfield i use freelancer and Wing Commander
  • It's criminal that Microsoft has left such an important game to rot.
  • I’d put the game at the front of banger game reviews. Would really help
  • I played this game so much, I was having dreams of playing the game. It was really good, mods made it even better, and kept it alive for a lot longer... But it has always been bugging me that the vanilla story somehow felt rushed by the end. And unfortunately it did not age well... meh, show me anything or anyone who still looks good after 20 years. xD
  • You can cheese any mission by just Cruising around
  • Made a Billion trading in my time there. The few guys that left made Freelancer Universe.