Xbox Brand - What is Going on? Studios Closing, Game Pass Changes & More - Adam Koralik

It's Adam Koralik here and today we're discussing what exactly seems to be going on at Xbox. Namely, they shut down several studios and seem to be issuing a lot of contradictory statements. Why? Let's talk some history and speculate about the future! -- Instead of Patreon
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コメント (21)
  • It’s stuff like this why people (myself included) are giving up on their consoles, and why some are even giving up on the brand altogether. The spencer interview during the redfall incident last year is the straw that broke the camel’s back for me personally. It’s clear they have no interest in making games unless they make grand slam dollars - they only have an interest in being a publisher and a platform holder. The future of xbox will definitely be in 3rd party, pc gaming, and cloud gaming. Their consoles maybe have one or two generations left most likely.
  • @cm3004
    Another thing MS did wrong with the Xbox One was only releasing it in a few select markets which meant that for a year gamers in my country couldn't buy an Xbox. No wonder Playstation has remained market dominant since then!
  • @quajay187
    top three things that'll kill xbox.. 1. Play Anywhere 2. Over reliance on game pass 3. Needlessly buying every studio All of this was all so painfully predictable, its ridiculous.
  • @Caleb_Bravo99
    My opinion is that gaming WAS a console at home, IS a console at home, and WILL BE a console at home. Everything else has come and gone.
  • @goon5544
    Sounds like they're back to their old ways of not prioritizing exclusives and unique games to keep the xbox console interesting in the name of profits. I personally don't use game pass because my game library is better than it and I want to own my games physically. Things were looking up for exclusive games with the new studios but now it sounds like a step backwards.
  • Speaking of xbox, the xbox 360 turns 20 years old next year, time really does keep on slipping into the future
  • @strider6425
    As an Xbox fan for years I think this is one the most unfortunate times to be around. The problem I think is like a multi-headed hydra. The times during Covid convinced a lot of developers that they can finally push for a world without physical media. The problem is that not everyone (including myself) wants this and due to some areas with terrible bandwidth it’s also not feasible for everyone. Also without actual games and an incentive who the hell would want the system? The lack of exclusives for someone like myself makes it hard to go all in when I know I can find stuff in other places. I don’t want game pass and it sounds like a lot of people don’t want it either. It’s unfortunate though because Xbox has so much going for it and by some of the dumb decisions it makes it hurts them. Let’s hope they can get back to games and not this mixed messaging. I sure do miss the 360 days
  • @alyxoj1361
    Wow. Adam getting a mic is the audio equivalent of going from 5th gen to 6th gen.
  • @CRGR1997
    I actually love hearing you talk about history. Its relaxing.
  • Long live physical media. Stop buying digital games that are available in physical copies unless it's a games as a service game.
  • @mr.b9613
    Adam, I swear NOBODY on this site, not even gaming historian channels can entertain me as much as you do when talking video game history. There's something about seeing someone so in love with their passion and explaining it that makes it even more fascinating.
  • @fizzyfuzz5878
    The Kinect was a huge success initially, just not long term. The 360 suffered in it's last years because they put too much focus on it and it let the PS3 outsell it. Then the forced kinect concept with Xbox one killed it off for good. People were officially over it because of that lol
  • @LostKawaii
    Have to say, Xbox kinda lost me when all the stuff happened with the Xbox One in 2013. Even when they improved a lot, they never came back for me. Went over to the PS4 and Nintendo and never really felt like I am missing something. They tried so hard back in the day with the OG Xbox and the 360 to fill the gap Sega left, but man they dropped the ball afterwards. No exclusives and so on... I think a lot player went the same way I did and will never return because of it
  • @sandman8920
    I hate the focus on gamepass. I just don’t agree with it I’m not interested in subscriptions.
  • @nsgames24
    E3 2013 was something that they never really recovered from and a generation later, now I just question why Xbox isn't third-party already. And I didn't know this, but maybe it's a blessing in disguise that an American company can't buy a foreign company seeing the recent closure of Tango. Not to mention, Microsoft's history with buying companies and screwing them over years later.
  • @dravenlee4473
    On a side note, I think the mic feels too "professional" when I've always appreciated your channel as being informal and just having a natural conversation. The mic makes it feel like a podcast instead of just chatting. I honestly prefer the sound of the audio the other way too. It sounded more natural and less filtered. The audio quality from the mic is good and all but again, it makes it sound like a podcast or radio show.