Xbox Quitting Consoles? Maaaaaybe...Sort of...- Adam Koralik

Published 2024-02-05
It's Adam Koralik here and today we're discussing the rumors that Microsoft is pulling the Xbox brand out of the console wars. Do we believe of. Let's talk.

Phil Spencer's Tweet: -- Instead of Patreon
Flying and Eating Channel:

Thumbnail by LadySimmer:

All Comments (21)
  • @AndyMacs
    So glad you made this video man. Trying to piece this story / rumour together from random Twitter posts and sensationalised YouTube videos was a nightmare. Always good to see a balanced take from you
  • @earlyriser03
    If true, Xbox hardware will have gone from being considered at one point the Dreamcast’s spiritual successor to lasting only four console cycles, same as Sega’s effort. What a wild ride.
  • @kytch111
    Soon it will not be the console wars. It will be the subscription wars.
  • I'm 44 and clearly remember when SEGA ended making hardware and became multiplatform. It was so weird and kinda funny playing first sonic game on my PS2, called Sonic Heroes.
  • @mkultraenjoyer
    Sega has the opportunity to do the funniest thing possible
  • @mg1822
    This kinda feels like March 31, 2001 all over again...
  • @TheMightyThor54
    I agree with you, I think Don Mattrick and his team really damaged the Xbox brand especially with that Xbox one reveal all that time ago and they just never really came back from that.
  • @mikehart10
    I think Microsoft will release SOME of their first party games on PS5 but that is it. Microsoft no longer cares how much hardware they sell but how much software they sell hence why you can play Xbox games on Xbox consoles, PC, and game pass.
  • @josephtafur
    It doesn't surprise me that this is happened, seeing that their pushing Game Pass and XBOX app on Samsung TVs and Windows 11 PCs.
  • @robitaill3
    Microsoft is taking the same approach with their “failed” video game division that they took with their failed mobile phone division
  • @snethss
    other than gamepass, everything has been a blunder since 360. I dont think they have done anything right. This is from someone that hasn't touched a Sony console.
  • Xbox quitting the hardware business would be terrible. Having only two companies in the business will only bring us closer to monopolization of the gaming market.
  • @hellman9655
    If MS doesn’t care about hardware are we sure they care about software? What have they released? Look what happened to Rare. All those acquisitions in 2017. I don’t think they’re capable of making games anymore.
  • @RealKaiserRyu
    I just hope my digital library, save files, and Xbox profile don’t vanish when Xbox goes full third party.
  • The thing that raises the ultimate red flag is that instead of Phil Spencer (head of Xbox) coming out today and saying "Hey guys, those rumors are false! All of our games are staying console exclusive to Xbox Series X/S" he came out and said something along the lines of (paraphrasing for dramatic purposes) "Hey, we are listening, we are going to have a meeting next week. Talk to you then". That's like hearing rumors of a girlfriend wanting to break up with a boyfriend, the boyfriend asks about the rumors and the girlfriend then says "Oh.. um... uh... so... I gotta go to the class I have to attend... um... so... talk to you later, okay?" instead of saying "Those rumors aren't true!! I love you and will be forever with you!". Maybe not the best example, but you get the point. LMAO. Anyway, I've been a multi-console owner for the last 30 years and this is the first gen where I bought the Playstation console (PS5) but have NOT bought the Xbox console (Xbox Series X) despite owning every other Xbox console. The first red flag was how the Xbox Series X launched with NO console exclusives while the Playstation 5 launched with some exclusives like Astro's Playroom, Demon's Souls Remake, etc. Who the heck in their right mind puts out a new console with no console exclusives? That raised some very serious concerns. Then during 2021 Xbox releases ONE console exclusive and that's Microsoft Flight Sim, but that's a game that came out one year BEFORE on PC. So it wasn't even a co-release with PC and console at the same time. The Xbox Series X release of that game felt like an afterthought rather than a priority. That was another red flag. Then 2022... NO console exclusives. NONE. Yeah, there was Scorn (which is NOT a good game) but that was a timed exclusive for a few months before also going to PS5. During 2020, 2021, and 2022 I could NOT justify spending $500 on a Xbox Series X for these reasons. Now.. As a multi-console owner, I was planning on getting the Xbox Series X this April with my tax refund since I want to play Starfield (despite it's critics) and I was going to wait for games like Fable 4. HOWEVER, given recent news, I am NO LONGER planning on buying a Xbox Series X. It makes no sense to buy one for $500 if my PS5 can play everything it has. I might get a Xbox Series X in the future when it's $200 or less since it has backwards compatibility with all the Xbox discs I own, but no way can I pay $500 when I have a Playstation 5 that can do everything it does and more (and no, I don't care about Gamepass). This is assuming if Xbox doesn't reverse their alleged third party plans by next week.
  • @siebhotep
    I think it would be a shame if the Xbox were no more. Sony needs to be challenged by a company with deep pockets, like Microsoft. Competition is what makes things happen. Likewise I wish Nintendo still had somebody like Sega to compete with, kind of on their own turf. Pushing them.
  • @dominicanag1032
    If you’re a single platform owner this is never good. Competition is needed because if there isn’t any the consumers will suffer from the repercussions.
  • @vinniecorleone62
    I enjoyed your rational & candid opinions on this latest Xbox buzz, thanks for sharing!
  • It's a shame Microsoft screwed up the foot hold they were getting in Japan! I agree less competition is a bad thing!