28 Weeks Pregnant & THIS Happens!! SO ANGRY!

Published 2020-07-22

All Comments (21)
  • @ByHerHand
    Unless you are looking for a “all-natural-no-painkillers-and-freeze-dry-your-placenta-to-slip-it-in-the-casserole” type birthing experience- I highly recommend a busy public hospital where loads of babies are delivered. They have experience and often highly skilled obstetrics teams.
  • @Chels-uo2wv
    I am in the US and have NEVER heard of this! I would be SO livid! I am almost 29 weeks and would be so upset finding this information out! Here, we have a couple hospitals to choose from, but they deliver for anyone! We do have one hospital that is considered the “best”, but you would have to have something severely wrong with you or the baby to have to be moved there. Now, if my baby was born and there were complications, they would prob have to send my baby to that particular NICU, but the hospital I’m at would NEVER turn me away last min! I also had a low placenta, but found out mine moved up at my last appt. praying yours does the same! I’m so sorry your going through all of this 😔
  • @teganserone563
    That’s absolutely ridiculous. The same sort of thing happened to my Mum, but they actually gave her enough notice. With my youngest sister, Mum had gone to the smaller hospital in the whole of our area, because it’s quieter. Mum had to have a C-section because she’d already had two emergency ones, but at the smaller hospital there was an anaesthesiologist who would refuse to deal with women over 90kg... so they’d then have to be rushed to the bigger hospital. So Mum just went straight to the hospital where me and my other siblings had been born and everything was sweet. Totally sucks that they’ve pulled that crap. I mean, if you can’t take all patients, why take any? Glad you’ve found a decent doctor now!
  • @kplusL
    I’m just so glad you’ve found peace and comfort in this new OB/Practice. You don’t need to be dealing with bullshit like this. Money grabbing bastards! 😡 All the best to you and your family x
  • I am so glad that you’re getting things sorted out. You brows & lashes look amazing. You are so beautiful! 💕
  • I am friends with a doctor who works in the public system (in NSW). We had a long chat about labour and birthing. Many (most?) private hospitals do not take high risk pregnancies, or take them but are not equipped to deal with them. A lot of private hospitals cannot met the regulations associated with 'time to emergency caesarian' and similar life saving emergency actions. If while you are in labour you become high risk they truck you off to the local public hospital which is required to provide the emergency care (hopefully before you are in critical need but sometimes not). Because we have a public system that must be free and available to everybody, the private hospital sector can be lazy and simply skim off the easy cases where they don't need to invest in expensive equipment etc. I'm sure there's probably good ones out there, but based on the advice from my friend I'd say you got lucky that they bothered to tell you at all ahead of time. ❤️🤞 I hope it all goes smoothly for you with the new hospital and doctor.
  • @ericakren5486
    It's sad that a lot of Dr.'s will do that just because they know you don't know and they can keep your money. Sorry this happened.
  • I went through the public system with all my babies and honestly can't fault any of the care I received. Sometimes paying more for things isn't better. Good luck Jade, but I don't think you need it, it sounds like you are now going to get the care you need 😊
  • Awww come on little rainbow keep growing stronger we all love u come out safe for mummy
  • @wwk9415
    Do you mind sharing what new hospital you have gone to? I live here in Perth also and looking around 😊
  • This exact thing happened to me around the 28 week mark as well and it was absolutely shocking and devastating. I was high risk because of my BMI no other issues. Luckily it all turned out well and my care was wonderful. I’m sure everything will be perfect x
  • @CooptheToop
    Oh my god the calf cramps are the worst.... I have been getting the worst foot cramps too... next level. My Ob is public and he is older and he is amazing! And can I guess BOY! your belly looks like mine <3 I am measuring 4 weeks ahead too! You've got this girl and a c-section isn't so bad - bonding just happens and your milk definitely comes in X
  • We are here in WA and have private cover but am in the country and went public for my babies - best thing we ever did!!
  • I am almost 11 weeks with my first, and let me tell you this has been such as damn mind fuck with everything I'm learning. Unfortunately my insurance won't let me give birth in the hospital in my town. I have to drive about 55 minutes to a town I've never been to. Also I can't have my first Ultrasound until 20 weeks which some people are telling me is normal, while others are telling me it's not. After having a miscarriage last Thanksgiving, I want to see the ultrasound asap. The care in the US is horrid. I know I don't have the best job, and I suppose that's my own fault but wow, this being my first pregnancy makes me so worried.
  • @tysmom76
    Looking beautiful baby girl ❤ lol I had no idea I was high risk 19 years ago when I had my son. My OB didn't want me stressed out, but, he had everything on stand by for that "just in case "
  • @beckyspears1846
    Try theraworx relief For cramps. Easy and works for leg cramps!
  • @izcullen
    Don't worry about having a CS if you need one, everything will be fine. Your body has done all this before with little Hazel, so you'll be golden, don't worry xxx