33 Weeks Pregnant Update- Hospital Visits & Photo Shoot!

Published 2020-08-22

All Comments (21)
  • @b_r_a_n
    me and my mum have been watching Ambulance Australia (we're from the UK) and aussie ambos are so much nicer and caring than ours🥺 you're looking so well Jade not long left now♥️
  • You are your biggest advocate, don't be afraid of asking what you want and need. You go mamma! 💕🥰
  • I had placenta previa with my last baby. My daughter's placenta was barely outside of the CM requirements and I had a vaginal birth and she's now 3 years old and a beautiful girl. I had heavy bleeding at the time but not bad enough for a transfusion. I couldn't have a csection unless they flat out told me the baby would die without one and even then I would have to be heavily medicated before anything started (I have a HUGE phobia of surgery). I feel women that get csections are amazing and a hell of a lot stronger than I am!! Y'all are Rockstars!! The recovery is longer and can be hella difficult and I don't do well with wounds and blood and such. Kudos to you for being a rockstar and kudos to all the mother's out there that went through one!! And kudos to the rockstars that are mom's regardless of how it happened. I am just so happy for you!! And excited!! Much love from the US
  • @jobailey7618
    Hang in there, you got this!!! Such stunning photos! Get that CSection locked in, that will help calm your OCD, if you explain to them as well as you did to us then they will surely sort it all out. Unknown “ifs and maybes” cause such stress in some of us, mental health awareness is so vital!
  • 33 weeks!! Youre almost there just a little longer and your little bundle of joy will be out of your stomach and in your arms😊
  • @BarbieHeadTiara
    OH MY GODDESS!!!!😍 those pictures are the most stunning photos ever. 🏵💮Wow . seriously . frickin beautiful. ✌🤘💋
  • @julieknight6372
    Hi Jade :) i've had 2 c-sections.... 1 unplanned and 1 planned. My first was 9lb 11oz and my 2nd was 8lb 8oz.
  • @soaringkite2673
    Jade, did you know that in Thailand C-sections are the most popular way of giving birth? The reason for this is parents consult a fortune teller to get the most auspicious day and time for the birth. As you can imagine, many babies were born on 02/02/2020 at 20.02 pm.
  • Congrats to you on getting to 33wks in your pregnancy and hope everything is going well for you during this special time in your life and hope your unborn baby is healthy and growing and my thoughts and prayers are with you for a safe and healthy pregnancy and God bless you all and stay safe and healthy. Love 💘,
  • We are about on track for the same weeks. I’m 32 and 2 days now. And I’ve had gestational diabetes sense 8 weeks pregnant. It’s been hard but dealing with it! Ready for him to be here now lol...
  • @bbgun2010
    Home stretch jade! I'm so over being pregnant now. In pain 24hrs a day through my back. I feel like I've got a fractured rib or something because omg...I cant even get through a day with a bra on at the moment. I need to get to 37w to have baby where I am. I've asked to be induced at 39w..I cant handle the pain anymore. I'll be 35w thursday..literally counting down the weeks now.
  • @hopegraham3546
    Stick to what you believe in!! I had high blood pressure and gestational diabetes and was induced at 37w. Drs pushed and pushed and pushed for a natural delivery, I had 3 failed induction attempts and I argued with every dr I saw that I wanted a c-section due to the stress of induction was on my body and my baby. It got to the morning after my 3rd induction attempt and I argued with the dr about having a cesarean because they weren't willing to let me do that. They didn't want me to have a c-section due to it being my first baby and setting me up to have c-section in future. I got my way and within 5hrs was in theatre and baby was born. I had gut instincts from the start of my health problems and pushed until they listened
  • @aussiegirl1166
    I had two csections, first one was an emergency after 15.5 hours labour and I lost a lot of blood (thankfully didn't need a transfusion) second was a planned csection that the specialist said was the safer option because my two are close in age. Second one was harder to recover from compared to the first. Drs generally don't give in to csection requests because of the complications. I am in WA too just a bit further south from you. Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy and I hope the safest option happens for you guys xx
  • @mumof3325
    I had placenta Pravia. The placenta kept moving and they said we will keep a watch on it this was 25 years ago not so advanced with medical equipment it was planned for natural birth then the placenta moved again. Go c section and I was told no strenuous exercise x
  • Cant believe it's already 33 weeks I hope u and little rainbow are well x
  • I had a csection 5 months ago and tbh it was a rough recovery but like all things it passes and now I hardly remember that time. That being said here’s a few tips! Don’t try to rough it out without meds, I had to insist of better meds for atleast the first two weeks when they were trying to send me home with nothing more than the basics. I bought a stool for the shower since standing was hard and showers were very peaceful for me during that time. Don’t overdo it when you start feeling better! I did and ended up back in bed for a few days and I know of others who have had a similar experience - it’s so tempting to start trying to pick up the slack but seriously just take it easy. Pillow against your abdomin when you need to cough or sneeze etc! Lastly make sure you have as much support as possible for atleast 4 weeks. Whether that’s family that comes to stay or a friend being available 🤷🏻‍♀️ cesears are no joke and I couldn’t have done it without the help of my mum and hubby. Goodluck!!!
  • @jax3320
    What is on your lips? It looks so beautiful
  • @shirleyzman3537
    You look amazing ❤️ do you have a Amazon baby registry? If not please make one 🤗🥰
  • @Miss_Distress
    What is a maternal led cesarean? Never heard of it! Do all of your obs know about your ocd? If not they should have a conversation with your therapist or something, it might help them understand that you need a c section. Also, the estimates of baby's weight are wildly inaccurate lol. They always estimated mine very wrong.
  • @Annj97
    Yes put your foot down for c-section! 💕