Fix Shoulder Pain in Hypermobility | Hypermobility & EDS Exercises with Jeannie Di Bon

Published 2021-02-25
A common occurrence is shoulder and neck pain when you have hypermobility. Of course there could be many reasons for this. This video looks at one big reason - how we use our arms. It’s really important to understand your patterns for using the arms - it can trigger lots of different situations. Try out these hypermobility exercises here with me on this short video.

Let me know how it goes for you in the comment section down below!

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I am very grateful for my fellow Zebra Philip Quigley, a musician from Leyland in Lancashire UK, who wrote the music for this video and just for this channel. Thank you. I am delighted to have my own theme tune.

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P.S. Please do check with your medical practitioner if you decide to try my exercises or courses - especially if you haven't exercised in a while, are pregnant, if you have a balance disorder, are new to exercise or have an ongoing medical condition that may affect your ability to

All Comments (21)
  • This really helps! Thank you. For many years, anytime I move my arms, even simple movements, I can feel my shoulder slip out of the socket and snap back in. Its painful, so I end up restricting my arm movement. Once I tried this method, my shoulders stay where they are supposed to and I can feel muscles in my back engaged that I am not used to. I will continue to build up strength in the proper area!
  • of all the joints, probably the shoulder joint is the one that baffles me the most in terms of positioning, often have no clue where it should be and nothing feels right so much of the time, but this felt really and is really helpful, thanks!
  • @macgirl1234
    Oh my GOSH! I can't believe how hard it is to lift my arm properly. I had no idea I was doing this. Thank you so much
  • @Stella.22g
    Apparently my constant scapula uncomfortableness was a consistently partially dislocated humerus that decided to go into place yesterday, it's been two days full of pops and cracks and learning how to use my arm properly for the first time ever since I have memory, thank you so much for this video, I need to get used to my shoulder being in the right place
  • @somewhat-blue
    I have EDS and messed up my shoulders playing cello really intensively as a teenager — hopefully this stuff can help me! Thank you ❤️
  • @xxmaster2
    Its funny, I had shoulder pain for years being flexible. It made no sense to me and I struggled with strange pain every day. My shoulders always felt like they cant stay where they supposed to be. This is definitly a good exercise and I will incorporate it into my training 👍🏻
  • Wow, what a difference that adjustment makes!!! I have terrible arm and shoulder pain and have been trying so many exercises but they just exacerbate my pain. I’ll try and be more aware of how I use my shoulders and arms in everyday life. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge.
  • @MrLovolovo
    anatomically there is so much going on at and around the shoulders that i needed years of therapy and misdiagnosed stuff until the hypermobility pain diagnosis. apparently when you have it it also causes problems around it since again, so much is going on around the shoulder joint
  • Thank you so much, I did not know I lifted my arms so much in the wrong manner. I have lots and lots of complaints in my shoulders for years now, once having a subluxation during my thesis where I couldn't lift my arm at all or only little. I have been to various fysiotherapists and doctors and no one ever ever suggested this. It is so painful for folks with hypermobility, at least for me, to ask help to professionals and not receive the help we need because of the lack of education on this disorder. Thanks again and please keep up the good work!
  • @heidi3431
    This is great! Thank you. I’d love to see more about this.
  • @MrsXx
    I love your videos! You explain in a understandable way.🙏🏾 You're really making me understand how I'm disabled. I know that sounds weird but I'm only now being referred for rare EDS testing. I was told I was just fibro even though I needed a wheelchair & couldn't lift my arts without subluxing in different places. I get more pain trying to hold my joints correctly & tremours. My arm feel looser trying to keep my shoulders blades in right. 😮‍💨 😅 If I ever get safely physically able again I'm coming to you. You're a great therapist. 🖤🦓🤍
  • @projectqueen610
    Ooo. I did this and had no idea that I was raisingy arm incorrectly! Thank you.. I'm so grateful as my shoulders have recently decided to be exra hypermobile and I'm Clearly out of balance.
  • @lw7654
    This is very hard for me. I have a rounded left shoulder, forward head. That shoulder/scapula feels as though it doesn’t move or I know it doesn’t move correctly. I have a flat t-spine now. The relationship between the scapula /ribcage isn’t right. Everyone says strengthen strengthen strengthen the shoulder stabilizers, serratus nothing helps. Feels like bone on bone being jammed against spine. I will try your exercises. Thank you
  • Is there any shoulder stretches you recommend for hEDS people? My movement with hands behind back is really restricted and I really want to improve that.
  • Do u have any advice on shoulder/arm placement when sleeping on ur side with hypermobile shoulders? I think some of my pain is from bad sleep positioning but I do not know what is the safest position.