Your Weirdest Christmas Presents

Published 2020-12-19

All Comments (21)
  • I got candy rocks once. Literal chocolates that looked exactly like rocks you'd find outside. Needless to say 6 year old me cried for an hour or so before my grandmother revealed that they were infact, candy.
  • @snailmail8140
    I got a small bag of chips once. Needless to say, that was my favorite Christmas.
  • @AussieGladiator
    one Christmas (i was obsessed with gardening at the time) my sister wrapped up a potato as a trick present, and when i opened it i said "YES, I CAN PLANT IT AND BECOME A POTATO FARMER". the look of confusion on her face was priceless, and all my mum had to say was "you can't disappoint this kid, can you?"
  • @HeyItsIDK
    I once asked Santa for a pineapple and forgot that I asked for it and on Christmas morning I freaked out because I got a pineapple. For your information it was the best pineapple I've ever eaten.
  • @SFTellez
    Already I love this video! “Hey what did santa bring you this year?” shows steve
  • @drawzamation39
    This is a story my friend told me, he asked for coal for Christmas so he could make a snowman. And it turns out it snowed that year. What a coincidence.
  • @angiol5590
    Fun fact: the “Bumbo got coin” is supposedly a binding of Isaac refrence
  • My entire life I begged my parents for a toy kitchen. I did so much online shopping to find the perfect one that I knew I was going to get it. I even cleared a spot in my room where it would go. Christmas morning comes and there’s a box even taller than me with my name on it, what else would it be!? The only other thing I asked for was a dog... after getting a lot of help from my brothers I was able to move the behemoth of a present out from behind the tree and into a good position to unwrap it. tearing the paper apart and staring at the smooth cardboard before me, I read the words “go cart” and became extremely confused. My parents had gotten me a peddle go cart instead of a toy kitchen... for some reason We never use the go cart, the tire went flat two weeks after we got it and it was never repaired
  • @Fox-Picture
    Santa brought a voodoo doll of Steve!!! That’s how we cure Steve!!!!!!! We eradicate the doll.
  • @Cazper23
    For like, four years I had asked santa for a piece of coal for my rock collection.
  • @buttercupkat
    2:33 I don't know if I'll ever have the wit to mustard up a pun like that!
  • @joerome671
    2019 me : what you get buddy Me: i got a bad year
  • My family got me something called Bob’s Books and I literally just said, “oh” threw them aside, and opened another gift! 😂 About a year later I read them and they weren’t that bad.
  • Despite being a complete weirdo most of the time, my holiday requests were relatively normal. My sister, however, has asked for spatulas as holiday gifts multiple times, because apparently there are different kinds of spatula? Let me tell you, I have never seen anyone so happy about opening a box of spatulas. Also, last year, my cousin requested and got a case of Mountain Dew for Christmas.
  • @clarkharris6635
    Wow, young yong AND Jaiden uploading on the same day. It really is a Christmas miracle
  • One time I fr asked for a better Santa cause my gifts weren’t good lmao
  • My grandma put my present in a cake mix box, and it gave me the idea that it was a half-used box of cake mix. I cried until it was revealed that there was money in the box. I got yelled at for not being thankful, even if i did get cake mix lmao
  • @ecbphilstube
    One time I told my parents that "All I want for Christmas is a pet puppy", so they bought me a puppy (A stuff toy puppy) I remember that I was pretending to be happy but in the inside I was crying