Jedi: Survivor Could Have Been A Masterpiece

A video essay / review of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (Played on PS5).

Special Thanks to Cal Cronin, who provided me with some sick beats to use in the video. I used some of my own 'Space Cops' music as well.

I captured a lot of gameplay footage for this video, but towards the later part of the game I kind of barreled through and didn't capture my own footage (at the time I didn't know I was making a video review), Unfortunately, once I decided to make this video, it turns out that I wanted to focus a lot of the discussion on the back half of the campaign, when I wasn't recording my own gameplay. I had to source a lot of gameplay footage of this part of the game from other channels (which is labeled as such in the video) Thank you to those channels:

- Boss Fight Database
- Digital Foundry
- The Gamerverse
- Izuniy
- MKIceAndFire
- Joe Hammer Gaming
- Zanar Aesthetics

Thanks for watching!

00:00 - Intro
02:40 - Part 1 - Faster and More Intense
04:40 - Part 2 - Exploration (Treasure Hunting & Beard Trimming)
07:40 - Part 3 - The Inevitable Twist
13:30 - Part 4 - The Story Reminds Us This is STAR WARS
19:28 - Part 5 - The [Spoiler] Boss Fight
23:56 - Part 6 - The Ending / Conclusion

Check out my other game reviews on this channel ( Doom 2016, Titanfall 2, & The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I also have a bunch of other gaming content such as highlights from my Twitch live streams. Also check me out over there at:

I also produce music under the name Space Cops (some tracks used in this video)

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (2023), produced by Respawn and published by EA, is the sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (2019), and continues the story of Cal Kestis and his journey to help protect the jedi from the Empire. The story takes place in the time period before the original Star Wars film trilogy, but after the prequel trilogy. The game itself is an action adventure game with light RPG mechanics, with the gameplay focused on lightsaber combat and exploration. It has a similar feel to Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice in its focus on saber combat, parrying & deflecting (though not as difficult as a From Software game)

コメント (21)
  • @TheInfernoM.
    Great work! Popped up in my feed, and you are really underrated. Post more videos with this quality and you'll blow up soon, good luck!
  • @baki484
    If you don't like Vader showing up here then you really won't like him potentially showing up in the 3rd game to face Cal (a jedi who escaped him the first time). Things were only going one way for Cere and knowing the inquisitors wouldn't be a match for her. Vader is the number 1 jedi killer in period between episodes 3 - 6. Oh and Cere is using force healing as opposed to stims.
  • @tiger-ym7ln
    Honestly i agree on the point that the game chucks a load of enemy's at you but i actually like the ending it makes cal goes further against the jedi way
  • @akselotte2524
    I think the vader boss fight fitted in well as a revenge fight after what happened in the first game.
  • @5eBz_
    15:33 Darth Vader's relevance to the story is that he's THE Jedi killer, he only shows up when a jedi has been located. And the only reason he's on Jedha is because Bode called the Empire and alerted the Inquisitorius; which Vader is in command of. Besides, bro has beef with Cere cause she got away from him last time, you really forget how petty Vader is?
  • @OrangeAppless
    I agree with everything you said but Vader is known for hunting down Jedi he has comics that relates to him cutting down Jedi
  • @MatthewN8OHU
    I think the message that Bode sent, under the cover of recording a message to Kata, specifically requested Vader. At least that's the way I understand the Force Echo in the Archive after the game opens up for exploration. Not to mention that there were now only something like 12-14 Inquisitors to search the entire galaxy after the deaths of the Second Sister and Ninth Sister.
  • It’s so interesting to me because I thought Dagan Geras bossfight was a complete joke while I found Rayvis to be extremely difficult
  • @MrHoll87
    Quick disclaimer, I agree that expressing your views on Star Wars online IS a minefield now days. Also, I largely agree that since being bought out by Disney, Star Wars is VERY over saturated and overall not great most of the time. I also agree mostly about Vader being used in everything for nostalgic baiting or just cheap fan service. All of that aside, Vader showing up in this game for five minutes shouldn't be a deal breaker. It makes sense for him to be there, as it was a conclusion to Cere's story, as well as a method to demonstrate just how powerful Cere had become now that she found inner peace. Vader shows up in this one not for fan service, but to hunt down Cere specifically, he is THERE FOR her. Why? Because she went after him at the end of the first game, where it again made sense for him to show up. Cere was the former master of Trilla, who became one of Vader's Inquisitor's, and when she failed him too many times, Vader, like he always has, showed up to put an end to her and her failures. Vader killing Trilla in front of Cere when she wanted to help her former padawan nearly drove Cere to the dark side and nearly got her killed by Vader. So Vader showing up in this game to settle the score and tie up that little subplot makes perfect sense without it being "cheap fan service". On top of all of that, it also serves as another catalyst to push Cal in his own journey. Like Cere when she lost Trilla, Cal nearly loses himself to the dark side over Cere's death when confronted with the man who set all this in motion. And it remains unclear where Cal's journey will end in the next and final game. Will he remain vigilant in the light? Raise and train Kata and guide her? Or will he lose himself to the dark side and become some evil Cal like has been teased since the very first game? Personally, to me, this game would be great with or without Vader. I don't feel like the devs needed to throw Vader in there to remind everyone this is a Star Wars game. Everyone playing it is very aware of what it is. So I don't think that was the intention. I genuinely believe this is one of the RARE and few GOOD uses of Vader we have seen in many many years.
  • @Naratifan
    Good video man, keep up the good work !
  • 16:57 I think the issue here is that you presume that Big Bad must mean being the most powerful. When in reality, it can just mean that they’re who the Story is ultimately going to put you against. Bode was the Big Bad for Cal Kestis’s personal story in this Game, Cal was always going to focus more on Bode’s betrayal than any Inquisitor or even Vader showing up and killing Cere, because at the end of the day, it was Bode that informed the Empire of the Hidden Path. As for Vader’s appearance in the Game, as many have pointed out, hunting Jedi was, as Obi-Wan would put it, Vader’s “specialty”. Of course it also could’ve been any other Inquisitor that showed up as well, so what reason does Vader have to be specifically involved. Well, this is the end of Cere’s Storyline, and she actually has a personal history with Vader to an extent. Vader was the one person that Cere was terrified of the most while she was captive in the Fortress Inquisitorious. Vader represents Cere’s failure as a Master to Trilla, and he represents the Darkness within Cere as well. Finally Vader represents one of the main aspects of the Story, that was told from the very beginning, despite everything Cal and the gang does, the Empire is everywhere, and they’re only growing Stronger. Vader doesn’t necessarily represent the Empire itself, but rather he represents the fact that, as he himself put it in the very fight “It is delusion to think your actions have had any consequence.” Vader represents what is essentially, the fruitless resistance against the Empire (atleast at the point in time that Jedi Survivor takes place in) Also, if it isn’t Vader, who else could it have been? You say they could’ve brought in a new character like the other three Main Antagonists of the Story, but as it’s been made clear, this was pretty much nearing the Climax of the Story, there wouldn’t have been enough time to really develop a new Inquisitor they introduce. Not to mention that Cere for the most part is powerful enough to trump most Inquisitors. So at best, the Grand Inquisitor could’ve been the one to kill Cere than Vader, but as was established, Vader has more of a personal connection to Cere at this point in time, so logically it couldn’t have been anyone BUT Vader to show up and finish her off. The personal connection here pretty much shows that this does in fact work outside of a Vacuum.
  • @Venzynt
    Wake me up when when we finally get a custom jedi character on modern systems
  • 7:15-7:20. The “Metroid Prime” structure level design you mentioned is sometimes referred to as a “Metroidvania”. The whole “backtracking once you have the correct item and/or traversal upgrade” thing. Just trying to help in case you needed a more simplified way to explain what you were talking about, “Metroidvania” will usually get your point across even though these games are traditionally and typically side-scrollers, this level design is also seen in games like Dark Souls, Metroid Prime and obviously all the Castlevania and Metroid games.
  • Idk why you think the Vader fight detracts from the story. Why would they create a whole new character to represent the empire we already know well. He serves the purpose of reminding us abt cal and the crews place in the larger Star Wars canon, and contrasts the ISB later on. He also serves to show how powerful and legendary of a Jedi cere is by almost taking him out. The moment wouldn’t nearly hit as hard with some random new character that leaves as quickly as introduced. Great video man, I agree with most of what you had to say!
  • @TheTalan
    Ill die on the hill that says we should make a canon Starkiller. Still have him as Vaders secret apprentice but not strong enough to be put against both side and have him pose as an inquisiter.
  • @peabuddie
    I get where you're coming from but Vader had a legit reason to be there. The Archives is a very high value target, in addition to there being three high profile jedi there. Having said that I agree with much of what you had to say about that fight.
  • Hmmm I appreciate this review. I didn't mind Vader showing up because it makes sense he would be on the hunt for Cere and he knows no one but him could kill her. It makes sense when Bode tells the empire about her being there for Vader to go and handle himself. Granted I do get after beating Dagan it does feel like the game just keeps going despite you thinking he is overall the antagonist