The End of Affirmative Action | CBS Reports

Published 2023-12-21
In the aftermath of the Supreme Court striking down affirmative action in college admissions, CBS Reports examines the fog of uncertainty for students and administrators who say the decision threatens to unravel decades of progress.

#affirmativeaction #documentary #news

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All Comments (21)
  • @osd92
    Not a single Asian student whose parents also work extremely hard, who also face adversity and discrimination, who themselves have to work three times as hard as any other AA student was interviewed for this documentary.
  • @andrewareva4605
    The lawsuit was about asian students being discriminated against. Why is there no mention of asian students in this entire report?
  • @sampyism
    Get rid of legacy admissions and affirmative action.. Make it 100% meritocratic. If students are good enough, they'll get in.
  • @FLethan2010
    Stop affirmative action. Work harder and smarter.
  • @psalmD
    Good I hope my Asian child can get in without worrying he’s in a wrong race. Because there is no wrong race.
  • @tmn8547
    Get rid of legacy admissions and donor preferences if it’s supposed to be based only on merit. I worked at a university, and I can tell you that legacy admissions, legacy hiring, and donor preferences are very much real. Scores and GPA aren’t anything much when rich/famous parents can buy their kids into universities. Legacy admissions and donor preferences are what the Asian guy should have gone after. He was used, and doesn’t even realize it.
  • @jordanxlopez4508
    this also overlooks the students who also live in rural communities, where students don’t have the same access to resources as schools with better resource.
  • @williebeamon3083
    It was always inherently racist to choose someone based on their skin color anyway.
  • @kolkena
    NEWSFLASH: attending an elite college isn't a prerequisite for success. Speaking as an engineer, any accredited university (including unranked state schools) can be a pathway to a good-paying job. You'll get out of your education what you put into it.
  • @rampage241
    Race-based Affirmative Action is a blunt instrument that does little to address disparities and only increases racial tensions. Take for example Emily Rodriguez's family. Her parents came from Mexico as immigrants. By definition they had to start from zero and it had nothing to do with discrimination and everything to do with them migrating from a poorer country. For her to now say that she's been "pressed" is absurd. On the other hand take for instance a person of Chinese descent or Japanese descent who's ancestors arrived in the late 1800's. They would have actually faced racial discrimination at the hands of the govt (Those anti-chinese laws during the California gold rush and Japanese internment during WW2) yet according to the Race-based Affirmitive dogma Emily & her family would be oppressed by the aforementioned East Asians. Emily can claim her family was oppressed based on events that happened WHEN THEY WEREN'T EVEN IN THE USA AT THE TIME, and then get preferential treatment over people who actually were discriminated against! It's completely ridiculous. The Hispanic example is very important because it's a fast growing demographic. In no small part due to migration from Central and South America. Many arrive with little else besides the clothes on their backs. So the disadvantage they face is not due to "historical marginalization." It's a function of them being recent arrivals from a poor country. Now imagine a poor white person whose ancestors were laborers and sharecroppers in the antebellum South, whose family has been trapped in poverty for generations. Imagine another white person, a refugee from Ukraine arriving with nothing. Or one whose family migrated in the late 1800's escaping the Irish Potato Famine. These 3 aforementioned would be considered "oppressors" vs an upper middle-class Black person. No doubt there is a very real and very ugly history of discrimination in America, but the answer is not a clumsy tool like Race-based Affirmative Action. A more sensible policy is to target people based on their economic circumstances. This will ensure that everyone gets a fair shot regardless of race. And in any case, many of the people that proponents of this new racial discrimination point to will benefit anyway. Minority groups are overrepresented in poverty stats relative to their population proportion, so they will still largely benefit anyway. At the same time while also giving opportunities to deserving people who are currently being discriminated against. But ofcourse that's not acceptable to the proponents of the new racism because its seems their agenda isn't what they say it is. It's quite sad listening to Emily regurgitate the woke nonsense. Same for Hamza. It's worth noting though that I get the impression that Hamza's Dad's comment were edited in a sneaky way. He clearly appears to be against Race-based Affirmative action but it doesn't fit the narrative so it had to be censored. So sad.
  • @waynewhite6920
    Everyone who says that “ it would be worse if we didn’t do what we did “ doesn’t know what they are talking about
  • @d.akhtar9080
    Imagine benefiting from affirmative action as a POC just to major in liberal arts and be in debt for the rest of your life
  • @3joewj
    I agree with the Supreme Court...stop the discrimination.
  • @scillyautomatic
    Affirmative Action may have had a use for a short time but now it affects the opposite of its intended goal.
  • Very happy that affirmation action is gone. Work hard, get good grades and seek to achieve scholarships. Affirmative action was never any help to poor or under privileged white people.
  • @foxtrap614tango8
    My whole problem with the the AA decision is that they did not address the real issue. Merit alone will not guarantee college admissions. It never has. There was no proof given by the courts to show that removing AA would make all college admissions based on merit. On the contrary, it just removes race based. All the other forms of unmerited admission still remain and will continue as it always has. Just seems like they purposely picked on race and ignored all the other problems. A very 'American' decision in my opinion.
  • @rjbkrb
    I don’t want to be looked at as the loser that couldn’t do it on my own. Having someone hand me an easier path isn’t a real path to success. Work for it. Nothing is free.
  • @dnifty1
    People need to stop talking about college admissions as if that is the beginning of education and/or the solution to educational inequality. Education starts in kindergarten and that is where inequality starts, which is why the civil rights movement introduced Brown vs Board to address educational inequality back in the 50s when high school was all that was required for a "good job". Primary and secondary school are mandated by law for all citizens and there should be no inequality in resources and funding across public schools. It is pointless to focus on college admissions while ignoring 12 years of unequal and inadequate education in public primary and secondary school, which is taxpayer funded. This country can find trillions of dollars for wars and other foreign adventures but cant find money for a proper 21st century education system. That is pathetic.