How the Model Minority Myth Helped End Affirmative Action | VICE on Twitch

Published 2023-08-19
Ellen Wu, author of The Color of Success, discusses the latest Supreme Court decision that has effectively eliminated the use of affirmative action in college admissions. In a live interview on Twitch, Wu explains how the persistence of the 'model minority' myth has minimized the role racism plays in the persistent struggles of non-Asian minority groups — especially black Americans, and how it was the primary tool in dismantling affirmative action.

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All Comments (21)
  • @rosshoyt2030
    Supreme court should accept a case regarding legacy admissions if they want to make admissions truly fair, and ban it
  • @laurinyoung5771
    Personally, I’m glad it ended. When these schools continue to fill with legacy kids and donors, instead of high scoring students, Affirmative Action will no longer be the scapegoat.
  • @maki9396
    The irony was that legacy recruits were taking everyone's places.
  • @coolbluereview
    Asians were proportionally not victims of redlining. The post-reconstruction era wasn’t mentioned at all.
  • @User-54631
    Don’t financial outcomes for Asian americans vary dramatically?
  • @AvadGroup
    Wtffff Asian A history and African A is deeply intertwined! She just said that to sound relevant. Not allowing someone in to the country for a few decades and maybe being a bit bullied is nothing compared to be a slave and segregated for several CENTURIES.
  • @jwhitenstall
    The obsession by Americans with what colour you are drags the actual left wing of the Anglosphere down with it. We have a tradition of talking about solidarity and improved working and living conditions for all, the Americans can only make those arguments if they first talk about what colour you are, it's ridiculous.
  • @EEVOL
    Vice, if you want to put a piece out like this, don't hide the comments that you disagree with. Look at all the missing replies.
  • @jjmcg9184
    Welp, how's that AA knockdown working for ya?
  • @williamgregory1848
    I loved this piece. Hearing the term "model minority" just makes me cringe. It's so bad and it only pits Asian-Americans against other minority groups.
  • @deejay5102
    Could we plz stop trying to compare other minorities' struggles in America with the Black American experience? No other minority experienced what we experienced and still continue to experience, period. Not to mention if these other minorities were treated so badly here like they claim, they could always pack up and go home. Black Americans never had that option. The vast majority of these minority groups are here in large numbers due to Black Americans. Without the Civil Rights Era we would never have had immigration reform in the 1960s. But sadly, even with that said, these same beneficiaries still insisted on batting for team white supremacy, only until after team white supremacy started to target them, henceforth, the Anti-Asian crime bill. Let's talk about Affirmative Action. Affrimative Action benefitted white women the most while Black Americans benefitted the least. Asians benefitted greatly from Affirmative Action (along with Civil Rights legislation) from the very beginning but no one wants to talk about that. And because of their anti Black American hatred they sided with a white supremacist to target Affirmative Action thinking it was gonna hurt Black Americans who they thought were undeserving of their spots in college, only to really shoot themselves in the foot as we are now starting to see with Affirmative Action dismantled, they are now back at square one with no real progress whatsoever. Who will they blame now? Minorities need to educate themselves on American history before they start to run out and back WS to take away programs that actually benefit them. Black Americans have been disenfranchised from day one and are expected to put on their non existent "boot straps" and go compete with ppl who have had a huge headstart while being at the very bottom of the eco-socio- political ladder. That's pure insanity. And that's why #Reparations are long overdue and are in order.
  • @qwerty-vp1sb
    in malaysia theres also affirmative action but its for the religious/ethnic majority malays not for minorities
  • @mrniceguy7168
    The fact of the matter is, that unlike abortion, Affirmative Action is rejected by the vast majority of American’s, in all racial groups.
  • @n00ffensebut
    How is model minority a myth? They never explained that. Model minority is a term from a sociologist in 1966, describing Japanese Americans. Statistics showed that it applies to other Asian-American ethnicities, as well. It is more true now than in 1966 because Asian test scores have been rising.
  • @EEVOL
    They couldn't find a more progressive group of people to talk about affirmitive action than these people. Specially the host. Yes you can attribute Asian success to cultural values, yes there seems to be a disparity between minorities. It's an inconvenient truth. The stats don't lie and it's hard to ignore. Look no further then demographic statistics to Asians and other minorities when it comes to divorce rates, child out of wedlock, single parent upbringing. The left would want you to believe that by pointing these statistics you're racist.