5 Minutes of Fluently Spoken Classical Latin

Published 2023-03-03
Full Latin Script for your personal study:

Lōrīca segmentāta legiōnāriī Rōmānī

Salvēte, nōbilēs meī, exoptātī revenītis ad canālem meum, hic Metatrōn vōs alloquor.

Hodiē dē Lōrīcā Segmentātā loquēmur.
Per nōmen ipsum incipiēmus. Lōrīca segmentāta. Num sīc vocātur ab antīquīs Rōmānīs?
Prōh dolor, quō pactō rēctē vocārētur hoc lōrīcae genus ā Rōmānīs nēminem scīre cōnstat. Hoc nōmen Lōrīca Segmentāta novātum est ā scholāribus hominibus saeculī sextī decimī.

Tamen, lōrīca segmentāta est ipsissimum genus lōrīcae quod repente in mentem venit quandōcumque cōgitēmus dē mīlitibus Rōmānīs, proptereā quod saepiusculē et ostenditur, nec rārō in modō quī contrā chronologiam rērum gestārum pugnat.
Hic autem est legiōnārius Imperiī Rōmānī quī prīmō ferē saeculō mīlitābat, Gāiō Jūliō Caesare Octāviānō Augustō rēgnante.

Hic vērō mīles Reī Pūblicae, mīlitāns in legiōne Jūliī Caesaris in Galliā.
Vidēlicet Reī Pūblicae legiōnārius lōrīcā segmentātā armātus parum historicus est.

Secundum historicōs, spatium trecentōrum annōrum adhibita est lōrīca segmentāta. Omnibus aliīs saeculīs, lōrīca hāmāta, quae est lōrīca ānellīs ferreīs īnstrūcta, ūsitātior est apud Rōmānōs. Oportet hancce esse imāginem quae ad mentem nostram redeat, neque istam.

Ēn vidēmus lōrīcam segmentātam in praeclārā Columnā Trajānī dēpictam, haec enim columna triumphālis, in Forō Trajānī Rōmae sita, monumentum ibi positum post victōriam ejusdem prīncipis Trajānī victōriam in Bellō Dācō.

Lōrīca quam hīc vidēmus vērō admomum speciōsa est, neque enim accūrātē vērī similem lōrīcam segmentātam repraesentat. Eandem difficlutātem percipimus in galeīs scūtīsque, quae nimis parva sunt, fortassis artis causā. Quamobrem nōn rēctē dēpicta sint suspicor esse propter magnitūdinem, ut exemplum dem, scūtum, quippe quod singula mīlitum operiat.

Crassitūdō lāminārum ferreārum prōrsus variāblis est in ipsā lōrīcā, a septem decimīs partibus mīllimetrōrum ad tria mīllimetra, spississimīs vērō lāminīs ūmerōrum quae pars nīmīrum fortissima est.
Lōrīcae lāminae sunt innexae fībulīs orīchalcī, ānsīs ferrēis lōrīsque scorteīs.

Mea versiō quam hīc vidētis cuprō pūrō ūtitur ad innexūs lāminārum corporis, atque orīchalcō ad ūmerōs et lāminās pectōris.

Pondus ūniversē ā septem ad novem chīliogrammata solet esse, lōrīcā certō mūtātā ad ipsum mīlitem. Lōrīcae fōrma sinit mīlitī magnam facultātem sē movendī.

Propter permulta inventa archaeologica jam compertum habēmus dīversīs fōrmīs praebitam esse lōricam hanc per Imperium Rōmānum, forsitan statibus ēvolūtiōnis hujus lōrīcae. Ita sunt fōrmae, ūna quae Kalkriese vocātur ā nōmine oppidī in Germāniā quō ejus frāgmenta inventa sunt, alia fōrma Corbridge typus A et B, in Britanniā inventa, fōrma Newstead, ex Caledoniā, tandem Alba Jūlia, in Rōmānīā inventa.

Fōrma Kalkriese vērisimiliter ipsa est quā ūtēbantur mīlitēs quī mortuī sunt in proeliō silvae Teutoburgēnsis, duoque genera habēmus, alterum veterius, alterum moderniusculum ac multiplexius.
Fierī quidem potest eam esse inter prīmās fōrmās prōtotypicās.
Fōrma Corbridge prō clausūrae mēchanicā ratiōne lōrōrum scorteōrum cum hāmīs metallicīs, probābiliter vīsa est firmior. Typus A lōra scortea servat ad colligendās lāminās pectorālēs ad reliquam lōrīcam, dum typus B ūtitur hāmīs metallicīs, ceu hīc in meā versiōne vērī similī potestis vidēre, quae est Corbridge typus B.
Ē quadrāgintā lāmīnīs cōnstat haec fōrma. Apparātūs collāris et ūmerōrum cōnstitērunt ē vīgintī quattuor lāminīs, et cingulō sēdecim lāminae.
Frāgmenta fōrmae Newstead quae in puteō prīncipiōrum aedificiī inventa sunt in oppidō Newstead in Caledoniā, iterum nōbīs mōnstrant pauxillō mūtātam fōrmam, jam numerō segmentātōrum minōre, ultimō quidem māximō.

Alba Jūlia est fōrma tarda, vērisimiliter secundō aut tertiō saeculō post Chrīstum. Et illa māximē differt ab aliīs — nempe tardior fōrma — quamquam imāginēs quās hīc vidēmus sunt recōnstrūctiōnēs hypetheticae.

Inter commoda hujus generis lōrīcae ūnum est ejus potestātem prōtegendī legiōnāriī ūmerōs perbene. Oportet
nōn meminisse scūtum Rōmānum, quod est satis magnum, prīmum praesidium est mīlitī, ac sī rēctē adhibēbitur, prōtēctiōnem optimam praebēbit ā sūrā ūsque ad clāviculam.

Bene, nōbilēs meī, spērō fore ut haec pellicula tibi placuerit, et sī ita, mementōte: pollice probandō favendum! Subscrībendumque esse meō canālī ad plūra Metatrōnis, et mementōte: Metatrōn suās ālās pānsit. Valēte.

All Comments (21)
  • @robs5688
    A Roman walked into a bar and asked for a martinus. The bartender asked, "Don't you mean a martini?" The Roman replied, "If I wanted a double, I would've asked for it."
  • @ugomorisset5913
    As a roman legionnary myself I confirm this latin is correct.
  • @IceRanger41
    A centurion walks into a bar, holds up two fingers and says “5 beers, please!”
  • @wahn10
    This man could exorcise demons with his powerful, commanding Latin. Magnificus.
  • Ah. Sounds as if a Roman anchorman reading out the nightly news to the TV audience . Wonderfully and clearly enunciated
  • @warthog473
    I was around many Italian and Portuguese speaking people when I was young. My mother and grandmother were from the Azores. My father and godfathers families were from Italy. It's amazing how similar they are to their parent language. I always say that Latin isn't a dead language since it left behind many descendants.
  • Never took a Latin class in my life...but being fluent in French,Spanish and Italian I could understand so much of it ! Beautiful language.
  • @andreask3218
    When you hear Latin being spoken like this, it becomes clear what a beautiful-sounding language it actually is. And one can easily fathom that it could be a still-living European language. Great work👍🏻!
  • @kartofff
    A cousin of mine is crazy in love with Latin. Besides teaching it for a living, 15 years ago he spent several months in a house in Tuscany, where people from all horizons where living together, speaking Latin as their only everyday language. That made me realize how many people still share this passion. In Paris, he was attending Latin parties, with competitions in Latin poetry. Nowadays he's a father of four, and his four kids could understand fluent Latin before they could understand French.
  • I just read a singular Latin word (Aequinoctium) which made me realize I've never actually heard Latin being spoken, and now I'm watching this. What a time to be alive! Awesome video! :medal-yellow-first-red:
  • @ferociousgumby
    I remember the flat, dull way we were told to pronounce Latin way back in the day, when they actually taught Latin in schools. I had no idea it sounded this lively and fluid!
  • @Mal_Outdoors
    Brilliant. I've never heard Latin spoken in a similar way to how it may have sounded 2000 years ago. Thank you.
  • @LovinLnCottage
    I haven’t heard Latin spoken like this since 1964. I was fluent in Latin in high school because I had a wonderful Latin teacher who taught us the correct pronunciation. I love this language because it is so precise. I had to slow down the video to 75% and read the Latin text to get it at all! I am SO rusty! I feel like it will come back if I read and heard it every day again. The written words and tenses and cases all came rushing back. Thank you for a blast from the past!🙏☮️🖖
  • Very beautiful language …I took Classical Latin at high school and loved it very much .
  • @Ahmedkhan8802
    The Romance languages, especially the big four, are among the greatest legacies and gifts to humanity of the Roman Empire. Simply beautiful.
  • @jamu6893
    So impressive to hear fluent spoken Latin, It would be awesome to have the written Latin on screen too though
  • @jimmarotta5596
    Since I'm fluent in Italian, I understand about 70% of this. Well done, carry on.
  • @faresmarzouk3742
    It sounds like a perfect mix between French Italian, Spanish and and english