Greed Is Destroying Apex

Greed Is Destroying Apex

I'm also a GamerSupps partner :) - Code GRRT 10% Off


Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play hero shooter game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Origin and Steam.

Song - Runescape soundtrack
Select audio from Epedemic sound
Jippy music purchased from his bandcamp:

#apex #apexlegends #apexlegendsbreakout

コメント (21)
  • @Grrt
    Reupload because the youtube content ID system is broken and falsely claimed audio :)
  • @iesdise
    -Imagine going to the supermarket to buy chocolate candy. -You don't need candy to live, but you enjoy candy. -The cashier brings out 8 boxes and tells you, that only one of the boxes is a chocolate candy, rest is candy you don't like. -Than the cashier tells you, that if you pay X dollars, you get a random box. -On top of it all, the cashier tells you, that if you buy all 8 boxes (7 of them useless to you), you will get the best chocolate candy out there, BUT ONLY THIS WEEK. Would you keep going to this place? This is how respawn is treating you.
  • @statixfear
    This is called conditioning. EA and Respawn are slowly introducing these systems, over time, anticipating and calculating the impact of backlash, then either making really minor adjustments to then say "we listened to the community" or to just full send it and tank the negative PR... bc we all know that it's still a net positive for their bottom line, at the end of the day.
  • The game has seemingly entered the infamous death spiral. Less people play it thus less people are spending money in the shops causing Respawn to cash grab even more which ends up driving more people away.
  • Respawn: “We have heard the community and promise to never do a gambling event ever again” EA: “Did somebody say gambling events?”
  • Dont forget , they dont update old prestige skins with sky dives trails, they introduce new recolors heirloom with finishers but dont update wraith and Revenant with heirloom recolor finisher
  • @Anarcaeful
    6:30 Dont forget that firsst heirloom recolour was half price in coins and crafting. I thought it would have set a precedence for recolour events in the future but no straight back to full price
  • One thing I find funny no one brings up is the random addition of the Crypto Heirloom recolor, just dropped in the store. And what it strange is they gave him NO new animations with it. So it's probably why it didn't go in an event. It didn't have the same perceived value as the other recolors.
  • @uddstar
    It went downhill the moment they added universal hierlooms
  • Its funny how the first music instantly put me on edge. I felt like I was about to lose all my loot.
  • I mean.... The pilots are always looking for new recruits. Hop on Titanfall 2 everyone?
  • @Kronos3600
    Comunity: what prompted you to make such a controversial change to the battle pass? Respawn: voice of Mr. Crabbs I like money.
  • @noraneka
    Before I feel like apex devs cared about the players base. They used to have devs stream and it was nice to keep us in the loop of what’s going on , but now it’s all gone :(
  • @larssonk22
    Monoco yachts are expensive to maintain bro - Andrew Wilson EA CEO (probably)
  • I'll tell you all a secret EA dont know. It's easy to increase your price when your product is good.
  • @ASAP_Fenix
    At the end of the day I don’t give a f about battle passes,skins, trails, badges, heirlooms, trackers, stickers, etc. I care about the gameplay, game health + ranked. Which is obviously what respawn cares the least about.
  • @telvanniis
    its just annoying because for like 17 seasons, from like season 3 all the way until like season 19 when the gacha stuff started, they had a mostly alright monetization system. they're just suddenly changing it into this weird cash grab gacha stuff and it sucks. it's so greedy all of the sudden for no reason.
  • @AzzyXIII
    Glad someone finally made a video in detail on the progression of monetisation in apex becuase people seem to forget about things like the iron crown event and respawn know that which is why it always gets worse and they just stay quiet about it... hopefully now the community realise how scummy and predatory the monetisation in apex is and will finally take a stand
  • @KA1RUU
    I feel like you should've mentioned the ALGS Team Shop store where all they added were the banner frames for the participating teams and reused old skins just so they could call it a bundle