My Mental Health - Rambo Vlog

Publicado 2020-02-18
Talking about my mental health

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @MrBlueboybutt
    Your personality and sense of humour is what brings me to the streams and YouTube videos. Never stop being you Rambo.
  • @bill-7718
    Holy shit man, I really wish you the best but it's not like wishes can do much. It's crazy that you let out such a positive vibe despite the problems you describe in this video, and I have to say you deserve a lot better. You're a really great guy, but you haven't been treated like one - just look at that dropbox incident a few years back, that's a great example of how the world can be cruel to such a great guy. You deserve better because you're a great guy. Best wishes, Rambo.
  • @OriginalSycan
    Its weird that this video came up as I was just lying in bed thinking about the purpose of my life. Recently I've felt the same as you being desolate with a void inside me feeling that there's no point of doing anything anymore. Stay strong man, you should try to find something fulfilling to fill the void you have.
  • @HellianTV
    I feel you, man. Stay strong. The sun will shine again at the end of this nightmare.
  • @Arcticun
    I can relate to all of this way too well. I do agree that keeping a vlog where you just sit down and actively reflect might help you, but I will also say that professional help is needed. I've always been good at self-reflection, but there are likely always things that you and I will miss about ourselves, that we have a hard time noticing because we've got a very conflicting mental state constantly telling us that we're not worth anything, to not bother. As you said, you need to get to a point where you do care and it's definitely better late than never. I'm almost 30 aswell and I've been putting up seeing a professional for far too long as I've just always said "nah, it's fine, I can deal with this" but in the end, I've gotten nowhere except further down the line. Granted, I hope you can end up finding a path where I failed. I truly, genuinely hope that things work out for you and you get to a place where you can feel content and happy, I also hope that I get there someday, but I don't think we'll get there without starting to prioritize ourselves and our wellbeing. Sorry for the "we" talk and such but it's actually scary how relatable it was to hear you talking about this. Starting to work on it is definitely a step in the right direction. Take care Rambo, you're a fucking fantastic human being.
  • @spell931
    you don't look on streams in the way you described you are in this video. I still see a positive & honest man in you. I can someway relate to your mental state to myself few years ago, when I've had problems with my personal life, lack of acceptance, loss of friends, underachieving, but I was able to go through, and you were a big part of my day routine by doing everyday streams. It didn't matter how bad my days were and how shit I felt at that time, I used to come home, open twitch , seeing you live made me feel that I am indeed at home. You were a part of my day & helped me to go through tough times. Accept this comment as my gratitude towards things that you've done for me just for being live out there. Hope it helps you to recover. There is so much to happen and so many reasons to be alive. See you on streams!
  • @thelarkascend1ng
    Rambo - respect man. Don't give up. Don't give up on the concept of self-love or growth at any age. Try to feel the small blessings of each day that you get to exist on this planet. Your pain is very real, yet you were brave enough to post this and talk about it on YT. Lots of people do care about you!
  • @yashsharmaji
    Hey buddy, It's almost everybody who goes through this, I watched your content about 5 years back and I still remember how fun it was watching you do stuff. Mental issues are mental, If you seek validation from Others for yourself or the stuff you do. You are gonna have a hard time 9/10 times because people are different. My advice - you know your pros, you know your cons, Work on them and be better, The end result wheather failure or success of it all will be the greatest validation you will ever want. Just keep doing and never look back.
  • @aleksei8884
    I can't say that I have gone through similar things, but what I can say is that I have struggled with self love for a very long time. It takes a lot to learn, and a lot of courage to accept that you don't need to be anything "special" or "amazing" or you don't need to prove anything to anyone to deserve to be loved by yourself. What helped me is slowly learing about God, after being an etheist for my whole life I was suddenly desperate for acceptance. And if I took something away from that learning journey is that everyone is loved, and everyone deserves to be loved and forgiven, no matter what or who they are.
  • @T1nCh0
    Keep doing this videos and, try, as an excercise, the same way you pracitce your aim, practice telling yourself thinkgs you like about you. Ive been following you for years, I am a lurker, but i've been following you for a long time, and i'm glad you're talking about it because it makes you human, it's natural to feel like you do, but it takes strenght to talk about it and its a step foreward top getting better. Force yourself to like yourself, it takes practice, it takes strenght, it takes patience, but do it for yourself. There are a lot of people like myself, that likes you the way you are. I know it's a very thing to do, but belive in the people who like you, we do because we see in you someone who we enjoy having in our life. Talk to yourself, tell yourself you're worth, because you are, and there is a lot of people who like you for who you are, but there is one person in particular who you should convice of that, and it's you. Convince your mind of how amazing of a person you are, your mind doesnt belive you yet, but he will if you talk with it enough, and if you feel like you're not enough, there are professionals who can also help you convince that other person living with you, in you mind, how great of a person you ARE. Sorry for my bad english, its not my first language, but out of all the videos i've seen of you, and all the streams i've seen, this is the one that i feel like saying something. You're an amazing person for what i've seen of you, and i dont think many others can say otherwise, but you need to convince that subject in your mind that you're not what he think you are.
  • @der_prof
    can relate to a lot of what you say, it's actually kinda scary. Remember that there's people out there that you have made a tremendous positive impact on. Your mind is creating ridiculous standards for yourself that you can never reach, don't let that drag you down. I found that for myself, as long as you touch other people's lives in a good way life is worth living. Remember that the streamer lifestyle also takes a huge toll on mental health for a lot of people. It only gets harder when you have to rely on it for financial reasons. It's great to see that you can reflect on your past and talk openly about your feelings but at the end of the day going to a psychiatrist and/or getting therapy might be necessary and is nothing to be ashamed of. Really hope you get better and find your drive again <3
  • @iLuSisT
    hang in there man, 1st step is always realising that something needs to be adressed and saying it out loud is a good start. i care for u man, and if u ever feel like talking, just reach out, i can relate.
  • @FaroeSomething
    The part about not feeling your own feelings hit home, feel you on that one.
  • @Mikeemoo1000
    Well done for talking through it. I think it's good for you to make videos like this occasionally, and I'll always take the time to watch them - Mikee
  • @musthabe_
    "I think I need to get to a point where I care". You're absolutely on the right track there. Having external reasons to keep going on simply isn't enough if there is nothing there internally. You need to learn to care and value yourself as a person, but of course it is not easy to do if you feel nothing at all at the moment. I don't think you mentioned this, but I do hope you are currently seeking or planning to seek professional help and medication. They help to recognize and stop bad thought loops and increase internal motivation. I do hope you get better.
  • @Moraltis
    This is not easy to share, but I am glad you did! And really interesting tbh, it's a very open and honest video, and I really hope these help you. Not only you, you are a role model for many people and I hope people struggling with this, will learn from you and start to talk about their stuff too.