losing a friend to mental health

Published 2019-12-17

All Comments (21)
  • @sam-pm6ni
    I lost a friend to mental health in 2017. There were no warning signs, he hadn’t told anyone how he was feeling, and was generally described as happy and cheerful. There is not much more painful than losing someone to suicide, especially when you’re plagued with the thoughts that there must have been something that you could have done; words you could have said to make it all better; signs that you kick yourself for missing. In just over two months, it will be the third anniversary of his passing. I recall someone describing grief as a ball in a box with a button on one side, in which every time the ball hits the button, it hurts. At the beginning, the ball and button are large, but over time, both shrink smaller and smaller. The hurt doesn’t go away, but it gets easier to manage. I hope you find solace in the happy memories you share with Dom. Know that you aren’t going through this alone, and you have a perspective on life and the impact of mental health that is valuable. I can’t personally donate to his funeral, but I truly hope that he gets the sendoff he deserves. Thank you for making this video. I hope it gives someone the courage to speak up. Please don’t be afraid to seek help yourself, either. Bereavement from suicide is a strange and lonely form of grief that can manifest in awful ways. We, as a community, love you ❤️
  • @nina.baba23
    Low-key first reaction was ,"Adam?!?!?" But I totally understand the whole mental health thing,, bc sometimes I feel like that too but, your channel always helps me :)))))
  • @tottylockes
    hey chrissy, i'm glad you decided to speak up on this. it's never easy dealing and coping with this sort of thing. i personally lost my brother a few years back to the same unfortunate fate, and it still hurts to this very day, but i'm glad to see that you're still going on strong, just like Dom would have wanted. <3
  • @sycamore-leaf
    im so sorry for your loss. as someone who has thought of and attempted suicide, i completely understand how you feel and how dom felt. if anyone ever has suicidal or self-harming thoughts, please don’t hesitate to reach out to anyone who can help.
  • @themusicman6762
    I am 100% here for this and am sorry about your friend. I have suffered with mental heath throughout my whole life and know how it feels to be in a situation like that and to witness something like that best regards James B I feel its necessary to pay respects to say my real name as it's a real situation
  • @rizkiabyaz6327
    feel bad for your loss. your speech is amazing mate, really could help me in the future. take your time, dont push yourself to youtube too much. but we're here for you
  • Love you lad, as people we need to get this message out more and help each other. We are going to smash 2020 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • @alexabrooke8998
    I was only halfway through the video when I commented so I just got to this part , but you were talking about the what ifs and please dont torture yourself with them . I know the thoughts will come but know that it was not in your control and you did everything you could. He showed no signs of it, you cant blame yourself): keep your head up ♡♡♡♡
  • @ambermiller6115
    This is so heartbreaking but also such an important video to make. I've been struggling with PTSD and depression for the past year and it can feel so isolating and like nobody understands. I never feel comfortable having in depth conversations about it which is why we need to open the discussion, so people like my feel more comfortable and can start to get better. Thank you, Chrissy, for making this video--it is so important. Rest in peace Dom, sleep tight man❤️
  • @mrdale8052
    We will give him the best day bro ❤❤
  • @k16america16
    First thing I remembered was the stream. Anyone who has thoughts like Dom, Chrissy, should tell someone they know and they should feel comfortable with telling them.
  • I was seriously in tears throughout this video, I've lost a friend to suicide myself so I know exactly what you're going through and I'm so sorry for your loss❤️
  • @TheFosseArmy
    Honestly chrissy i'm really really sorry to hear about dom, just from seeing him on your stream, the way he agreed to the nidoran tattoo and the way he acted on stream, he seemed like a genuinely great guy. Thank you for using your platform to share his story and spread this message, on a personal note i'm always trying to get people to talk to me when they need it but i'm slow to talk to people when i'm down, I've been lucky enough to not get like that too often but to know people are there is a great thing to know. please dont stop saving lives.
  • I am so sorry man, suicide is never the answer it just passes the pain on to other people. I am working hard to break the stigma around mental health and suicide. you're absolutely right we need to let our emotions out its not good to keep that stuff bottled up. 2019 has been a rough for me as well you are not alone.
  • @amberrgaga
    I’m very sorry for the loss of your friend. Thank you for sharing and making this video. It’s so important.
  • @BillyBloggerTV
    Love ya Chrissy! Such an important topic of conversation that more people need to talk about as mental health is something that impacts us all and something that touches everyone’s lives, be it their own or others around them. We’re always here if you need us as well 💛