Current Joys - A Different Age

Current Joys - A Different Age

Shot by Stumble On Tapes
Directed by Nick Rattigan

A Different Age out March 2nd on Danger Collective Records.

コメント (21)
  • When i was younger an art teacher told me that once we grow up we dont look at the sky anymore. So now i look up at the sky everyday and i appreciate life.
  • I'm just leaving this comment here. So that a month, a year, or a decade down the line if someone likes or comments on this thread, I can relive this song. Timeless.
  • Leaving this comment here so that everytime someone likes it or comments on it, I'm reminded of this song and all the deep comments on this video made my people who are the fighting different battles in their own lives and yet our battles are all the same. Do good, stay good. Wish you all a better future.
  • @ozemite7746
    Dear future me, Whether this is to future me in a month, a year, or even 10 years I hope you remember. Remember who you are. Don’t let the flame die out even though at the time of this message it’s just a few embers. Do not let addiction, self doubt, and depression stomp out the flame. Remember that when everything seems dark that maybe, just maybe we are the light. Future self don’t like the light die out because that’s all we have an if we lose the light we will have let ourselves die somewhere deep down inside of ourself. And if you don’t want to fight for yourself, remember when we were a kid. That little kid version of ourself is always there watching as we continue to struggle and let the flame die. He will always be there to provide the embers needed to fuel a roaring flame. Remember who you are future self. With hope, Me from 2024
  • "And I wish I could change, but I'll probably just stay the same" Big mood my man. Big mood.
  • This is my most favorite comment section to read on YouTube. Its like reading a book about how all the people in the world feel, and that makes me feel a little less lonely. I love all of you guys. Whoever is reading this, i love you and I wish you a long and happy life full of warmth.
  • @Jen_678
    This song makes me put my phone on my stomach and lie down on me bed and just listen while staring at the ceiling with an empty mind. No worries, stress, feeling.
  • Didn’t knew people were this lonely. I am more of a stressed person so the first time I heard this song gave me relief. But I realised that I am so lucky that I have people who love me and care about me every day. I hope you find your peace and happiness . Love you all
  • @nehir9107
    i love how we all wish we knew each other
  • This makes me wanna move into a small town and be a kid riding a bike down the street again.
  • The nice thing about listening to this kind of music is coming here late night and get to read people’s thoughts and experiences, I love how everyone feel so comfortable to let out what they are experiencing in like , I love it when they let out what’s happening in their lives as this song plays , I love how they wrote to their future selves and with hopes of coming back here and seeing how much they have grown , and coming back here to remember how life has changed , as they say music is timeless , and it’s amazing to see people go through memory lane and remember the first time they had these. Life happens so fast , sometimes we never know what the other person is going through , show love to people you meet you never know when you can make anyone’s day , you don’t know how many lives you could save by just being nice…
  • @zoeywhite4669
    It’s 3:19 in the morning. I’m rocking my 2 1/2 month old son to sleep to this song for the i don’t know how manyith time. Some where in the 6 minuets and 52 seconds of the song we both find ourselves calming and connecting, and he inevitably falls into a deep sleep on my chest. His perfect little eyelashes resting on his perfect little cheeks I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it.
  • @purpleesc
    this song makes me want to just go outside in the middle of the night and run away. to where, im not sure. but somewhere else.
  • @bayleefs.
    sobbing in my room at 3 am making weird tiny wheezing and sniffling noises because you dont want to wake up your parent vibes.
  • I once dated a girl for almost 7 years and she showed me this song when she used to hurt and cry and I would hold her and cry with her. Just remembering how this song made us feel bringing us together, how it’d make us feel pure bliss. Now I lay here in my bed in the dark just silently crying away wishing she’d come back to me. I hope one day she’ll be in my arms again listening to this song with me happily.💔
  • You ever realize you’re always there for everyone but you’re never really there for yourself and no one’s ever there for you?
  • dear future me, I hope things got better and that you’re okay.
  • I’ve had this in my head for a week now, this isn’t meant to be the best song in the world. It’s not meant to be perfect. It’s not made to get views. This is pain at its finest, stuck in the past, attached to what could’ve been and what you are now, the chorus is the same over and over to represent the loop of the same mindset and thought process you had since then and now. Beautiful work. Everyone has their own meanings to music and some just to pass time. Rasp in the voice is passion, grunge in the beat is anger, and melody in the instrument is emotional movement.
  • This song is beautiful. I've been feeling the blues for quiet a few days.. and was in search of that perfect song, scrolling through the sad song playlists, finally came across this. I don't know why this brought tears in my eyes. It's so hard, this feeling of numbness, the sense of self worthlessness, self hate, blaming myself, guilt talking to myself... all this is so suffocating.