Reinventing Sustainable Modernization - Ian Scoones | Endgame #163

Published 2023-11-22
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In the midst of climate change and global economic development, numerous prescriptions for solutions emerge to mitigate problems and pave the way toward a sustainable future. However, a lingering question persists: are these solutions universally applicable?

Ian Scoones, a British agricultural ecologist and prolific writer, delves into the notion that perhaps the key to attaining a sustainable future lies in one simple action: listening to the people.

#Endgame #GitaWirjawan #Sustainability

About the guest:
Professor Ian Scoones is a Professorial Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK. He is also the co-director of the ESRC STEPS Centre at Sussex and joint convenor of the Future Agricultures Consortium.

Ian laid down the foundation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that we know today through his famous work, Sustainable Livelihood Framework (SLF) which was established in the late 1990s.

His famous books include, “Sustainable Livelihoods and Rural Development” (2021), “The Politics of Green Transformations” (2015), and “Dynamic Sustainabilities: Linking Environment, Technology and Social Justice in a Dynamic World” (2010).

The host:
Gita Wirjawan is an Indonesian entrepreneur, educator, and currently a visiting scholar at The Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC), Stanford University. Gita is also just appointed as an Honorary Professor of Politics and International Relations in the School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham, UK.

Read Ian’s Books for Free!……

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SGPP Indonesia Master of Public Policy:
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0:00:00 - Intro
0:01:01 - From UK to Zimbabwe
0:10:45 - Sustainable Livelihoods
0:24:22 - When Sustainability Meets Politics
0:37:45 - Optimism
0:54:15 - Life Reimagined

All Comments (21)
  • @sguntarto
    In this interview, Professor Ian Scoones discusses his journey from childhood nature passion to activism in the 1980s. His academic shift led to a focus on people-livestock interactions in Zimbabwe, influencing his book "Sustainable Livelihoods and Rural Development." Emphasizing interdisciplinary perspectives, Ian critiques siloed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and calls for a democratic, inclusive approach. He argues against one-size-fits-all solutions, urging region-specific pathways for sustainable development. Ian underscores the need to reimagine cities and work for genuine global sustainability.
  • @elgoogtimo1660
    Appreciate for the inspiration and new paradigm and this is will attributed to constructive efforts of social engineering.
  • @chrisejaned1050
    Thanks Pak Gita, saya sebagai pendengar sangat sangat menikmati setiap pembicara dalam podcast ini sangat.
  • Terima kasih Pak Gita. Harapan saya pada podcast berikutnya semoga Pak Gita bisa mewawancarai tokoh besar di balik pengembangan teknologi AI seperti Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio dan Yann Le Cunn atau Madam Fei Fei Li. Dan juga tokoh2 besar Fisika Kuantum seperti Roger Penrose, Edward Witten, Leonard Susskind, Peter Shor, Sean Carroll, dll.
  • Discourse about finding a balance of sustainability vs economic feasibility particularly for developing countries; is interesting conversation to diagnose & to democratize so enable us to get diverse idea as there are no single solution. What we see this topic somehow still be elitist talk, need to integrate the talk to real people on the ground, understand what their challenge and livelihood are and what intervention we can made. Thank you for bringing this up, really enjoyed it Pak Gita
  • @jacksonyap7196
    Hallo Gita.. We acknowledge you read book a lot. I am a book lover also, but my reading pace is very low. Around 10 pages for an hour for hard book as Sapiens-Yuval Noah or 13 pages for an hour for easy book. I really want to follow your reading pace, one book for a week. Pls advice what book or how to increasing my reading pace?
  • Selalu hadir di konten2 pak gita....gass trus pak gita biar masyarakat indonesia bisa lebih cerdas lagi ❤️❤️❤️❤️🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
  • Dear Pak Gita, please invite Sam Altman from OpenAI, pasti seru untuk bahas AI and application for Engineering di Indonesia. Thx so much
  • @zakiarif4592
    Heran kenapa viewernyaa dikit😅 Percakapannya sangat mind blowing padahal, harus invent ulang tentang persepsi kita mengenai implikasinya ke pola hidup sehari2. Kalo ditarik ke ranah filsafat bakalan kemana2, dari makna kepuasan/kebahagiaan yg erat hubungannya dengan redundancy, penataan teknologi di masyarakat itu seperti apa, dan yang balik lagi ke pola distribusi dengan nuansa kekiriannya
  • @aq7543
    Undang Martin Suryajaya, Om
  • @mrfrog2561
    Pak Gita, kalo bisa tolong ajak diskusi secara terpisah 3 capres 2024 kelihatanya hanya pak Gita yg bisa ajak mereka ngobrol tentang Indonesia menuju 2045 mengenai berbagai Aspek😊😊😊
  • The developed nations should have deployed Universal Basic Carbon Tax or Universal Carbon Pricing around 100 USD for every ton of CO2 eq released into atmosphere. We needs renewables and sustainable energy. We needs negative emissions technologies.
  • Yang terjemahin bukunya tolong diundang juga pak. Biar kita dapat penjelasan soal konteks indonesianya.