Michael McFaul: Ukraine and Showdown Between Democracy & Autocracy | Endgame #134 (Luminaries)

Published 2023-04-14
As the Russia-Ukraine war still rages on, so does the debate surrounding its root causes.

Is the conflict between Russia and Ukraine more complex than a mere issue of sovereignty? And, furthermore, how will its resolution impact the future of democracy?

Join Stanford Professor Michael McFaul, who serves as the Director of the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and former U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation, for a deep dive into the underlying causes of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Hosted by Gita Wirjawan, an Indonesian educator, entrepreneur, and current visiting scholar at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC) at Stanford University.

#Endgame #GitaWirjawan #MichaelMcFaul

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SGPP Indonesia Master of Public Policy:
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00:00 [Intro]
01:55 Background
04:16 Cold War, Hot Peace
11:03 Putin's Motive
17:04 NATO Expansion Debate
26:37 Ideological Turmoil
35:33 Autocratic International
43:33 End of Ukraine War

All Comments (21)
  • @evaruv2050
    aslii dari sekian Podcast pak Gita hanya yang ini saya 12 menit ber jalan langsung saya skip ke video lain.. dalam kamus ANGLO bualan mereka tidak di sebut sebagai Hypocrite.. karena mereka lah barbarian dan penjahat perang sesungguh nya.
  • @redemptus77
    Great interview Pak Gita. Opening another door of opportunity for learning and getting insights from good sources. I especially respect and like Mr. McFaul's take because he invited all of us to think for ourselves given some facts rather than just pushing what he thinks is the truth or right. Nobody can predict the future, but war is not sustainable in the long run as we can learn from history. And though it might make an interesting discussion over coffee or even brunch, the possibility of nuclear war in Europe, and China invading Taiwan, will hopefully be just that, a mere discussion.
  • @hp52024
    Thank youPak Gita, for showing us another perspective of the Russian-Ukraine conflict
  • hello Mr Gita Wirjawan. I am a big fan of your show. Let me propose to you that as long as I know you seldom talk about our country's political condition and you had an experience with that politics. So please invite Boni Hargens Ph.D. to your show; it is gonna be an advanced conversation. Thank you.
  • @dragon88boy
    Saya harus mencernanya dengan menonton berulang ulang ☝️
  • Terimakasih pak Gita Wirjawan telah menghadirkan orang orang yang berpikiran jauh ke depan, dan kompeten dibidangnya. Saya sangat menantikan seandainya pak Gita menghadirkan "Guru Gembul". Mengenal lebih dekat youtuber ini, karena saya melihat orang ini punya pemikiran yang berbeda dari kebanyakan orang Indonesia.🙏🙏🙏
  • @GaneshGunaji
    It is great to see Prof McFaul admit we should have done more to help the USSR after the collapse. I think all of this could have been avoided. Poverty breeds nationalism and authoritarianism.
  • Mantap interview nya, cmn sebenernya pengen lebih dalam pak gita di akhir menggali aspek politic domestic america, karena mungkin opini public dan presidential election berikutnya yg paling menentukan nasib perang tsb
  • @andrisoe1
    Point final nya benar, libatkan RRT sebagai katalis perdamaian antara Rusia dan Ukraina, sebagaimana yang telah berhasil dilakukan di Timur Tengah (Iran vs Arab Saudi). Karena mereka pun sadar, hampir semua bisnis seketika berhenti saat terjadi perang (kecuali bisnis senjata, yang bukan domain mereka).
  • Jika setelah mengikuti wawancara ini dan membandingkan dengan kounter hipotesa oleh akademisi (barat) lainnya...maka kesimpulannya adalah "Perang di Ukraina wajib dilanjutkan sampai tuntas selesai dan muncul pemenang tunggalnya" 😁 Head on..!! ⚔️⚔️⚔️🚀
  • @sguntarto
    Michael McFaul thinks that the war in Ukraine is not about NATO expanding, but rather about the threat of democracy to autocracy. He thinks that the tension between Russia and the West can be eased by talking to each other and getting to know each other.