College Freshman Almost Dies After Hazing Incident

Danny Santulli is unable to walk, talk or see after members of the University of Missouri's Phi Gamma Delta chapter allegedly pressured him to finish an entire bottle of vodka. Eight months later his mom, Mary Pat Santulli, quit her banking job to take care of Danny full time. Extraordinary video footage of the night Danny was paralyzed was released to Inside Edition by the family's lawyer, shows the tragic timeline of the incident.

コメント (21)
  • It’s horrible to think that a single decision can lead to a lifetime of suffering.
  • We live in a society that glorifies alcohol abuse. That is a huge factor in these kind of tragedies.
  • This is really sad. People need to be aware of the dangers of alcohol abuse. It’s important to teach people to say No and not give into peer pressure. The whole culture of fraternities and hazing is messed up.
  • "Unable to walk, talk, or see" Dude at this point why not just let him go, the man is probably screaming inside
  • remember everyone: a high alcohol tolerance isn’t a badge of honor, it’s a problem.
  • @JunoSuede
    I do not get the idea of this foolish pledging hazing nonsense. I never understand it. Maybe because I raised in the Caribbean. Why would I need to prove to people equal like me (students) that I am worthy?
  • Yeah a highschool student that went to my school was allergic to alcohol. They slipped some vodka into her orange juice and she was completely unaware. She became very intoxicated and drowned in her own vomit cause no one checked on her. She died of suffocation and multiple organ failure. Things like this shouldn't be taken lightly and charges to the full extent of the law should apply to anyone involved.
  • @MoistCrumpet
    Anyone who pressures you to drink that much alcohol isn’t a friend.
  • I've never understood why the hell these rituals in college were ever acceptable. It's bullying and destructive.
  • When I was growing up, my parents drilled into my head "Be careful who you hang around with". That advice has served me well for many years.
  • The fraternity and university need to be held criminally liable.
  • @wees4231
    I’m a part of a fraternity and we never forced the use of alcohol in any event. It’s incredibly irresponsible.
  • I can’t imagine what Danny is thinking, just living in a shell of himself for the rest of his life. This is heartbreaking and everyone that made him do this needs to be held accountable to the fullest extent.
  • This happens all the time. When I was in college this exact thing happened only the guy died, never woke up the next morning. College kids have no idea how destructive alcohol is.
  • If any “fraternity” requires you put your life in danger as a “test of loyalty”, they do NOT have your best interest in mind.
  • So sad and haunting how he was blindfolded during his last moments of sight.
  • I’m so sorry for this young man. We have to teach our kids values over fitting in. Because trying to fit in has devastated too many to count.
  • My mom's worst nightmare when I went to college was exactly this: me being desperate to fit in and doing insane things to make it happen. I have never even been tempted. I'd choose a bit of loneliness anytime over endangering my life.
  • This also happend in the Netherlands. A boy died.... You don't need to be part of a fraternity... just make your own friends.
  • I’m 21, finishing up college. Was at a hall of residence in 1st year where obviously there’s booze everywhere and even in the “non alcoholic building” it was quietly rampant. I refused to give in to peer pressure and play drinking games, which truly is just a euphemism for alcohol abuse. I hardly drink now. I used to a lot then but after a scary experience of lacking control after 6 well-filled glasses of wine within two hours I decided to give drinking up. I’ve never been fully drunk but just seriously tipsy. Always have water and food with alcohol. It’s so sad that young students glorify drinking and voluntarily abuse their bodies for the sake of “fitting in”. I feel amazing, but it’s sad that people admire you for saying you don’t drink only to subtly build peer pressure and ridicule you if you don’t participate. But if that happens then you’re hanging out with the wrong people. Your body is your temple guys (I know it sounds kinda tacky but it’s true), you’ve only got one.