Published 2021-03-23
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Special Thanks To Jordan Peterson for allowing us to share!
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Twitter: twitter.com/jordanbpeterson​
Donation Link: www.jordanbpeterson.com/donate


Footage Licensed through Filmpac, Artgrid, and Videoblocks.
Music Licensed through Artlist.


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We own commercial licences for all the content used in this video.
This video was fully edited by us to create a powerful story that the viewer can use to enhance their life.

All Comments (21)
  • To all those watching this video for their mental health, in case no one tells you today, just know you’re not alone (a lot of us are here for the same reasons) and you’re doing an amazing job getting on top of your mental health. And you should be proud of yourself for doing so. I hope you have an amazing day, and know we’re all here with you :)
  • A man who lives in sadness is living in the past, a man who lives in worry is living in the future, a man who is calm is living in the present
  • @wisdom-for-all
    Our anxiety is lying to us. Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows; it empties today of its strength. Fight back 🖖
  • @bunkaiking
    We suffer more often in imagination than we do in reality. Definitely one of favourite quotes
  • @AhmetKaan
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ―C. S. Lewis
  • @eviltwin906
    As a 35 year old male that has dealt with anxiety all my life my advice is it's just a word. You won't always have good days, bad days are innevatibe. There is beauty everywhere you just have to look. Get outside everyday, go for a walk, go to a store. Life's too short too miss out on. Be strong and never give up.
  • @Xaistons
    "What you most need will be found where you least want to look" -Carl Jung
  • @analuiza.960
    When I was in my highiest level of anxiety, I couldn't even go outside my house without start shaking, sweating and having an asthma attack. It was in that point I knew I had to change or I would die soon (I isoleted myself completely and stopped eating) . Its in our lowest, when we have no where to go, that we win. Keep going guys, we can do it!
  • @TopGun_-
    To you reading this right now... you are beautiful. Everything will work itself out. Everyone here knows how you feel right now. This feeling sucks, but know that you will be be ok. This too shall pass...Don’t fight the anxiety, just allow it to work it’s way through. Just let it do it’s thing. It will leave on its own. I’m right here with you right now. We’re gonna do this together. This won’t stay long. It’s on its way out now. Just Embrace the moment as you become at peace with things. You are shedding this off as we speak. Now I want you to close your eyes and place your hands in front of you and lightly wiggle your fingers like you’re playing a piano. Feel it melt off yourself. Feel it drip off your fingertips...See, there it goes......we love you . Daffodils, sunshine, blue skies, refreshing peace. Breathe out. You are loved....Heavy eyelids, drift away, ahhhhhhh, light fluffy thoughts. There you go, you got this. (I’m still here with you) Now sleep. Stay at rest. Shhhhhh....Breathe out. At peace... at peace.... at peace... at peace....🙏🏻🌼🍀☀️✨🌼🍀🌼🍀🐣🌼🍀☀️✨🙏🏻. Ahhhh... That was Great! You did great! You are freaking awesome!!! Now, if you need to, quietly and softly go back and SLOWLY read this again.
  • @519achilles
    We are a community which has lots of taboos. I am 34 and was feeling ashamed of dealing with health anxiety for years, because I was always an athlete powerful and the first one to do risky things when I was younger and I couldn’t admit that it turned around. I always thought that anxiety is for the weak minded, but recently I realised that it is the exact opposite. It requires real mental strength to power through all this negativity, panic attack, the fear that you might die and what you think is best for you. We are strong and smart, but unfortunately he think negatively. We are also a great community! Everyone is trying to help anyone else as much as he/she can. I ‘ve never seen any other community being so sympathetic and caring. Well done to everyone, I wish everyone to be healthy physically and mentally. All the love!
  • @Kaden270
    Jordan’s message is hardest to listen to when, when it is needed the most. He speaks harsh realties that must be heard. In the end, curing through truth.
  • @lightsacco
    My wife died, after 33 yrs together OCT 28th, this helped ,its a constant mind struggle but your words have helped me deal with the worst thing ever in my life.
  • @kinstar
    Sometimes courage isnt always a loud roar, sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says 'I will try again tomorrow'. Whoever this message is for I just want you to know that you'll get there and back on your feet whether you believe it or not. Remember sometimes the smallest things can make the biggest difference.
  • @reef6826
    Don't lose yourself to ego, you are not your thoughts, our actions make us who we are, its about the small victories.. no matter what you have done in the past, hell even if you have killed somebody, you can change and move on with yourself, there is not such thing as only good, or only bad person. You got this.
  • @jokerski3250
    One of the first steps in learning to manage anxiety is to be willing to change how you view your own anxiety. It isn’t something to battle. Anxiety is the way your brain tells you to be aware of or to watch out for something. It’s trying to protect you. Recovery from anxiety is based in allowing yourself to experience it and to treat it as irrelevant. This teaches the brain that what ever it is that it’s telling you to be afraid off doesn’t need to be of importance. Once the brain realizes you don’t mind the idea of whatever it is that might happen it will dial back the severity of the fight or flight signal it is sending you. Over time it’s how to become desensitized to anxiety. It is the best way. Fighting it only makes it worse in the long run. Simple mantras and positive reassurance and reinforcement only work for a very brief time.
  • @_v1si0nary64
    The best way to build positive mindset and thoughts is to drop bad habits and consciously replace them with good ones. Good routine keeps the mind focused on positive forward thinking. Then comes discipline and hard work.
  • @bumble8588
    This is the most realistic answer to fear and anxiety in the world we live in right now. Thank you!
  • Most people, like myself, don't like too talk about it because it triggers it. But this is very calming and super important message !
  • Worry is like a rocking chair it gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere