"You Should Be A Monster" | Jordan Peterson Motivation

Published 2022-12-07
"You don't become safe by being castrated."
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Jordan B. Peterson

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➤➤Transcript (partial):
Part of spiritual development is to recognize the Satanic tendencies that characterize you and to fully wrestle with them and to— and to integrate them. That's the thing. It's—it’s not so much to cast them away. It's to transmute them, you know. And you can see the difference between people who've done that and people who haven't, at least to some degree, because people who haven't integrated the shadow at all are naive. And you can tell that when you look at them and you can tell that when you talk to them. And because they're naive, they're often resentful as well because they get taken advantage of. And someone who's integrated that more, they're dangerous in the—in the martial arts sort of way, which is they're dangerous, but they don't have to be. They don't have to use it because their presence radiates implicit potential for havoc. And that's really necessary. It's one of the things that gives people self-respect. If you're harmless, you're not virtuous. You're just harmless. You're like a rabbit. A rabbit isn't virtuous. It's just... It just can't do anything except get eaten! It's not virtuous. If you're a monster and you don't act monstrously, then you're virtuous. But you also have to be a monster. Well, you see this all the time. Harry Potter is like that, too. It's like he's— he's flawed, he's hurt. He's got evil in him. He can talk to snakes, man. He breaks rules all the time. All the time. He's not obedient at all. But, you know, he has a good reason for breaking the rules. And if he couldn't break the rules, him and his little clique of rule breaking, you know, troublemakers, if they didn't break the rules, they wouldn't attain the highest goal. So it's very peculiar, but it's a very, very, very, very common mythological notion. You know, the hero has to be... The hero has to be a monster. But a controlled monster. Batman is like that, you know? I mean, it's—it's everywhere. It's—it's the story you always hear. If you're going to be a fighter, you have to want to win and you have to want to hurt people. I mean, not for the sake of hurting them. That's what makes you different than an evil person. But you have to have that capacity. You have to develop that. And, you know, that's a step on the way to enlightenment, weirdly enough, because that isn't what people think. People have been fed this diet of pablum, rights and impulsive freedom for so long. There's just an absolute starvation for the other side of the story. There are no rights, technically speaking, without responsibilities. And all we've had for 60 years is a dialog about rights. Well, that leaves a hole on the other side of the story, and it's a hole that— that’s in people's hearts, essentially, because responsibility— well, perhaps that's not more important than rights. Like I said, they're they're part and parcel of the same formula. But it's in responsibility that most people find the meaning that sustains them through life. It's not in happiness. It's not in impulsive pleasure. Those things blow away at the first ill wind. But to adopt the responsibility for your own well-being and to try to put your family together and to try to serve your community and to try to seek for eternal truth and to live them— that's the sort of thing that can ground you in— in your life enough so that you can withstand the difficulty of life. And when you tell people that, especially when you include yourself in the audience, let's say, and you're not finger waving from above...


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All Comments (21)
  • @shan_singh
    "If you are not capable of cruelty, you're absolutely a victim of anyone who is" The way he talks is brilliant.
  • @nurg881
    Be a warrior in a garden, not a gardener in war. One of my favorite quotes
  • "Be a child when you can. Be a man when you have to. Be a monster when it's needed. Don't be a martyr, but always keep him in mind."
  • @Saiiddesigns
    "You have to be powerful, formidable, and peaceful" I love this
  • @euanthony
    “The hero has to be a monster”. Batman was a perfect example of this
  • @batbullet3315
    A real man doesn't go looking for a fight but must always be ready for a fight
  • @aaroninnes7033
    “Those who have swords and know how to use them but keep them sheathed, will inherit the world.” Such a great way of thinking about it.
  • @Anonymous71892
    I've grown to really respect Jordan. He's one of the few guys in the mainstream who has this kind of message, he's not afraid to stand on his point in the face of this pussified world we live in today.
  • @hellcatseven
    Walk a mile to avoid a fight, but when one starts, don't back down an inch
  • Someone once told me "the measure of a man is having strength, and chooses not use it'
  • @DeeDeex007o
    "If the world is full of monsters, the only way to defeat them is to become one yourself."
  • Im 48 years old and it took me this long to grow fangs and claws. And every single thing in my life has changed for the better because of it. What kills me is that the transition from disrespect to respect only takes a matter of seconds. You can see their eyes change imstantly when you tell them "You will not treat me that way." And I spent decades of my life running from it because I wanted people to like me. And they did like me, hell they loved me.....but they didnt RESPECT me. My advice to young people is this.... abuse is never okay. TELL THEM! Starting right now. Tell them "You will not treat me that way." And if they refuse to comply? Force them to comply. Let them know through your words and actions that you will never stop coming back for more. If they kick your ass? Come back for more. If they humiliate you? Come back for more. NO ONE wants to stand in front of an immoveable object. NO ONE.
  • Wow. I can't believe it took me so long to discover this guy. If someone had told me this when I was 14 or 15 it would have changed my life. He's a hero... He's literally saving lives and helping thousands and thousands of people... And has totally sacrificed his normal and comfortable life to do so. Pretty sure he's sitting in front of a commission with his license on the line as I write this.
  • @seanhall
    After years of listening to jordan there is no shadow of a doubt i took his advice and changed for the better, and this has passed on to the lessons i teach my kids. I owe jordan many thanks for his wisdom that has given me the courage to fight back against the wrong doers and cruel people like a monster when needed. Keeping the monster in check can sometimes feel like a full time job. Thankfully there is enough evil to feed the monster regularly.
  • Funny, my grandfather said something similar. Embrace the demon within and use it or else the demon will use you.
  • I was bullied for 3 years I was a small guy (imagine a 14 year old guy who's only 5ft and around 100lbs) so I was bullied even by girls. Never fought in my life and was taught to never hit a girl. At one moment I became tired of everything and decided to practice martial arts. I guess you could say it was my first conscious decision I've made myself. I thought of it myself,I signed up myself and I did it for myself. I haven't done MMA in almost 3 years now, but I do still workout(can't reach consistency due to health complications). And I have to admit that it's true about becoming a monster. Once you get that confidence, strength, violence...People around you might notice it before you. I still haven't fought once, because my bullies have realised that I'm not prey anymore. It's hard not to notice when a skinny small kid gains 20lbs of muscle and 6 inches to height. It just scared them off... I've been to a few unpleasant situations after that, but it never ended up with violence, because it's not your size that matters, it's how you act in a stressful environment
  • @boris001000
    Basically, "Speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far."
  • After realizing the many terrible things that my dad has done and experienced, I’ve found a greater respect for his discipline.
  • @Farbautisonn
    I felt elation when my father died, because of how he treated me. I will feel elation when my mother dies, because she allowed it and stayed with him. But mostly I feel elated, because their examples showed me how not to parent, and I now have two sons whom I am immensely proud of, and who have never, ever for a single second experienced what I experiened. Sometimes, a bad example is all you need to be a good parent.