How top tourist destinations try to overcome overtourism and touristification | DW News

From Canary Islands, Venice to Amsterdam, Europe’s popular holiday destinations are pushing against ‘overtourism.’ But what exactly is ‘overtourism’? And how can we change that?


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コメント (21)
  • I've stopped travelling to the most popular destinations, and instead visit 2nd and 3rd cities, and less popular countries. The locals are generally happy when you visit there, as it benefits the local economy without the negatives.
  • I went to Europe recently and I was shocked with the amount of influencers recording their content. I hadn’t gone to Europe, since 2007 and I forgot how much the world has changed since 2007.
  • @mandandi
    This is why Botswana 🇧🇼 decided on the high value low volume tourism policy many years ago. The environment needed to be protected. Wise decision.
  • @truegrit7697
    I am so glad that I traveled the world 30 years ago, before influencers existed. I met loads of local people and befriended them. It was great. You could actually experience the culture, and not be bombarded by tourists.
  • @calexico66
    The problem is that locals benefit very little from tourism, most economic benefits go to a small portion of businesses that provide accomodation and services to tourists. But these are often low wage jobs and these businesses tend to hire non locals that will settle for less. So people that live there often have to deal with unaffordable housing and higher prices, plus having to deal with the aftermath of the messes that visitors often make.
  • Local places loose their identity, restructured for tourist expectations, costs escalating unaffordability for locals!
  • @AMG-BENZ-1
    Why am I not surprised? I'm a 5 months/year traveler and I'm perfectly OK if restrictions are set. Adjust according to local people's needs. Cruise ships are the first that need to go.
  • @suesol3548
    I live in Puerto Vallarta Mexico and we are having a similar problem. Us locals cannot afford housing anymore, rents sky rocketed, new million dollar condos are only for rich foreigners and we are pushed further away inland. Tourists return to live here after they retire cause its cheaper than the US and Canada and then they still have the audacity to boss around over the locals, so entitled.
  • @zeegeejay
    All these probelms exist in my hometown of Moab, Utah, here in the US. I'm glad overtourism is being discussed. Overtourism makes it impossible for the locals to afford anything and sometimes impossible to get around. This town wouldn't exist without tourism but too much is too much.
  • @renanbp
    Funny how many of the Canary Islanders were once tourists that decided to move there.
  • @jamestk656
    I've been to several places in Spain, France, and Italy. They're nice but not irreplaceable experiences. Not only that, but you could tell the locals are sick of dealing with tourists too or even just foreigners in general. At this point, they might as well charge tourists 100 euros per visit and that should fix their overtourism problem overnight.
  • @tpop3723
    Time for diversifying the economy and not solely relying on tourism.
  • Air BNB should be banned and each country come up with it's own version that can be regulated to benefit the local communities where it operates. Why should the uber rich in San Fransisco get 15% of rental spaces in Barcelona and else where? If it could be kept local in would provide good jobs and could be tailored to local conditions. Boycott Air bnb and encourage local versions to be developed.
  • @minhlede
    all these measurements target the tourist who is just consuming and using the offer that's provided by greedy investors. that's the source of the problem. your aunt who is renting her room or apartment to tourists is not the problem. the students who book that offer are not the problem. it's the companies and investors who are buying and renting real estate on a big scale and drive the locals away until the city turns into disneyland.
  • Ban all cruise ships everywhere. Tourist destinations happier, mother Earth happier. Problem solved.
  • @anonymous..-
    I stopped visiting tourist destinations years ago. I got disgusted at the amount of people allowed to trample on human antiquities. Rome is sad. I now do more natural and physically active travel, not walking around and looking at old stuff and eating.
  • @urimtefiki226
    For years I have not been on vacation, only the rich can afford it.
  • @eksbocks9438
    Short term rentals steal homes from the locals. Tourists are supposed to stay in hotels. And all that money goes back to the community. Instead of one selfish property owner.