Do You Have Post Betrayal Syndrome? | Debi Silber | TEDxCherryCreekWomen

Publicado 2020-01-07
Dr. Debi Silber, founder of The PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute is a holistic psychologist, a health, mindset and personal development speaker, author and mentor who helps people heal from Post Betrayal Syndrome. She’s the author of the Amazon #1 bestselling book: The Unshakable Woman: 4 Steps to Rebuilding Your Body, Mind and Life After a Life Crisis, and has contributed to The Dr. Oz show, FOX, CBS, The Huffington Post, Forbes, Psychology Today, Health, Shape, WebMD, and Glamour to name a few. Her recent PhD study on how we experience betrayal-what holds us back, what helps us heal and what happens to us (physically, mentally and emotionally) when the people closest to us lie, cheat and deceive made three groundbreaking discoveries. Her proven process, birthed from those discoveries, has helped thousands of people fully heal from betrayal; enabling them to thrive in their relationships, work, health and life.
Dr. Debi Silber, founder of The PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute in New York and is a holistic psychologist, a health, mindset, and personal development expert. She's an award-winning speaker, coach and author of the Amazon #1 Bestselling book: The Unshakable Woman: 4 Steps to Rebuilding Your Body, Mind and Life After a Life Crisis, The Unshakable Woman-The Workbook (the companion guide to the book).

Debi has contributed to FOX, CBS, The Dr. Oz show, TEDx, The Huffington Post, Shape, Self, Health, Working Mother, Forbes, Psychology Today, WebMD, Ladies Home Journal, Woman's World and Glamour to name a few. Her doctoral study led to three discoveries around how women experience and heal from betrayal. Based on her findings, along with 27 years of health, mindset and lifestyle coaching, Dr. Debi has created a proven multi pronged approach to help women heal (physically, mentally and emotionally) from a life crisis, specializing in betrayal. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @billjordan5507
    the most tragic thing about betrayal is that it never comes from an enemy...
  • @taniagill4673
    The worst part about betrayal, I think, is the shock. It kind of puts you in this place where you think anyone is capable of anything, and from there it's very easy to never let anyone back in.
  • @johnfrehley3887
    The worst part is that it's the one you'd never have imagined in your wildest dreams, would destroy you or have a wish to. It's never an enemy, it's the one you trusted completely, the one you loved with all your heart and let into every aspect of your life. It's beyond devastating.
  • It’s a double crush. The betrayal itself and then absolutely zero support because they are the person you normally run to for comfort and now you have no one. It’s horrid.
  • @tedfinger
    Her description of betrayal trauma is exactly on target. It changes you. I feel like an empty shell of my former self and I don’t see a path towards transformation. I’ve lost all motivation and enthusiasm for life itself. This is the trauma that’s invisible to the rest of society. No one really understands the pain of a betrayal, except for those of us who live with it.
  • @mattsaysvideo
    “Even though it was done to you, it wasn’t about you,” very well said.
  • @pattiobrien5408
    I grieve for the man I thought he was, for the future I thought we had, the one person who knew all of me. But what she left out, I grieve for the ability to trust myself to protect myself. That’s the one part I can’t get past. It also affected all of my friendships. I sabotaged them to keep myself safe. The loneliness is overwhelming but I don’t know how to heal this part.
  • @duncanboone8226
    It's weirdly comforting for me to hear that there's actual research to back up that there are physical responses to betrayal.
  • @zero-ol2nt
    What betrayal taught me was to never be attached to the amazing happiness that a partner can bring. You could give everything to a person, walk over broken glass and one day they can decide for whatever reason they are not happy. Instead look for your happiness in other things.
  • @komalkoul6486
    "its hurts so much bcz on some level we know its intentional"
  • @DeviantMotives
    One relationship where I was really betrayed and hurt I literally look like I aged 10 years in one year. I really can’t believe I didn’t have a heart attack because of my profound grief. But after this last betrayal, I highly doubt I will ever be able to trust anyone again. There was no red flags with these betrayals. There’s no way of telling a good guy from a bad guy nowadays because they are such good liars
  • @xw7239
    Videos like this are so helpful. My health insurance doesn't cover therapy, so when I can't see anyone, I watch youtube videos from counselors and therapists. It helps to have my feelings validated and not feel so alone. Thank you sister for this blessing of a video 🙏🏼
  • Betrayal is betrayal, once it's done to you, it's hard to trust, even after reconciliation🙏🏻.
  • Once my house is rebuild there's no letting the destroyer back in. That's my lesson learned.
  • Fun fact - if we're able to keep our nervous systems regulated we grieve appropriately for being betrayed and move past it pretty easily. But due to the PLETHORA of CPTSD and PTSD floating around from childhood trauma it's REALLY easy for many of us to get stuck in a vicious and dangerous cycle of Self-betrayal.
  • @Gbenneful
    For someone fighting back tears at my desk, thank you for helping to paint a picture of something that I have really struggled to understand, manage, and overcome.
  • @DebiSilber
    It's my greatest wish that this talk finds it's way to the people who are struggling to heal from a painful experience with betrayal. Please share with those who'd benefit from it. Thank you!
  • For me it's been ten years since the betrayal and I have never been in another relationship. Never again. I think it's PTSD. I would much rather just be alone than have to potentially deal with the same or a similar situation again. It's much less stress. I do miss certain aspects of companionship but I like the peace of mind that comes with being single and not having an intense attachment.
  • @riyagarg6306
    Betrayal taught me that life is very unpredictable and nothing is constant, everything and everyone changes.
  • Betrayal is such a hurtful and confusing thing. The trauma that comes with it, can really drain you at first. What she says about mourning the loss of the person you trusted, is very important. Because the version that you thought was the real them was an intergral part of you and I can kind of compare that to grief. Best thing to do is to start the healing journey (a good therapist really helps). I promise you it's not easy and it will take a lot of work. I'm still in the healing journey, it had its ups and downs. But one thing I'm proud of myslelf is that I got to reinvent myself. I went back to school to do my Masters, started hiking again, going out to social events more. To be honest I've never felt more comfortable and confident in my skin. There is hope, don't give up.