Elon Musk's Six Rules for Tesla Employees

Published 2022-11-29
music - www.ketxl.com

All Comments (21)
  • When I saw the thumbnail I was expecting the rules to be pure insanity but like damn my job needs those rules. The amount of times I’ve been brought to a meeting for something that has nothing to do with my department is ridiculous
  • @dezzydayy4608
    I worked in a hospital for 40 years... the majority of our meeting were held STANDING UP... in this way, we said and discussed things QUICKLY and EFFICIENTLY and moved on
  • @johnytszcinco
    This man got almost a million views in 17 hours by repeating a tweet smfh genius
  • @Kingjay814
    As someone who is literally about to spend the next 4 hours of my life trapped in meetings I 100% agree with this. I’ve got a million deadlines and I lose half my day.
  • @byVezro
    As a software engineer myself, this is spot on. Meetings destroy productivity and are definite time killers. I wish more companies followed these rules lol
  • @jbonexc1725
    The worst thing is getting pulled out of your work for a meeting that doesn't require your presence, but they think you should "listen in". This completely breaks workflow and almost puts you back to the beginning of what you were doing when you were pulled away from your work!
  • @bhaskarkakati
    These are actual good rules. Corporate structure and processes are usually so inefficient. It doesn't hurt to trim down the fat and make room for only useful stuff.
  • I worked in a hospital for 40 years... the majority of our meeting were held STANDING UP... in this way, we said and discussed things QUICKLY and EFFICIENTLY and moved on ... :) ...
  • @TSGEnt
    I was in a job at one point where our Wednesday staff meeting: -was 5 hours long, -if on staff, you were expected to be there - you must attend and stay whether or not you had anything to contribute -You were empowered only if you did what you were told to do -Every vocalised idea was met with, "Good. But..." -You never knew if you were going to be singled out and made example of for sake of the "owner" making his authority known. I don't work there any more.
  • @TheACanning
    I worked for one of USA’s largest publisher and it was the meetings, constant, unnecessary meetings. I couldn’t believe how many company-wide to department meetings every week, usually, multiple a day. It was exhausting, but the snacks were on point everytime.
  • @Laplace3060
    When the first rule was avoid large meetings I thought it was going to be some anti-union bs but that actually sounds like a pretty good set of rules to live by in the workspace.
  • @A13tech
    as an employee of a huge corporate company I absolutely agree with Elons "principles/rules" and I wish we could guide according to them.
  • @mikeystown
    Agree with all except for #2. Juniors can gain a lot being in meetings where they don't contribute - e.g. seeing how your boss presents, negotiates, etc with the client (so you can learn how to do this in the future)
  • @Stanbott
    I worked at some silicon valley companies and even Apple. Those are excellent rules. meeting-itis just makes you look busy and meetings are usually poorly run. Elon's onto something.
  • I was waiting for the one or two rules to disagree on, but these are excellent rules! I'm fortunate to work in a small team of software devs where our team lead uses the same rules: when the subject is not applicable to you or you have more urgent prio's : drop the call. Yes, we we tend to do most on Teams, not in person. Additional benefit: prep-time is minutes, there is no closing laptop/ workstation, go to meeting room, take notepad and pen
  • @theDMLair
    Based on all my years of experience in corporations and companies, those rules are spot on. Meetings by and large are the number one time wasters at a company and most are pointless.
  • These rules also apply nicely to those of us who work from home… my husband thinks nothing of continually interrupting me, asking me questions all over the map. We run a business together and he’s generally out of the office and it gets so much more done! The best way to handle questions without hampering someone’s work flow is to write it down and if you must ask as opposed to text, etc. gather your questions and have a quick sit down meeting. You can’t argue with Elon and his success. Thanks for this Casey!💜
  • @natstar613
    Thank you for making a short informative video about this as opposed to a long drawn out one like most youtubers do.