Navy Seal Commander explains why wake up at 4am

Published 2018-10-15

All Comments (21)
  • @TomSand19
    Watching this at 4:30 am feeling good, then realizing I havent slept yet
  • @ClarkKvnt
    Jocko looks like he wakes his alarm clock up every morning.
  • Just so you know...this video has been the catalyst to a massive life change for me. Seriously. I'm coming back to it after 6 months. I've lost almost 40 pounds. Written 16 chapters of a book. This video is so motivating, so logical, and the visual aid is perfect.

    Edit: Thank you Casey
  • @7joe373
    I feel so dumb after watching this video and realizing that the sense of peace and quiet that has been driving me to stay up late every night can be easily transferred to simply waking up early.
  • @alwingroot8552
    Problem is not getting up early. Problem is: getting in bed early.
  • @N3xPulsus21
    Jocko doesn't have sex, he tactically inserts his unit.
  • @cousinsfactory
    Ive been waking up at 330 every week day for this year to get to the gym from 4-530 before work and my family wakes up. It has literally changed my whole life. I feel 10000% better in all aspects of my life. Ive lost ~80 lbs, my marriage is better, I'm a better father, I'm better at my job, I'm better mentally, and I feel way more confident.
  • I'm not as extreme as Jocko, but I am usually up at 6am. Then its immediately into 30 min of HIIT, followed by 30 min of personal / quiet time. The key is not the extreme early start, it's the discipline of the routine that gets your day started, allows you time for yourself, before the rest of the world is awake.
  • @mso008
    When Jocko was at school, his teachers asked him for permission to go to the toilet.
  • @BBonBon
    Me: Wakes up early and watches YouTube videos
    task failed successfully...
  • @limit420
    Man, this is wild. I started going thru some of Casey's older videos since he's back in NYC. I'm a huge Jocko fan, listen to his pod, reading his book, etc. I saw this video 4 years ago when it came out, had no idea who Jocko was, then found him again on my own about a year later. So crazy to go back and watch this again now, as a fan of both
  • @kj8354
    Jocko wakes up the sun every morning.
  • @George75869
    man that navy seal commander looks exactly like you would imagine a navy seal commander looks like
  • The forearms on that guy to Casey he’s no joke a silverback in human form
  • @kanish3356
    Hi Casey
    Just saw this video. Struggling with time management right now. Wanted to do this from a long time. Will make changes from tomorrow.
    My girlfriend says it’s the practice which makes it easier but I believe if you’ve a mindset, it is achievable. Thankyou casey!
  • @casman1016
    I heard when jocko left his home, he turned to his dad and said,
    "your the man of the house now"
  • @fazoland5528
    Does anybody else get a wave of hate that runs through your body when you hear that alarm sound or it’s only me
  • @knightmare128
    Lol that moment he felt guilt for eating a donut.