Everything GREAT About Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness!

Publicado 2022-09-17
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Doctor Strange 2! Another one that I was surprised some people really seem to hate! Are they wrong? Am I wrong? Will you find these questions and more answered in this video!? You'll have to find out! Here's everything right with Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness!

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @DEDManGaming
    Dr strange possessing his own dead body from a different dimension while cloaked in the souls of the damned is the most Sam Raimi thing to ever exist and I love it so much.
  • @peytonaubin2532
    I legitimately never realized Wanda absorbed Captain Marvel's powers in their fight. It seemed crazy that a big statue was able to crush her to death at the time. Makes sense now though! Thanks for pointing that out.
  • @rogueguardian
    "Good there will someone left to raise them" the delivery from Elizabeth is so spot on and genuinely so sinister. She really eased right in to the supervillain role.
  • "Just because someone stumbles and loses their way, doesn't mean they are lost forever" is fanservice in a movie literally based in fanservice, and yet it still choked me up in theaters.
  • @Alterego912
    Here's a win you missed: the 838 Tommy and Billy were watching an Oswald the Lucky Rabbit cartoon instead of a micky mouse cartoon. Could that imply that Oswald never faded into obscurity in 838?
  • 14:44 Fun fact: the theme that plays after Wanda kills Captain Carter is Wanda's original hero theme from Age of Ultron! (also composed by Danny Elfman) It's played in a minor key here, maybe to symbolize her distancing herself from the Avengers since the first hero she fought alongside was Cap, and now she killed a Cap variant, sort of severing her ties with the Avengers
  • Actually went in completely blind, I’m in the theatre thinking “Hot dang, this director is a huuuge Raimi fan! I can feel the Raimi style throughout this.” Then I saw the credits 🤦‍♂️
  • @bgarcia179
    Elizabeth Olsen’s acting was the highlight of this film for me. The fact that I still sympathized with Wanda after everything she did is a testament to her acting chops
  • @noavink1
    i think MoM had the best stylization of an mcu movie in a while. it really felt like a comic book on the screen. its script was the right balance of corny/fun, the scenes with wanda at kamar taj was so exciting. i just think being called multiverse of madness, and only seeing 2 other universes, all serving the same plot, and being released right after the fan fav everything, everywhere, all at once, which did 5 different plot lines at the same time, didnt help it one bit
  • @humanoid251
    What I love about this movie is that it feels like what a Dr. Strange comic should be. Steve Ditko and Stan Lee created these comics while high on acid in the 60’s. And the transitions in this movie are not only horror homages but feel like comic panels. And don’t even get me started on the absolute acid trip of a sentence that is the description of Strange’s dreamwalking scene: “Doctor Strange possesses his own dead body from another universe and then uses the souls of the dammed to make a cape so that he can fly to Wundigor Mountain to fight the Scarlet Witch to save Wong and America Chavez”
  • @axiosomega
    I like how the musical note fight seems like a call back to Strange’s knowledge of music from the first Dr. Strange.
  • Another reason I thought as to why Wanda turned so quickly at the end was, when she saw how her kids looked at her, she knew that even if she got them back, she still lost them. There was no going back to how things were anymore for her.
  • @trinaq
    Funnily enough, Rachel McAdams has played the love interest of a time traveller five times now ("Doctor Strange 1 and 2," "The Time Traveller's Wife", "About Time" and "Midnight in Paris", yet she never gets to travel in time herself.
  • Honestly Anson Mount as black bolt is such a good casting he’s a great body actor, you can read so much emotions from his facial expressions alone
  • @alexdurain3753
    What sold me on Wanda as the villian, is Mrs. Olsens acting, the script, or both. I don’t think Wanda believes herself when she says “I’m not a monster.” She’s just so caught up in her goal to obtain her kids that she doesn’t acknowledge it. Only when they confirm her fears does she finally cave.
  • For those wondering why wanda turned evil; it takes YEARS to work through trauma, so even after the events of wandavision, she's mentally vulnerable, and The Darkhold corrupts people like that. It turned a non-sentient robot into a sentient one bent on world-domination. I have no problem believing it could revert her back to the Bargaining stage.
  • @ItsNatt09
    Zombie Strange is visually my favorite thing in the whole MCU. The detail, the way the souls of the damned make the arms pose. The eyes when he dreamwalks into the body is the the most Raimi thing to ever Raimi
  • @LiamGuerry
    For Earth 838, everyone is dressed in dark colors because the pollution in the world got so bad, the atmosphere started to break down. To combat this, Reed Richards came up with the idea of planting plants on buildings and everywhere possible to create more oxygen. Everyone in the universe wears a hat and carries an umbrella because of sprinkler systems on the roofs of every building which go off very often to keep the plants alive. I think the deeper meaning for the costume styling in 838 is awesome
  • @thstan4062
    Wanda was surprised that Peggy didn't manage to catch the shield like Steve would've.
  • @caryndreams
    I didn’t catch it in the movie but it stood out in this amazing breakdown - how America saw Billy and Tommy with their mother. And how she was helping a mother missing her children when she, a child, was separated from and missing her mothers. There seems to be a symmetry there in those scenes.