streaming to 0 viewers

Video documentation of a failing Twitch streamer's last few streams of his career.

コメント (21)
  • @teeqo
    Stay at it & enjoy the process as much as you can. You never know when it's your turn
  • @pobatron
    Streaming to nobody is one of the loneliest things I've ever experienced. You just want to end the stream because no one cares, but you know if you stop, no one will ever care. It's a tough feeling, and this video did such a beautiful job of portraying it. Props to you man, you just earned a sub
  • @YoGundi
    Bro... This video gave me so much inspiration, that I had to make my own. The authenticity of showing the struggles of content making is so genuine.
  • @Mista_Cassla
    This hits hard, too darn relatable for me back in the day even when mixer was still around 😅 I think this is why it’s important to post consistently on other social media platforms like YouTube/TikTok promoting your streams where content can live forever rather than hoping someone will scroll down for 40 min to your stream if it happens to be a popular game. You actually can get more viewers/followers streaming A LOT less if you’re constantly making clips/content catered towards your streams. The only time it makes sense to stream 8 hours a day plus is if your already partnered or your getting a ton of traction.
  • @Chikie_
    I've been streaming for 3 years and this video actually shows how lonely it can be but I did progress and made a small community. For everyone who just stared streaming do not give up, you can do it and it is poseable to grow, it just takes time.
  • @Dylastein
    Been streaming for 7 years on twitch and one night my ceiling fell on me and all of the sudden my viewer count went from 0 to 300 and my followers went from 60 to 335. The excitement was almost crippling, but now I stream to a few people who follow me for my content and honestly that feels amazing. You never know when you will get your break, all you can do is keep trying! Stay consistent friends WE got this
  • @damianluck925
    FAm the days i had 1-3 viewers on my streams were so fun. enjoy the process and enjoy the journey. i streamed everyday for 2-3 hours when i got off a full time job working 6 days a week to 1-5 people. I did it cause its fun not for viewers brother. its all about intention whatever youre chasing is whatevers running away from you! Lol i did this for 10 years you gotta have fun with it
  • @Gaga_356
    For the streamers, who actually feel like me: Don't give up bro. If you have 0 viewers, you can be the best streamer in the world, it's just a matter of how much attention you get bro. Don't give up please.
  • @kella5082
    the production on this is insane. you can really tell when something is made with genuine intention and passion. wishing you all the best :)
  • @iNINJAgamer
    5:29 when that “1” pops up, gotta be the scariest and rewarding feeling in the world. Somebody is looking at the stream. Even if it’s for a few seconds.
  • @enubiss
    There are few things as soul crushing as streaming to zero viewers. Knowing there are other people with worse streams that have viewers. “What is it about me that is so boring, so unwanted, so bad, so unlikable? I must be ugly, I must be too negative, I must be too boring, too restricted & controlled” It looks like this video is your big break though so congratulations!!!
  • @jraffy8148
    What a great mini doc. I have never been brave enough to stream on Twitch but the beginning somehow feels so relatable. I guess the sense of loneliness is universal. ... and the music choice is just *chef's kiss*.
  • @KadensProject
    This video really hit me bro. The production of this is insanely good. I remember when I was young I always wanted to stream, so I started. I only averaged 0-2 viewers on a 2 hour stream, which really made me sad. If anyone sees this message, do not give up on what you like doing, you will make it big someday, whatever it is. :)
  • @Aciara
    I can always appreciate something that has passion behind it and something that expresses something that everyone goes through just the realness of life and something not working out as anticipated. Thanks for creating this, I will sure remember !!
  • @SmutGrrl
    The follow sound made me cry 😭 I was too emotionally attached to this whole story. My brain broke when it was revealed. Oh my heart
  • @faziscool
    I get this to like a crazy level.. this video has given me a lot of inspiration, and after thinking giving up my twitch and YouTube account it made me think. I love how you showed the genuine struggles of content creators in the making/ making things and I really appreciate you showing the problems and struggles of this area of content creation.
  • @shwsrvcs14
    If you're gonna stream, edit the clips/highlights to YouTube, show us your interest, what you enjoy, what you like, want us to want to watch you, and most importantly have fun with what you do, learn how to video edit, show us your journey if you want, throw yourself out there and most importantly just keep swimming, but just make sure it doesn't get in the way from real life if that's a reality you have to face, the internet is always there
  • I don't normally comment on Youtube videos, but just wanted to let you know this was a well produced emotional video for someone who likely doesn't have a ton of resources for production. Looking forward to see what videos, if any, come next.
  • @Fortyverse
    Thank you for sharing this and your story. I've been through numerous failures as an artist and it takes courage to pick yourself back up. It's just a part of everyone's story and you never know how learning from those struggles will guide you into your next big moment. Keep grinding on the content at the end of the day we do things that fulfill us and make ourselves happy not for the approval of others.
  • @Last-CallAM
    Every artist of any discipline goes through this, but man did you capture it perfectly