This is NOT Minecraft... ?!

Does MineTest stand a chance of replacing Minecraft?

What if a group of hobby coders could make a better version of Minecraft than Mojang can? I mean, it’s been around for over 13 years now, and even with the controversy surrounding Mojang’s more recent decisions, Minecraft’s player base is still continuing to grow. But will that last forever?


» @CavemanFilms

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» Epidemic Sound

コメント (21)
  • @AntVenom
    Big thanks to CavemanFilms for co-writing and editing this video! Be sure to check out his channel in the description! Also, I will talk about Minecraft 1.19.1 on or before next Saturday!
  • Hi, I'm one of Minetest's developers. Thanks for the video! This was amazing to see, it's clearly very well researched and captures our spirit well
  • I always laugh when you use that clip of you killing CaptainSparklez lmao
  • @jaxkovak
    I started in Minecraft when it came out, playing exclusively as a builder, not a game player. I dropped it not long after because I wanted to write my own plugin mods and found it too time consuming. I found Minetest shortly after release, and I have written many of my own little addons (purely for my own comfort in building), and continue to use it, just for fun to this day. It is currently open right now on a different monitor and I am having as much fun now as I did when I first found it, so thanks to the Minetest devs, and I wish you all the best in continuing to do such a great job.
  • 8:44 - this is the beauty of open source, If one dev abandons an open source project, there is absolutely nothing stopping some other developer with interest in it from picking it up and continuing to maintain and expand it.
  • This is proof that money and funding does NOT necessarily correlate to better code efficiency.
  • One thing that wasn't mentioned -- by default, a minetest world has practically no limits in height! A default world is 61000 blocks in length, width AND height. You can build as far into the sky or dig as deep as you want.
  • something I wanted to mention is that a lot of those minecraft "clones" are just older versions of minecraft pe with different textures before they introduced license checking which checks to see if the game has been legally bought on the play store
  • @TriVoxel
    I recently discovered this game. My friend and I setup a simple server (only requires port forwarding) and installed a ton of cool mods. Now we have a cave generation system that, as far as we can tell, is infinitely generated downward. We can also fly blimps, craft guns, explore biomes and structures never before seen in Minecraft, and so on. It also has better performance than Minecraft in my time playing it, allowing players on lower end hardware to join in. I've found a new love for block building games that kinda died for me when I was forced to play Bedrock as opposed to the old " Editions" that I preferred. Honestly, Minetest is awesome, has fantastic mods, a great philosophy, and MineClone 2 will give you an experience very close to Minecraft's, but with a breath of newness. Very cool game. Definitely recommend!
  • FINALLY SOMEONE TALKING ABOUT MINETEST! I have been playing it for a few years now (not abandoning Minecraft), and the first time I played it I thought "This is just like Minecraft, but worse". My opinion changed when I saw that the mod support for this game is insane, and that you can add what Miniecraft has, and even more with just a few mods. Still not as good as Minecraft, but if Microsoft doesn't stop pushing their ideas into Minecraft, I think it's a solid replacement.
  • You managed to at least partially trick me. Something felt off, but I couldn't quite place what was wrong because I was distracted by how bad the cloners were acting.
  • I'm an admin on what used to be the biggest server on Minetest, and I've been a part of the community for years and years. It's amazing to see the game finally get some time in the spotlight (not just because it's awesome, but because the majority of players on the server are unsupervised children looking for free Minecraft).
  • @DESMal
    6:30 reminds me of TMod Loader for Terraria, which is also a fan made project that HEY was turned into official content on the steam community page
  • Modders: creates a better version of the game with little to no funding. Mojang: I'm sorry but adding two pixels is beyond our capabilities
  • OG Minetest player here. It cannot be overstated how easy it is to add a mod to your server, you can just copy and paste 95% of what you want from somewhere else and just change it a bit, like making a custom crafting recipe or a custom block from a template. Takes 10 minutes at the very most to get a new block in your game, and that is if you DON'T know how to code.
  • I said in my mind "How would Minecraft be line if it was made with Lua?" and then AntVenom said what language MineTest was using. So much of a coincidence. This feels like Garry's Mod, but based off of Minecraft instead of Half-Life 2.
  • Found this one day just browsing the software center on Linux. Can't believe I'm watching an antvenom video on it. I guess Open Source software is slowly gaining mainstream appeal.
  • I played Minetest myself when the whole chat-reporting became a thing. I expected it to be a simple little featureless game and to uninstall it in a few hours What I didn't expect was the rush of nostalgia I experienced. I was taken back to 2011 and playing my first worlds for the first time. Back when you're a kid, the caves and mines you used to dig were so much larger to you. Even if in reality it was only 50 blocks deep. In Minetest, diamonds don't even start to spawn until 1024 blocks underground. And ores don't spawn at their peak until -4096 blocks deep. Please, I encourage everyone reading this far to look up the caves in minetest, they are truly massive, quickly putting the new caves in Minecraft to shame. They go on, and on, and on, and on! Minetest re-lit my nostalgia for Minecraft beta 1.7.2, the first version I ever played. If any of you have been playing since the old days, I highly encourage you to give Minetest a try, and see if it does the same for you. Edit: Antvenom forgot to mention this too, but did I mention there's fireflies?
  • Awesome to see that some people actually care about making a fun experience for others instead of just being a cash grab.
  • I just got into Minecraft again this year after being gone for 7 years. I’m 22 and the last time I played, I was 15. I watched this video because I was curious about the title. I didn’t realize that AntVenom, who I used to RELIGIOUSLY watch when I was 13/14, made this video. When I finally realized it was you, I had a flashback to my childhood. Good to see you again man. I feel like I’m meeting up with an old friend again 🥲