The Mech of Music - A Big Band Basics Guide

The latest and greatest Skullgirls character is finally here!

Time Stamps
00:20 - Pros and Cons
00:55 - Movement Options
01:57 - Important Normals
04:20 - Special Moves
08:54 - Normal Throws
09:27 - Super Moves
12:07 - Assist Options
13:00 - Combos

Here is a bit more Big Band related info you may find useful

Detailed explanation of Noise Cancel…

The Big Band combo thread on Skullheart…

Big Band Trumpet songs…

- Time Splitters 2 : Nightclub
- Super Smash Bros Brawl : King Deedeedee's theme
- Street Fighter 3 : Q's Theme
- Street Fighter 3 : Dudley's Theme
- Advance Wars 2 : Sturm's Theme
- Advance Wars 2 : Blackhole Super Power
- Chrono Trigger : Gato's Theme
- Skullgirls OST : Shenanigans and Goings On

コメント (21)
  • You have the chance to call it "A Big Band Bassics Guide" and you didn't.
  • Oh god Big Bands smaller attacks just crack me up. Big lumbering music man and he whips out a little bike horn to hit you. XD
  • Best character design I've seen in a long time in a fighting game tbh.
  • I love how Skullgirls' dev just made all the characters OP rather than nerfing them
  • I just realize that Big Band has a King Dedede skin.
  • @SadButter
    I might just get this game only for this character's sake. I have no idea what to expect though.
  • Pros High damage output Variety of defensive tools Long range pokes and mixups Excellent Assist options Best BM taunts
  • The use of Strum's Theme and the Black Hole Super Power was a phenomenal touch, especially given the contrast between his look and Big Band's. Makes me happy that those games haven't been forgotten.
  • A little thing you forgot to mention with big band's level 5 super, it uses up the wall bounce and can easily combo into an even more devastating combo to easily 1combo ko opponents ;P
  • If you can use his bagpipes thing right before the 12 hit combo shown at 13:00, you can turn that 12 hit combo that does 6k damage into a 25 hit combo that does about 7.5k.
  • @Jadriam
    VERY clever use of tracks, and a very nice Big Band vid. Thanks for the info and combo ideas.
  • So much better than most of the guides I've seen so far, because I want info on the decision making behind using each move, and worry about putting combos together later when I can play some neutral. Also liked seeing the moves you showcased being used in the examples/demo scenarios as the video went on.
  • 9:28 wait wat? he looks lie sturm and then the sturm themen comes. thats just awesome and at 11:18 the super power themen appears. you are so awesome
  • You forgot to mention his most powerful move is inspired by Jojo's bizzare adventure
  • I don’t even play Skullgirls but Big Band is so amazing a character I had to watch this.
  • Very helpful video! I knew a lot of this but the combos were new to me. Also, i love how the music changes accordingly with the palletes!
  • Honestly, this is the best Big Band guide I've come across yet. All of the explanations of soundstuns on moves and why things are safe or unsafe were great. Thanks!
  • @Qjackful
    Did anyone else find Zone-tan in this video? I did and my day is complete.
  • @Maggsy97
    I've watched two seconds of the video and OH MY GOD TIMESPLITTERS NOSTALGIA