The Mech of Music - A Big Band Basics Guide

Published 2014-04-23
The latest and greatest Skullgirls character is finally here!

Time Stamps
00:20 - Pros and Cons
00:55 - Movement Options
01:57 - Important Normals
04:20 - Special Moves
08:54 - Normal Throws
09:27 - Super Moves
12:07 - Assist Options
13:00 - Combos

Here is a bit more Big Band related info you may find useful

Detailed explanation of Noise Cancel…

The Big Band combo thread on Skullheart…

Big Band Trumpet songs…

- Time Splitters 2 : Nightclub
- Super Smash Bros Brawl : King Deedeedee's theme
- Street Fighter 3 : Q's Theme
- Street Fighter 3 : Dudley's Theme
- Advance Wars 2 : Sturm's Theme
- Advance Wars 2 : Blackhole Super Power
- Chrono Trigger : Gato's Theme
- Skullgirls OST : Shenanigans and Goings On

All Comments (21)
  • @KnightFormidio
    You have the chance to call it "A Big Band Bassics Guide" and you didn't.
  • @Blackwater154
    Oh god Big Bands smaller attacks just crack me up. Big lumbering music man and he whips out a little bike horn to hit you. XD
  • @seraby7151
    Best character design I've seen in a long time in a fighting game tbh.
  • I love how Skullgirls' dev just made all the characters OP rather than nerfing them
  • @dejorgik536
    I just realize that Big Band has a King Dedede skin.
  • @SadButter
    I might just get this game only for this character's sake. I have no idea what to expect though.
  • @waffleman4566
    Pros High damage output Variety of defensive tools Long range pokes and mixups Excellent Assist options Best BM taunts
  • @SwordofSouls
    The use of Strum's Theme and the Black Hole Super Power was a phenomenal touch, especially given the contrast between his look and Big Band's. Makes me happy that those games haven't been forgotten.
  • @OmniDude90
  • @kailler9217
    A little thing you forgot to mention with big band's level 5 super, it uses up the wall bounce and can easily combo into an even more devastating combo to easily 1combo ko opponents ;P
  • @1objection
    If you can use his bagpipes thing right before the 12 hit combo shown at 13:00, you can turn that 12 hit combo that does 6k damage into a 25 hit combo that does about 7.5k.
  • @Jadriam
    VERY clever use of tracks, and a very nice Big Band vid. Thanks for the info and combo ideas.
  • So much better than most of the guides I've seen so far, because I want info on the decision making behind using each move, and worry about putting combos together later when I can play some neutral. Also liked seeing the moves you showcased being used in the examples/demo scenarios as the video went on.
  • @Dr.AvenVon
    9:28 wait wat? he looks lie sturm and then the sturm themen comes. thats just awesome and at 11:18 the super power themen appears. you are so awesome
  • You forgot to mention his most powerful move is inspired by Jojo's bizzare adventure
  • @RiskierGoose340
    I don’t even play Skullgirls but Big Band is so amazing a character I had to watch this.
  • @Cheesedragon117
    Very helpful video! I knew a lot of this but the combos were new to me. Also, i love how the music changes accordingly with the palletes!
  • @darkjak565
    Honestly, this is the best Big Band guide I've come across yet. All of the explanations of soundstuns on moves and why things are safe or unsafe were great. Thanks!
  • @Qjackful
    Did anyone else find Zone-tan in this video? I did and my day is complete.
  • @Maggsy97
    I've watched two seconds of the video and OH MY GOD TIMESPLITTERS NOSTALGIA