Nintendo Wii: Kill Screen

Published 2023-06-17
The Kill Screen on the Nintendo Wii is quite rare, but there have been some instances of players getting this progressively dangerous error on their Wii consoles. If not turned off, the console will become unusable.

The way that the Kill Screen occurs is when your game freezes and brings you to the "An error has occurred" screen. Most of the time, you won't have anything to worry about, as this error is quite common on Wiis and all it takes is a restart to fix the issue(s).

But, there are rare instances where this is not the case.

It's quite a rare occurrence, but your Wii console will display this error if the console is suffering from overheation. If the console determines that the components are getting hot, it will end your game session instantly as the internals are beginning to malfunction from the temperature levels.

And that's what comes next after you restart. You will think everything is perfectly fine, until you load up a game again, or you idle on the Wii Menu. It will display a custom error message stating that the console is currently suffering from malfunction. At this point, it is your best bet to send your console away to be fixed.

But what if you continue?

Once again, you'll boot up the console thinking that everything is fine, but when you press "A", you won't get the Wii Menu, you will get a error instead on a blue screen. Critical component issues are found by the unit and if not fixed, they can shorten the Wii's lifespan. At this point, you are risking your Wii and your best bet would be to send it to be fixed.

You will try booting up the console again to see if the Wii has fixed these issues automatically, but alas, no, because you'll get sent to a "WARNING" message instead, delivered on an orange background. At this point, the console is starting to overheat and gradually increase far beyond the safe temperature levels. The console gives yet another reminder to shut down to avoid any further damages.

But alas, some of you won't listen, and will attempt to boot it up again. You'll get yet another error, but this time, you will get it in a menacingly red color, and red text. The Wii will now hit temperature levels that are too high, which can result in electrical or fire hazards. Now, you're not only risking your Wii, but you are also risking your life as well.

If you are not tech-savvy and don't want to risk potentially damaging your Wii, you will have to unplug your power cord at this point. Some of you will still attempt boot up, however. This time, you will be missing some core system files, and the Wii Menu will not be able to load under any means. Also, your disc drive will become unreadable, and quite frankly, useless. Not even the "Health and Safety Warning" will appear at this point. And, most notably, one or more critical Wii components will fail due to the excessive amounts of heat. The error will make this clear, as well, with red text to match. You might as well unplug it at this point.

But, if you do decide to continue and reboot, you will have exceeded far beyond the safe temperature levels. You will be given an option to enter the system's Safe Mode to attempt to cool down the console and bring it back to safe temperature levels.

Going through with this is a bad idea.

If you decide to enter Safe Mode, the console's fans will roar loud in an attempt to cool down the unit, as well as disable components that are required for the system to work properly. In very rare instances with the Kill Screen, this will be successful, but 90% of the time it is likely to cause irreversible and irreparable damage to your console.

The Wii is now on its last heels. If the Safe Mode starts to fail, some of the letters will be missing from the screen due to component failure. Alas, the Wii carries on, attempting to cool down. Various glitches are pretty much noticeable, and the console's fans roar louder than ever. Once the bar gets to a certain point, the console is done for. The screen will rapidly glitch and the once green progress bar will turn red. But most notably, the text will go completely out of control and spew out random gibberish. Then, your console automatically turns off.

Do not attempt to turn on the console at this point. It is impossible. If you do so, you will get an error message stating that the console has suffered irreparable damages and must be disposed of. I heard on the news that this Kill Screen actually ended up resulting in the death of a young gamer, so I would just listen to the errors if I were you.

NOTE: This isn't real, this was based off one of ‪@TheGreatUnknownProductions‬ 's videos.

The video:    • Xbox 360 (Composite) Killscreen  

All Comments (21)
  • @Astralpace
    dude: gets a strike his wii: how about a strike for real this time
  • @AsoGamer33
    poor dude he just wanted to play wii sports
  • @TheBubbyBubs
    "Please turn off the power to the Wii and dispose of it in a trash bin" 💀
  • @rainbowblobby506
    Love how each time it gets progressively more scary-ish and more severe and at 3:50 it KNOWS about past warnings and is telling you "you gotta turn it off man"
  • @mochamanplays257
    Wii: Please I am dying. I am suffering. Something is wrong. I need to be fixed by a professional or I am going to explode and be rendered useless please I’m begging you I need to be fixed. Him: hehe wii spors
  • @Desmond-TV2
    How the Wii can go to a quiet error to the loudest hazard ever
  • @Nuparu
    I don't like the annoying noise in warning screens and safe mode, text seems a bit informal or have poorly chosen words. Here's how I would write in messages: "Your device is malfunctioning" "Refer to manufacturer for troubleshooting" "Multiple errors detected that may slow down Wii's performance" "Critical errors may result in an irreversible damage" One thing I like is the quality of video reminiscing of Youtube 2005-2012 period. I always tried to imitate such quality but I could not. The strange jittering I find to be very distracting. How did you make such quality for video, not counting the jittering?
  • @nobodyatall9999
    Poor guy just wanted to go bowling. Then his wii said "No thanks." It then EXPLODED
  • @BixTheBitch
    i like to imagine this as some kid accidentally breaking their wii and theyre too scared to tell their parents so they try to fix it themselves but fail
  • @WillieManga
    Quite a bit about this is unrealistic but it is still one of my favorite kill screens. My favorite part is the ending. The noises and color palette, as unrealistic as they are, are pretty unnerving and built up pretty steadily. They make the ending even scarier, as rather than a jumpscare, it's just silent. It's like the Wii was in more and more agony as it went on, like you were pushing it too hard and it was dying. And it was desperately trying to salvage some degree of worth to you, but in the process, it just died. Went silent. You killed it. It wouldn't do that in real life, but I can suspend my disbeleif and say that it's a simulation of what would happen if consoles were more like us, or at least sentient robots.
  • @McBoston
    the balls on this man to keep trying to play his Wii after it warns him of Malfunction and Irriversable Component Damage is strange.
  • @ToastMan2011
    My main problem with this killscreen is the part where it waid if you continue your warranty will be void cause thats just outlandish having your warrenty void because of an error but other than that i like it
  • @RandomGuy_225
    This was not bad. First of all, no garbage jumpscare, most people do this a lot when they make killscreens. Secondly, it’s at least realistic, like my Wii U killscreen, I mean the font does match up a little bit and it looks like something that can happen on a real Wii. This is a good improvement over your previous killscreens, and I hope to see you improve in the future. 9.5/10, not bad.
  • @cloudneverclear
    the heavy glitch sounds in the safe mode are unnessacery and should probably use either wii sfx with no music or no sound at all. plus "booting into safe mode" could be green or even better blue to show windows BSOD because the wii uses a windows CPU
  • @lydianlyre5596
    I love the passive aggressive “You must not be able to turn the wii off. Or you’re an idiot”
  • @DogDaylol1
    Bro:”YES I GOT A STRIKE ON MY FIRST TRY” Wii:I’m gonna ruin his whole day
  • @Lake_Frost
    this is what i like to call “ wii deleted you: exploded your wii “