The Deliberately Bastardized Pokémon Game - RadicalSoda

Lifeless, lazy, greedy, uncaring- If you have noticed a drop in quality over the last few years in Pokemon games, you're not alone. Doing a little research makes it easy to see why that is; rushed games, lazy executives, merchandise timing requirements- Sure, you can rush out a handheld game and maybe people won't notice as much. But a console game? That's much harder to do. In this video we go over almost every aspect of Sword and Shield, from the very start, to the "postgame" and I'll show you just how much they try to get away with. Dexit was only the beginning.

This is a compilation of the seperate parts of the review, the way it was intended to be published.

RadicalSoda Streams:    / @mrsodaberg  
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コメント (21)
  • I hate when people treat the pokemon company/gamefreak like they're an indie dev. People trash cod for milking the franchise but nah, not pokemon.
  • @_XXOs
    Fun fact, most of Sonia’s dialogue works really well if you interpret it as toxically passive-aggressive.
  • @ikaras425
    In my opinion, Hop should have decided to become a Pokemon Ranger. Rangers help pokemon and people more than professors do, but knowing Gamefreak, they forgot that Pokemon Rangers even exited.
  • My sister played this game with an all fairy team, wearing all pink clothes. You can imagine the disappointment when there was no special line from Opal and she simply "wasn't her type" like girl what do you want.
  • I can't get over how there's a gym leader who's entire gimmick is that he's a singer and they don't have him singing
  • I just realised something. "with the future proof models" That is why pokemon disappear at a certain distance. It is the models. You see: You normally produce models at differing resolutions. Basically reducing the polygon count by removing details. That way you get a model that can be loaded when you observe something at larger distances. And finally reducing that to basic shapes for extreme distances. Take a dice for example. The three models would be: 1) High poly. Rounded corners, inset dots. Used for closeups. 2) Mid poly. Slightly rounded corners, dots painted on using Normal Maps (illusion of depth comes from the normal map). Used for mid range. 3) Low poly. Basically a straight up cube with the dots painted on. Used for wide range. The models, which caused slowdown for the 3DS are the high poly ones. And back then: This could not be fixed by loading a mid range model because: They do not exist. Why should there? There were no Pokemon in the open world. There are only High Poly models. That is why pokemon can not be loaded from a distance. Because then multiple pokemon could be seen and due to the high poly count: it would cause a slowdown. Meaning these models were unfit for an "open world" style game. And Gamefreak did not give the team enough time to produce low-poly versions of each pokemon. Which is why they had to use this work-around. Gamefreak had their devs skip an important step in optimisation because they wanted to rush the game out.
  • Fun fact, with dlc you can catch/evolve over 500 pokemon before the first gym... You can basically complete the pokedex and have a full team of legendaries before murking grass boi
  • @airagog
    Imagine being LITERALLY the most profitable franchise of all time and you release a half finished game and try to claim you didnt have the resources to finish it.
  • My favourite part is when people say that the reason long term Pokémon fans don't like these games is nostalgia for the old ones or that they grew up. I never played a single Pokémon game and now I'm playing the DS ones (Black and Platinum) as a 30-year old and I think it would be embarrassing to even try to compare the new ones to them because of how hollow, plastic and rushed they are. It's not nostalgia or age, it's just that the older fans can easily tell that all the passion and dedication that used to be there is completely gone.
  • I did a nuzlocke at one point before the DLC came out, and a Clefable used Metronome and it got Blue Flare, a move only Reshiram could use. So all the coded Pokemon and moves for the DLC were already in the game, but it was just inaccessible. Wow.
  • You know what’s hilarious? Eternatus has the same catch rate as a freaking caterpie. Both have 255 as catch rate So Leon was right in throwing that Pokeball
  • @ToxisFaux
    Throwing my two cents in, i was insulted when fairy gym leader chose bede for being “pink” I was the literal definition of pink. pink hair, clothes, and pokemon during my gym fight. But sure bede’s purple coat is more pink, grandma lookin ass.
  • @Sakkeru96
    For almost the entire game I thought Bede was a pissed off old lady who was never allowed to become a trainer because she had to work to support a family, then she's finally retired and is determined to become the champion now and prove everyone wrong who never believed in her, and she becomes your rival because she's just sick of children getting the chances she didn't have. And frankly I think that would have been much more interesting.
  • The idea of gym trainers forming their teams around ‘Themes’ rather than ‘Types’ is SUCH a good idea. It wouldn’t really change a typical standard playthrough that much, being able to choose and swap different types and not having a limit, and could still make for decent challenges later on. But in the case of a Nuzlocke, it would make forming a team to prey on the gym’s weaknesses much harder, instead having to form AROUND their strengths. Also, seeing leaders with their own diverse team could make for some really interesting fights and characters. Rather than just the ‘Ice’ guy or the ‘Dragon’ girl.
  • I seriously wonder if anyone actually thinks, "they're just kid's games", is a good argument in defense of these games, when super mario odyssey, and breath of the wild were released on the same console years before
  • Funny thing, around 2:20:00 you start talking about Pokerus. I remember back when X and Y first came out one of my pokemon caught Pokerus on the very first day after the release. My buddy and I hung out that day so we could play together, and I remember he freaked out a little bit when I showed him one of my mons with pokerus. Can't remember what first had it, sadly. Anyway I traded something with it to him so he could get it, and then he posted about it online somewhere and we started giving it out to other people and spreading it further with wondertrade. No idea if it's entirely true but we've always joked that I was patient zero for the 6th generation strain of Pokerus.
  • You didn't rate this fairly, you rated it as a game when it is just supposed to be a cash grab. It deserves a 10/10 cuz it was so successful at scamming Pokemon fans.