REViEW: Cat s22 Flip - Life Changing Phone - [DLOG:2]

Published 2023-08-03

All Comments (21)
  • Fact: if smart phones didn’t exist the world would be a better place. People’s mental health would be significantly better and people overall would be more social.
  • @BerfCanal
    It’s refreshing to see I’m not the only person with this problem. I’ve wanted a flip phone for a while and I just had a breakdown last night so I’ve been looking for “dumb” phones with smart features in hopes of getting my life back together. Im gonna buy the S22 flip as soon as I get the chance lol
  • @bravestarr19
    Bought my Cat yesterday gets here today. Got it for $96 american! Thanks for your review really helped in me deciding to make the jump back to 'smarter' phones. I went 9 months with the light phone and I am ready to introduce a smarter device into my life
  • @cybrcura
    thank you for this. i also struggle with the same issue of being chronically on my phone so glad i found this video, divine timing
  • @ajl1x
    Hey man, great video! I was searching around about this cats22 device and your video popped up. But then it became more than that. I too am struggling with this digital addiction life draining stuff. And your video just inspired me to make these kinda (but not exact :v) dlog vids, maybe just for me, to document my one last run to make life better! And i wanted to thank you for that! THANK YOU! (Also, the ending was a banger. Haha. I love combat sports, i mainly watch mma and.. professional wrestling.)
  • @staurfy
    The Cat S22 is exactly what I'm looking for! Here in the US they're selling really badly so I ordered one for 60 bucks! I can't wait for it to get here!!
  • @prodbobbyoddsock
    Great video bro. I'm from Chicago but was just in Wellington for a few weeks. Really beautiful place! I'm in the same spot: Want to spend less time on my phone, but also cognizant of the fact that completely removing every single "smart" function off the bat would hinder actual important aspects of my life. Plus, I think it encourages iPhone relapse. Cheers!
  • @findmefoundyou
    Love this needed this. Convinced me . Thank U bratha !
  • @PhilZwick
    Available on Amazon for less than $70 U.S. My battery life using it primarily as a phone and reading emails is several days. Lots of screen time lessens probably that but as I do not use it that way I cannot say how much.
  • @Fart_Boy
    congrats of the first step, i just ordered mine and am super keen
  • I felt the same way, sick of spending my life on an iPhone. Sold it and bought the cat B26 but it's a dumb phone nothing else. Going to switch to to the cat s22 now thanks for the review. I need maps and Spotify so this is ideal for me.
  • @lulounz
    Thank you for being the only one to mention fb messenger! Thats the only thing that was stopping me from getting a flip phone as hardly anyone txts and most people i know hate whats app 🙂
  • this is my dream phone thanks for this video !! it’s what i needed to watch to make the same decision you did
  • @michaeldhondt368
    Just this from ebay, I currently have a Kyoceria Dura XE flip phone but life is slowly becoming harder without apps or maps so I figured this will be a good compromise
  • @jaykumarr1
    It costs 100 USD here in India. It's a very good flip phone, was on look out for motorola's Star tec the 90s phone but thank god the cat S22 came along
  • @gurjotbains
    Love the video. Love the Kanye and Kim wallpaper. Super close to pulling the trigger on a dumbphone myself. They lowkey scammed you charging that much. Just looked it up and its on sale for $85 CAD. Disappointing hearing about the battery life though you'd really expect it to last longer.
  • @tobymakesfilms
    LOLZ FORGOT I DID THAT ENDING... now the vid has 33k views.... Awkward
  • @birdeizzle
    Great idea. Thank you for sharing 👍🏾
  • @danqueseq01
    i bought the same phone a few days ago, it's going to take a few days to arrive, it cost me about 75 usd
  • @sipalingjoging
    love it when u say "GANGSTER" hahaha Ordered 1 today broo. Salute from Indonesia. Jesus is King!