Did He Know Something We Don't? - The World's Most Mysterious Book - Terence McKenna

Published 2023-11-29
Terence McKenna - Full Lecture | Black Screen | Rain Sounds
The World's Most Mysterious Book - The Voynich Manuscript

Dolphin Tapes, Berkeley CA - 1983
Made by Paul Herbert
Aired on the Psychedelic Salon Podcast

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The Voynich Manuscript PDF On INTERNET ARCHIVE:

Image/Thumbnail/Art Created By Danit


All Comments (21)
  • @abbysorenson6685
    Is anyone else just... blown tf away by McKennas ability to quote history to the month and year, number of books, ducats, etc.? I haven't been around the academic world much but I listen and read a lot, and I can't come anywhere near quoting chapter, verse and episode the way McKenna can. It's truly impressive. Like the folks who can memorize a skyline and then draw it. Amazing abilities.
  • @superodfx
    “An awareness of the spirit carries with it an obligation to action." —Terence McKenna
  • @ofangelsflipz
    I couldnt be happier the young generations are discovering Mckenna and hearing him, at that.
  • @Kid_Ikaris
    Thanks for uploading this! I thought there was only one McKenna talk on the Voynich Manuscipt. Been listening to McKenna on YouTube since middle school. I'm 30 now and still finding things I've never heard before.
  • @leroyjones6170
    I had so many of these recording s on cd. Used to listen to hours and hours worth at work every day, every week for a few years. Love Terrence, wicked smart and file cabinet of a memory.
  • @garden_3130
    This particular talk will always hold a bittersweet memory for me because the first time I heard it I was so taken aback by the mystery and the beauty of the script itself (which I may have) seen somewhere prior to hearing this I believe briefly, and also that signature practicality and eloquence of how Terrence explained it. That was at a time in my life when I was at one of my most peaceful and also conflicted. But this and other talks by Terrence was my oasis.
  • @energiovanni432
    Just listening to Terrence McKenna has expanded my vocabulary, ability to articulate and understand new topics of discussion, and also sharpened my ability to visualize. No drugs were needed. We’re there any mushrooms involved? I don’t know 😊
  • Thank you once again Danit, this talk on The Voynich Manuscript is one I remember and does point out that the phonetic alphabet is a recent development of language. Before its development, written language was novel and not phonetic; most language was oral and not written. Homer’s great works of the Iliad and Odyssey were recited and not written nor read. Many previous written languages were visual symbols and not symbols of sound, It is why many languages, like English, can use 26 letters to create all the oral sounds that were in pictographs. Pictograms: ‘Roughly 600 Chinese characters are pictograms (象形; xiàngxíng; 'form imitation') – stylised drawings of the objects they represent. These are generally among the oldest characters. A few, indicated below with their earliest forms, date back to oracle bones from the twelfth century BCE. These pictograms became progressively more stylised, and lost much of their direct resemblance, especially as the script transitioned from the oracle bone script to the seal script during the Eastern Zhou, as well as during the transition to the clerical script of the Han dynasty to a lesser extent.’ wiki “…Already in the Phenomenology of Perception, Merleau-Ponty had begun to work out a notion of human language as a profoundly carnal phenomenon, rooted in our sensorial experience of each other and of the world. In a famous chapter entitled “The Body as Expression, and Speech,” he wrote at length of the gestural genesis of language, the way that communicative meaning is first incarnate in the gestures by which the body spontaneously expresses feelings and responds to changes in its affective environment. The gesture is spontaneous and immediate. It is not an arbitrary sign that we mentally attach to a particular emotion or feeling; rather, the gesture is the bodying-forth of that emotion into the world, it is that feeling of delight or of anguish in its tangible, visible aspect. When we encounter such a spontaneous gesture, we do not first see it as a blank behavior, which we then mentally associate with a particular content or significance; rather, the bodily gesture speaks directly to our own body, and is thereby understood without any interior reflection: Faced with an angry or threatening gesture, I have no need, in order to understand it, to [mentally] recall the feelings which I myself experienced when I used these gestures on my own account….I do not see anger or a threatening attitude as a psychic fact hidden behind the gesture, I read anger in it. The gesture does not make me think of anger, it is anger itself.1 Active, living speech is just such a gesture, a vocal gesticulation wherein the meaning is inseparable from the sound, the shape, and the rhythm of the words.” David Abram, The Spell of the Sensuous
  • @torreydunn7034
    Before I even listen to this. Yes. Terrence knew a lot of things we don’t.
  • @user-lj6yr5ib6b
    They are obviously the field notes of a botanist. Terrence grew up in a western Colorado mining town, he told stories of dodging bullies and running around with a butterfly net studying nature. He would have recognized them for what they were. But those plants don't match any morphology I've ever seen. The link to the .pdf above, the "reviews" below it, someone hit it. He'd seen them on a DMT trip. Terrence talked of DMT trips to actual places. That had to be his fascination, and as I sit here typing this, I'm wondering if the cosmological section doesn't describe coordinates in space time. Physical directions to a place he might be right now, rappin' with Jethro Tull. He said that the knowledge you accrue in a lifetime is "in your back pocket" when you leave the physical. Be as good a place as any to go, and by then I might have the mental horsepower to actually carry on a conversation with him. Weird comment I know, but it fits.
  • @spearcat710
    As i say all the time, the things i dont know could fill one big ass book, but i do my best to tear a page out of it everyday.
  • My dream is to be a mushroom shaman and trip people out, and listening to this guy is my shamanism class
  • It looks like a catalog of plants. Each plant is very unique with identifiable caracteristics. Like Autobahn and all the birds
  • Interrupting Terrance is like a heckler at comedians show it can throw you off your flow… But TERRY, being the professional, he at is, doesn’t miss a beat and gets right back on track to his rap. Wonder what would get if ask AI what the message , meaning of the Voynich Manual is.
  • @qntmfzx3912
    The story he just told is basically the TV show "A discovery of witches" My mind is now blown
  • @alpha-centaury
    Well. I usually don't comment. but I love the lady asking questions in the background, she sounds curious and not just accepting things. we need more people like her, people that not just listen but also participate and include themselves in the whole equation. Uncle Terence has transcended into a higher realm, he became the information and he lives with us forever. ❤️‍🔥