13 Harsh Truths About Men I'd Share If You Were My Daughter

Published 2024-04-23
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All Comments (21)
  • Number 14: If there is any sign of abuse, like uncontrolled anger, disrespect, put-down's, etc. RUN!! Don't call him out on it. Just leave (safely) and block him. All abuse starts small and escalates. It won't get better, it's not your fault, and you can't fix him!!
  • @SS-bq1yv
    I vote "yes" for more imaginary daughter advice videos.
  • @janetstraw191
    NEVER, ever chase a man! The right one won’t run. 👍
  • @prettybird7597
    The only things is, I was a secure high value woman until I met the wrong man who destroyed everything I built in myself. Every woman needs to listen to this video. ❤
  • @laceyloops
    "Go slow but be quick to leave when he shows he's bad for you" we don’t do this enough
  • @ven2155
    I teared up when he said "you are amazing"  My father never told me that. thank you
  • The funny thing is, i chose the guy i was not as attracted to because he seemed like a great guy. And he was really nice for a while before being literally abusive and emotionally manipulative. After that, i decided that i cant even trust a guy's actions anymore. He was lovely, until he wasnt. My number one advice for all women and girls out there is to always ALWAYS trust your gut. Especially if it's usually right. My gut kept telling me he was a red flag and i kept picking up on very subtle signs he was a red flag but i convinced myself i was overanalysing everything. Words and actions can be misleading. Your gut is right 9 times out of 10.
  • @A0789IJP-vh9zk
    The points: 1. You are amazing -Never give attention to man who don't see that -Don't try to prove him or anyone how amazing you are -Treat yourself with respect 2. Women who don't chase have more success than those trying hard - it lower your value 3 . Know when to believe him & when not to believe him - when he say he's not over his ex, trust him. It's either he mean it or he just a player try to manipulate - real man who wants you won't want to lose you - have boundary 5. Nobody is too busy to reply even within 24/7 (hit hard) - show he's interested in u or not 6. If he doesn't insist to pay in first date (excluding work/platonic) means he wants to provide and protect you 7. You cannot change him you can only decide how you respond - most man do not change. He change only when he wants to - give attention because he treat you well 8. Chemistry is very overated - mistakes the 'roller coaster' emotion as chemistry 9. Do not play it cool - open communication always start in day one No need to go overboard but ask what you want 10. You deserve a man who bring out the best in you (which I always face) 11. When a man give a lot of signals, suddenly give a lot of attention to you, he just doesn't found anybody else 12. Never miss the red flags - doesn't want to talk about where it's going, better move on - if it only bring you misery, stop 13. You get his best behaviour in the beginning of the relationship, as he try to prove his best sides - At some point if it's already bad, run and just get out of the relationship - Or it may takes times to know him Thanks Brian
  • My last partner kept saying 'I don't deserve you.' I would respond, 'say that again and I'll believe you!' That always seemed to throw him off guard. I kept telling him to just say he's lucky he's found me or that he's grateful for particular things, but he never made that switch. We eventually broke up because he wanted less than what I did in our relationship. I wish him the best, but I really had to make the calls he was refusing to make himself. It sucks when guys realize they don't like you that much, and instead of making it clear or stating the obvious, they wait for the other person to do those things for them.
  • @CutelyCreated
    I wrote the 13 Harsh Truths in my journal so I won’t forgot. Thank you dear imaginary dad.
  • @JaneNewAuthor
    People who grew up in a dysfunctional family situation will mistake familiarity for chemistry. I did, over and over again. Once I realised my father had definite narcissisitc characteristics I was able to detect them in other people. My entire world changed.
  • I love that this channel teaches girls to let go of men who are treating them poorly. Instead of teaching girls "how to get back a man's interest.... and set yourself up for a miserable life" 🤦🤷❤️
  • @krembryle7903
    Ok, I have found my internet daddy. Thank you for taking care of me in ways my real father never could.
  • @janeukraine
    Please do a series. My father is a misogynist whose family thinks it's absurd for the men in the family not to cheat on their wives
  • When a guy says you can do better than me, run! He's telling on himself
  • @nikiarr8104
    Loved it! Here are the keypoints: 1. Self-worth: Encourages valuing oneself and not settling for someone who cannot appreciate one's uniqueness. 2. Avoid trying too hard: Trying too hard in a relationship diminishes one's value and can lead to losing oneself. 3. Trust actions over words: Advises discerning when to believe a man's words and when not to, based on his actions. 4. Good men protect relationships: A good man will not risk losing a valuable relationship due to his actions. 5. Prompt responses: If a man takes too long to reply to messages, it could indicate lack of interest or playing games. 6. Importance of chivalry: Suggests that a man's willingness to pay on the first date reflects his interest and respect. 7. You can't change him: Emphasizes accepting a man as he is rather than trying to change him. 8. Chemistry vs. compatibility: Warns against prioritizing chemistry over shared values and communication. 9. Avoid playing it cool: Advocates for open communication from the beginning to gauge genuine interest. 10. Choose someone who brings out the best in you: A good partner should inspire personal growth and positivity. 11. Beware of mixed signals: Warns against accepting inconsistent behavior from someone who only returns when they haven't found anyone else. 12. Address red flags: Encourages addressing concerns early on rather than ignoring potential issues. 13. Initial behavior sets a precedent: The beginning of a relationship often shows a person's best behavior, but it's essential to take time to truly get to know them.
  • @WZech-ly8dm
    YES PLEASE, a series dedicated to "My Imaginary Daughter" would he incredible!
  • be slow when getting to know a guy but quick to get out if he shows bad behavior. I love this. I hate it when the women who stuck by them get left behind broken in pieces.
  • @remarkable937
    I started to learn to believe what a man says after 20 years 🥴. One said to me with a smirk when we first met "I like to just sit on the couch watching tv all the time" but he was always active, it seemed to me. Then we moved in together and yep that is all he wanted to do. Couldn't even get him to go to the movies. Another one said to me while laughing, "I'm crazy". I mean people say disparaging things about themselves all the time, and most of the time they are exaggerating. Well, if a guy says he is crazy believe him 😵‍💫