7 Signs They Are "THE ONE"

How can we KNOW if someone is the right partner for us? Regardless of whether we're seriously dating someone or thinking about marriage, there are certain traits that NEED to be present in them and in ourselves in order to ever have a successful relationship. These are those traits.

How to get HER in the MOOD (funny)
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コメント (21)
  • 1. safety 2. trust, respect (you and your boundaries), kindness (and vulnerable sharing) 3. integrity (personal accountability, no secret keeping, apologies without excuses) 4. shared values, compatibility (religion, politics, kids, inlaws, money, sharing chores,...) 5. empathy (ability to see the world through he other's eyes) 6. interested in growth, healing and emotional maturity (open to working on it if things get tough) 7. friend
  • @mousebyte94
    Sending this to my husband, not because he does anything wrong, but to tell him he's amazing and does a lot of these already. Hi husband if you see this 👋
  • This is not just romantic relationships, it also helps a lot with parent/child relationships. Listening, being empathetic, taking responsibility for behaviour , showing mutual respect- it all matters with every relationship in life.
  • @mr_queso4665
    I’m 17 and am trying to prepare myself to be a good partner for when I actually find somebody, and these videos have been so eye opening.
  • @roxyndra
    “Love, love, is a verb, love is a doing word..” - Massive Attack, Teardrop
  • @LaurieGo57
    After losing my partner of decades ( this week was the second anniversary of his passing), I’m gauging how ready I am to move on. And then I found you. My marriage was not perfect but it was damn good and I started listening to you to figure out what we got right, how we did that, and what we could have done better. After hours of listening, it has been illuminating. I miss him so! But he would be right there, cheering me on. This particular video has been enormously helpful in clarifying my thoughts. I downloaded it so I can revisit it frequently. Wish me well. I have every intention of making lightening strike twice.
  • As a marriage /family therapist of 52 years, I love the vital ingredients of healthy relationships of which Jimmy speaks! His message is so significant to the viability of a healthy relationship; his talk has so many pearls of wisdom! This man is so right on!
  • Having been divorced twice, I knew there were deficits in our relationships but I thought love would see us through. Love simply is not enough. This is an exceptional video that all couples should watch before deciding to marry.
  • @10:15 100% Why my last relationship failed. He would pay attention to his phone over me then want affection after ignoring me. IF I had the audacity to mention feeling snubbed, he went into victim mode, every time. I learned not to share my feelings and he never asked about them. In the 3.5 yrs we were together I do not remember him starting a conversation 1x. It was always me, and after the first 1.5 yrs all attemps to communicate that I felt unsafe sharing my feelings, were always met with defensiveness, projection and accusation. So I stopped trying to communicate. The last 7 months were beyond toxic. "Relationships die in the conversations that were never had." So much truth. Thank you Jimmy. There is a lot of good guidance here.
  • @jointedlegs
    My boyfriend and I are planning to get married but I’m increasingly frustrated with him. I realised after listening to you that he lacks kindness, empathy, and frequently blame-shifts (accusing me back when I’m upset w him until he makes me cry), becomes defensive, and gives me the silent treatment when we have a conflict. I’m increasingly getting very weary trying to teach him how to be emotionally mature. He says he’s trying to change and grow. But I’m not sure if I should continue this…so tired of this recurrent behaviour…
  • @kimrhea1755
    The boundaries are important and this is so spot on. I'm tired of feeling unimportant and devalued.
  • Oh gosh. I didn't realize that I have so much to improve on how I treat my partner. Over the years with my partner, I've become a better person and this made me feel that it's never too late to change. I've started looking into myself more evaluating if it's me. I can attest that there's so much more to a relationship than love, and both should work to keep the relationship a safe place for both. Thank you for this wonderful video!
  • Your video came in a perfect time. I’m thinking of leaving a two year relationship. He’s actually a great guy and has grown so much. I’ve even sent him some of your videos and watched them. Truth is, he still is inconsistent in making me a priority. His promises just seem empty words now. He’s a nice man, but isn’t ready for loving me how I want to be loved. Thank you for saying “how” your loved is important.
  • @janetryan4612
    The "One" to me is someone who supports me in creating a safe, loving space to express how we feel and how to help each other get our needs met to the best of our ability. Now if I could just meet my "One". 😊
  • @awadiop6963
    When my husband cheated on me 3weeks post partum and blamed me for his behavior, I had a severe depression after my tough journey at the Psych unit when I was partially healing I asked him to come with me to couple counseling he said “I’ll go with you if you want but I don’t need it” I never asked him again and now we are divorced. I wish he could come across your video before he sent me down the hill. Thank you for sharing such important tips ❤
  • @millypooh3996
    Thank you for this. I am engaged and this has given me a lot to consider and remember. I was in a marriage with a narcissist for 14 years and am now engaged in a healthy relationship. It’s actually kind of weird. I’m having to learn how to function in a healthy relationship and it’s all new.
  • @juk1779
    I'm really grateful to have found your channel. As a man who just got out of a 6 year relationship since highschool, I've felt quite lost on what I want for my own future and what I want from someone else in my future as well. Your content has helped me figure out how I should be better so that it paths a path of what I want out of my next relationships and what type of man I want to be. Too often, men are introduced to super toxic styles of 'Self help' and 'Relationship' content which doesn't hold them accountable, but when I watch your videos I feel as though you cover all ends without directing blame towards the other person. Your content is not only good for romantic relationships but just relationships in general. I feel like I can much better communicate with my close friends and family with a lot of the key talking points you covered in this video. Thanks for being real and helping throughout my journey.
  • I had not been taught how to PROPERLY love myself/others, and wish that this EXTREMELY important information was a part of all schools curriculums & parenting! Considering that connection is the #1 thing that a humans life revolves around, you would think that this would be the most important part of schooling:.... MAKE IT HAPPEN❕