Go ahead…. Let’s light this candle!

Published 2024-06-15

All Comments (21)
  • Damn... they complain about micro aggressions.... and then want to envoke the rage of GenX?? There appears to be a serious lack of judgement there.
  • You're exactly right, we don't fight fair. We go straight for the feelings that will send them all whining and crying back home. We're playing nice with the requests of the current generations because we want to, not because anything compels us to. And really, at the end of the day, there's really nothing that the younger generations can do to us that could possibly hurt us. What are they going to do, change the Wi-Fi password? Please! We invented that trick! Plus, we lived life before Wi-Fi, yes it's nice, but we don't really need it.
  • @Raven-flight
    I was raised, no such thing as a fair fight. And term, "I'm entitled to..." didn't exist.
  • @laralynnek5159
    Bring it on…my Millennial child and my Alpha grandchildren have already learned…the hard way, lol. We want to be left alone…but if you choose to awaken us…don’t complain about the results of your poor decision making. Respect the X!
  • @Carblesnarky
    Gen X response: Use your aggressive feelings. Let the hate flow through you.
  • Does this millennial punk not understand that Gen X is called "the forgotten generation" for a reason? I guess that he was to busy following hipster trends and being ironically sarcastic...
  • @dreport9433
    Bingo BDV! You nailed it. Please mess with the largest combat veteran population since WW2.
  • @DoomShepherd
    A very wise man once told me: “if you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics sucked.” The other gens talk about how their feelings are hurt. GenX looks up confused and says “what’re ’feelings?’”
  • @annarichter484
    He must be one of these late Millennials who haven't witnessed us in action ... bring it on, I'm bored.
  • @jasonanalco542
    One should study the history of "no such thing as a fair fight" before poking the bear. Might I suggest starting with the brief 100 days labeled Desert Storm? Where a handful of Gen X took the Boomer handbook, added some creative spices to the recipe and smashed the world's 3rd largest army? So badly and quickly that the Military Industrial Complex went "shit, we can't let loose the ferals again. We didn't make any money"
  • @shibosuru
    Ah, poor little guy doesn't realize we would make him cry with words alone.
  • @chellecopley67
    1967 GenX here....I can't help but laugh when I see these things. Were simply not interested in your 'hate train' Hate on baby, if that is what you need to make you feel better.
    If you deal with the Devil, better the Devil you know. & Millennials' don't know us as well as they think they do. Luke told Yoda," I'm not afraid." Yoda responded with," Yea, you will be, you will be."
  • @mirzamay
    It's almost sad. I legit feel bad for the other generations that mess with mine. "Youth and exuberance is no match for old age and treachery" was never so apt. But the treachery isn't really needed, it's just kind of fun. We are the bulldog generation.
  • @The85F0X
    Remember, we were the kids who handled our problems by fighting, in the class, playground, behind the cafeteria after school. We don’t post our feelings on social media, we deal with issues head on.
  • @TeresaTabitha
    We did fight a generational war at one time. The boomers called us entitled lazy shits, we said f you, and did our own thing and were successful. The boomers stopped talking about us, and started using the same tactics they used against us against the millennials. Thus getting us out of the limelight and allowing us to have the shadows we wanted. DBV has the correctness of the matter. We are in the shadows, we are everywhere, we can do anything, because we raised ourselves, fought a generational war as teens and young adults and won, and we took our spoils and went to our own home where we only got stronger. If the younger generations want to f around, they too can find out what we did to the boomers and reap the same rewards.
  • @lynrossi8409
    I'm managing the care of my mother in a nursing facility, providing for my disabled husband, our 6 kids, and 5 grandkids. Even my own sister and her 3 kids come to me for solutions. But, as I've done before, I can up sticks and move in the blink of an eye and no one will hear from me or find me again until I'm ready to reconnect. Last time, I went NC for 3 years. Come for me. Let's see how you like figuring everything out on your own because I'm more than ready and still able to lead my latchkey life over and over again. I have one foot in the tech age and the other foot in the skills of the 1800s. What do you really think you can do to me? Who do you really think will be left at the end of such madness? Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.
  • @MRNotoriousMyk
    You are correct, good sir. Gen X doesn't fight fair, but one minor detail you left out was Gen X does not lose either !!!